
After Zhang Zuolin's death, the most favored fifth aunt wore heavy makeup every day, but she was able to postpone the fall of the Northeast for three years

author:Lissen laughed

In the long course of history, there are some characters who are little known, but who have played a decisive role in key moments. Zhang Shouyi, a woman from humble background but who rose to prominence in the changing times, was the fifth aunt of Zhang Zuolin, the king of the Northeast. In 1928, after Zhang Zuolin was unfortunately assassinated, this seemingly weak woman affected the fate of the entire Northeast with her extraordinary wisdom and bravery. Have you ever imagined how a woman who came from a troupe used her own wisdom and means to play the Japanese invaders into the palm of her hand, and even postponed the fall of Northeast China for three years? The hidden story behind this is enough to make people jaw-dropping. Zhang Shouyi, the "heroine" in history, how much do you know about her story?

After Zhang Zuolin's death, the most favored fifth aunt wore heavy makeup every day, but she was able to postpone the fall of the Northeast for three years

Let's start at the beginning. Zhang Shouyi's story begins in the background of a war-torn era. In 1894, the Sino-Japanese War broke out, which was not only a conflict between the Qing Dynasty and Japan, but also profoundly affected the future of China. In the flames of this war, a Qing Dynasty general named Yuan Shoushan was famous in the Northeast Battlefield. The cruelty of the war and the incompetence of the Qing court made Yuan Shoushan finally choose to die.

After Zhang Zuolin's death, the most favored fifth aunt wore heavy makeup every day, but she was able to postpone the fall of the Northeast for three years

Behind Yuan Shoushan, there is his concubine Wang Songyan, a woman from the troupe. At that time, the social status of the drama was very low, but Wang Songyan became Yuan Shoushan's partner by chance. In 1897, she gave birth to a daughter for Yuan Shoushan, named Shouyi. Unfortunately, Yuan Shoushan's death left Wang Songyan and little Shouyi with endless grief and uncertainty about the future.

Wang Songyan, who was struggling at the bottom of society, did not choose to succumb to fate. She returned to Fengtian (now Shenyang) with her daughter, rejoined the troupe, and gradually accumulated some meager wealth by relying on her own efforts and ingenuity. And more importantly, she did not let her daughter Shouyi follow her old path, but decided to change her daughter's fate. She sent Shou Yi to the local girls' school, hoping that she could turn over through education and change her fate.

After Zhang Zuolin's death, the most favored fifth aunt wore heavy makeup every day, but she was able to postpone the fall of the Northeast for three years

Shou Yi lived up to her mother's expectations. In school, she became the center of attention with her excellent grades and outstanding talent. In 1917, as a representative of outstanding graduates, she gave a touching speech of thanks at the graduation ceremony, which won a full house. It was at this moment that she attracted Zhang Zuolin's attention. Zhang Zuolin, the powerful leader of the Northeast, attaches great importance to education and talent. Shou Yi's talent just meets his needs.

Soon after, Shou Yi was welcomed into Zhang's mansion and became Zhang Zuolin's fifth aunt. This seems to be a step to the sky, but it is actually the beginning of a new challenge in her life. The intrigue within the Zhang Mansion is closely intertwined with politics and personal destiny. With her ingenuity, Shou Yi quickly found her footing in this complex network of people.

After Zhang Zuolin's death, the most favored fifth aunt wore heavy makeup every day, but she was able to postpone the fall of the Northeast for three years

On June 4, 1928, a sudden tragedy changed the trajectory of Shouyi's fate. Zhang Zuolin was hit by a bomb attack outside the Huanggutun Railway Station and suffered tragically. When the news came, the entire Zhang Mansion fell into chaos and panic. At this critical moment, Shou Yi showed extraordinary calmness and wisdom.

Instead of being consumed by grief and panic, she acted quickly, stabilized her internal emotions, and showed strength and calmness to the outside world. She even handled her relations with the Japanese consulate with a high degree of political wisdom, skillfully exploiting the Japanese psychology so that they could not take more radical action against the Zhang Mansion for the time being.

After Zhang Zuolin's death, the most favored fifth aunt wore heavy makeup every day, but she was able to postpone the fall of the Northeast for three years

Shouyi's strategy was very successful. In the following years, she not only consolidated her position in Zhangfu and the entire Northeast, but also effectively postponed the fall of the Northeast through various means, such as intellectual communication and political marriage. Her actions bought China precious time, and although the Northeast eventually fell, Shouyi's efforts slowed the course of the war and built up strength for the later Sino-Japanese War.

After Zhang Zuolin's death, the most favored fifth aunt wore heavy makeup every day, but she was able to postpone the fall of the Northeast for three years

Behind all this, Shou Yi's personal life is full of sacrifices. She devoted almost all her time and energy to political and social activities, and her personal emotional life was almost blank. It is said that she once loved a young talent deeply, but for the sake of greater responsibility, she chose to give up this relationship and fully devoted herself to the great cause of serving the country and the nation.

After Zhang Zuolin's death, the most favored fifth aunt wore heavy makeup every day, but she was able to postpone the fall of the Northeast for three years

Shou Yi's wisdom and courage make her unique in the male-dominated political arena. She is not only Zhang Zuolin's fifth aunt, but also a strategist who is well versed in politics. Her story is not only about the struggle for power, but also about how a woman struggled in the face of adversity to finally win dignity and time for her country.

After Zhang Zuolin's death, the most favored fifth aunt wore heavy makeup every day, but she was able to postpone the fall of the Northeast for three years

Zhang Shouyi, a woman who came out of the troupe, eventually became one of the key figures in the Northeast Anti-Japanese War. Her story is full of drama and revelation, showing us that even in male-dominated social and political environments, a woman can influence the course of history through wisdom and courage. Zhang Shouyi used her life to prove that true strength does not come from the strength of the outside, but from the tenacity and wisdom of the heart.