
Safety Production Alarm Bell Ringing (No. 71)| The cleaner was knocked into the compression box and rummaged through about 7,000 tons of garbage but did not find it! Details of the investigation report announced!

author:Yichun City Fire and Rescue Detachment

On April 30, 2024, a garbage truck collided with a female cleaner during the reversing process at the Bayi Garbage Transfer Station in Kaiping City, Guangdong Province, causing the cleaner to fall into the compression box from the discharge port, and his whereabouts are still unknown.

A few days ago, the Urban Management and Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau of Kaiping City, Jiangmen, Guangdong Province released the "Investigation Report on the Missing Contact Accident of the Cleaner of the Kaiping "4.30" Bayi Garbage Transfer Station, announcing the details of the above accident.

Safety Production Alarm Bell Ringing (No. 71)| The cleaner was knocked into the compression box and rummaged through about 7,000 tons of garbage but did not find it! Details of the investigation report announced!

How the accident happened

At 11:30 a.m. on April 30, 2024, an employee of Kaiping Bangchen Environmental Governance Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Bangchen Company"), the company affiliated to the Bayi Garbage Transfer Station, reported that the cleaner Zhang could not be contacted.

Bangchen company began to look for it through the company's monitoring at 12 o'clock, and found in the monitoring at 13:30 that at 8:33 on April 30, when the cleaner dumped garbage on the No. 4 unloading port platform on the second floor of the Bayi garbage transfer station, the garbage transport vehicle (Sichuan ABS3**) of Kaiping Branch of Guangdong Baohong Environmental Management Co., Ltd. was about to unload at the unloading port of the No. 4 machine, and the tail of the car collided with the cleaner, causing the cleaner to fall from the No. 4 unloading port on the second floor into the No. 4 compression box on the first floor.

Safety Production Alarm Bell Ringing (No. 71)| The cleaner was knocked into the compression box and rummaged through about 7,000 tons of garbage but did not find it! Details of the investigation report announced!

The location of the incident

After checking the monitoring, the station manager of Bangchen Company reported the situation to the company's leaders, and reported to 110 at 13:44 on the same day, and immediately contacted Hanlan Kaiping Solid Waste Treatment Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Hanlan Company") to find the missing person.

At 14 o'clock, the Kaiping City Urban Management and Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau, the Kaiping Municipal Public Security Bureau (Qiaoyuan Road Police Station, Criminal Investigation Brigade) arrived at the scene of Bangchen Company, and checked the monitoring of Bangchen Company, and found that during the period from 8:33 to 9:03, the Bangchen garbage transport vehicle (Guangdong JR00**) responsible for transporting the No. 4 compression box on the first floor of the Bayi garbage transfer station had been driven out of the Bayi garbage transfer station at 9:03, and the No. 4 compression box was transported to the Municipal Solid Waste Treatment Center for dumping. After checking the monitoring of Hanlan Company, it was found that the garbage in the No. 4 compression box of the No. 4 machine had been dumped into the No. 4 discharge port of the Municipal Solid Waste Treatment Center at 10:01, and more than 10,000 tons of domestic garbage had been piled up in the domestic waste storage bin of the Municipal Solid Waste Treatment Center at that time.

According to the verification of Hanlan Company, on April 30, the garbage transport vehicle of Bangchen Company (Guangdong JR00**) entered the weighbridge of the Municipal Solid Waste Treatment Center at 9:43, left the weighbridge of the Municipal Solid Waste Treatment Center at 9:58, and entered the Municipal Solid Waste Treatment Center from 9:58 to 13:30 A total of 59 vehicles of domestic waste were dumped, with a total of 465.99 tons of domestic garbage dumped.

The whereabouts of the cleaner who was hit are unknown

At 13:50 on April 30, the Kaiping City Management and Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau and the Kaiping Environmental Sanitation Management Office received the report that there were cleaning workers lost contact from Bangchen Company, and immediately notified the Municipal Solid Waste Treatment Center to stop the garbage entering the factory, and the original stacking area was suspended from stacking garbage, and required the relevant cities, towns, and garbage removal companies to suspend the dumping of garbage to the Municipal Solid Waste Treatment Center, and quickly set up an emergency team, together with the Municipal Emergency Management Bureau, to organize staff, solid waste center technicians, experts, About 30 people from Bangchen Company went to the domestic garbage storage warehouse of the Municipal Solid Waste Treatment Center to look for the missing people.

At the same time, arrange personnel to be stationed at the Bayi garbage transfer station and the municipal solid waste treatment center to do a good job in the on-site explanation of the suspension of domestic garbage and the logistics support and stable control of the work. The emergency team organizes a facility inspection team to conduct safety production inspections on the city's sanitation facilities. Since the afternoon of April 30, the emergency team and the staff of Bangchen Company have been stationed in two shifts in the domestic garbage storage silo of Hanlan Company for 24 hours to search for the missing people.

On May 1, the emergency staff and the station manager of Bangchen Company searched and investigated the transport vehicles, compression equipment and indoor and outdoor spaces in the Bayi transfer station again, but still did not find the missing people.

On May 2, the emergency team further optimized the search plan, and used a hook locomotive to hook the suspicious domestic garbage out of the unloading platform from the No. 1 unloading port in the unloading hall of the municipal solid waste treatment center, and carefully searched by manual overturning.

Since the search on April 30, as of May 13, after the emergency team has continuously and repeatedly searched the suspicious areas and garbage, a total of about 7,000 tons of garbage have been searched, and the missing person has not been found.

The direct cause of the accident

Zhang, a cleaner of Bangchen Company, had a weak sense of safety and insufficient understanding of the risk factors of the unloading operation environment, and dumped garbage at the No. 4 unloading port on the second floor of the Bayi Transfer Station without implementing safety measures such as wearing safety belts and checking and confirming the surrounding environment of the operation.

At the same time, Guangdong Baohong Environmental Management Co., Ltd. Kaiping Branch driver Huang drove the Sichuan ABS3** garbage truck in the second floor No. 4 unloading port for unloading operations, the two operations were carried out intersecting, and there was no corresponding guide on the scene to direct the operation; In the process of reversing, Huang did not see Zhang in front of the No. 4 unloading port on the second floor, and Zhang did not pay attention to avoid the vehicle that was reversing. The rear of the vehicle collided with Zhang, causing Zhang to fall from the No. 4 discharge port on the second floor into the No. 4 compression box of the No. 4 machine on the first floor.

The driver is involved in a major liability accident

The accident investigation report shows that Huang, the driver of the garbage truck involved, failed to find the personnel who entered the No. 4 unloading port area in time during the unloading and reversing process on the second floor of the Bayi transfer station; When unloading, do not get out of the car to operate, and are directly responsible for the accident. Suspected of the crime of major liability accidents, it is recommended that the Kaiping Municipal Public Security Bureau handle it in accordance with the law.

Safety accidents at garbage transfer stations occur from time to time

Once it happens, it can be irreversible

Therefore, the safety management of the transfer station is very important

Unloading, transferring, and operation safety

(1) Safety precautions for unloading:

1. Eye-catching warning signs must be set in front of the unloading bin;

2. The position of the discharge port must be set up to prevent the slag dumping vehicle from sliding into the discharge hopper or causing damage to the facilities and equipment;

3. When unloading, it is forbidden for staff to stand behind the garbage truck to prevent accidents;

4. Before unloading, the driver of the garbage collection truck must confirm that there is no one behind the vehicle before opening the hopper to discharge the slag.

(2) Safety precautions for transshipment:

1. Before the transfer box, a blocking block should be set up to prevent the transfer vehicle from causing damage to the facilities and equipment;

2. When transshipment, it should be ensured that the pre-pressed (including separated direct pressure) material box is completely separated from the compression host before the material box can be hooked.

(3) Safety precautions for compression operation:

1. The pressure limit set by the factory is forbidden to be adjusted privately;

2. When the equipment sends out an alarm, the operation of the equipment should be turned off (stopped) in time, and it should be started after checking and confirming that it is correct;

3. Attention should be paid to monitoring the unloading garbage of the garbage collection vehicle, and when a large amount of concentrated construction waste and large branches of greening are found, it should be stopped from pouring into the material box in time to prevent damage to the equipment;

4. When it is necessary to clean the outside of the direct compression box, the power supply must be cut off before it can be cleaned (it is strictly forbidden to directly flush the electrical part with a high-pressure water gun).

Site Transportation Safety:

1. The passage in and out of the garbage compression station should be unblocked;

2. In medium and large garbage transfer stations, obvious traffic diversion signs should be set up; Set up traffic light signal lights in front of the weighbridge entering and exiting;

3. When the docking operation moves the garbage bin, it should be confirmed that there is no one and debris around the track before moving.

Electricity safety

1. The operator and the management personnel of the transfer station shall be responsible for the safety of the electricity consumption of the transfer station;

2. It is strictly forbidden to connect wires in the station; Temporary matchmaking should be reported in advance and a special person should be warned to prevent unauthorized closing;

3. After the completion of the day's operation, all electrical facilities and equipment should be inspected and the main power supply should be turned off, and the doors and windows should be locked at the same time;

4. It is strictly forbidden to carry out cleaning operations with electricity.

Equipment Cleaning and Maintenance Safety:

1. When the compression mechanism is stuck by garbage, it is necessary to completely disconnect the power supply of the equipment before cleaning;

2. When entering the narrow space inside the compression mechanism for cleaning operations, two people should cooperate with the operation and do a good job of safety protection;

3. When cleaning the inside of the vertical compression mechanism, the power supply should be turned off and the vertical compression head should be physically protected and supported to prevent the pressure head from sliding and causing safety accidents.

Safety is no small matter

This is especially true when engaging in hazardous operations such as garbage disposal

Safety must be taken very seriously

Strictly follow the safety operating procedures

Take personal protective measures

Source: China Emergency Management Newspaper and Financial Media Work Department, Emergency Management Department

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