
missed the playoffs, 33-year-old Liu Zhixuan made a showdown, the official announcement of the decision, the whereabouts were exposed, and Liao Basket looked forward to it

author:Koga Sports

For a player with a brilliant basketball career, missing out on the playoffs is undoubtedly a heavy blow. For 33-year-old Liu Zhixuan, such an ending is full of regrets. As a veteran of the Liaoning men's basketball team, Liu Zhixuan chose to join the Jiangsu men's basketball team in the last few years of his career, wanting to seek a better development opportunity for himself. However, at the end of the season, he was once again at a crossroads in his life, having to face the difficult decision of whether to retire or not.

missed the playoffs, 33-year-old Liu Zhixuan made a showdown, the official announcement of the decision, the whereabouts were exposed, and Liao Basket looked forward to it

Looking back on Liu Zhixuan's career, it is not difficult to find that this player's achievements in the basketball world are indeed extraordinary. From the initial emergence in the Liaoning men's basketball team, to the later performance in Guangdong, Beijing and other giant teams, and then to the final Jiangsu men's basketball journey, he has left a deep mark on various arenas with his excellent skills and fighting spirit. It can be said that Liu Zhixuan is a true basketball superstar, and his achievements and contributions are worthy of being remembered by fans forever.

However, at the age of 33, Liu Zhixuan had to face the end of his career. The regret of missing the playoffs, coupled with the decline in his physical condition, forced him to think carefully about his future direction. In a recent interview, Liu Zhixuan finally made a showdown and officially announced his decision. He admits that at this stage, he thinks more about how to rest well and put his family first. This undoubtedly means that the former basketball superstar is likely to retire.

Retiring was undoubtedly a difficult decision for the player. After all, basketball has always been his passion, and it is also the cause he has fought for most of his life. However, as he grew older, his physical condition declined, and he could not get the desired results in the Jiangsu men's basketball team, all kinds of factors made Liu Zhixuan have to face the reality of retirement.

missed the playoffs, 33-year-old Liu Zhixuan made a showdown, the official announcement of the decision, the whereabouts were exposed, and Liao Basket looked forward to it

In fact, as early as the end of last season, Liu Zhixuan once considered the option of retiring. At that time, the Liaoning men's basketball team also planned to introduce him to the youth team as a coach, hoping to let the veteran continue to play for the team. However, in the end, after weighing the pros and cons, Liu Zhixuan still chose to join the Jiangsu men's basketball team, wanting to prove his strength on the court again.

However, in this season's competition, Liu Zhixuan's form has not improved much. While he averaged 7.3 points, 3.1 rebounds and 5.6 assists in 29.2 minutes per game, it was clearly no match for his peak performance back then. What's more, because the Jiangsu men's basketball team missed the playoffs, this undoubtedly made Liu Zhixuan feel more loss and regret.

For a professional athlete, being able to make the playoffs is undoubtedly one of the most important goals. It is undoubtedly every player's dream to be able to perform on the stage with the highest honors. And for a veteran like Liu Zhixuan, whether he can realize his dream again in the final stage of his career is even more crucial. However, when this goal came to naught, Liu Zhixuan had to face another major choice in life.

missed the playoffs, 33-year-old Liu Zhixuan made a showdown, the official announcement of the decision, the whereabouts were exposed, and Liao Basket looked forward to it

In the interview, Liu Zhixuan said that he is thinking more about how to rest well and put his family first. This statement undoubtedly means that the former basketball superstar is likely to announce his retirement. For a professional athlete, retirement is undoubtedly one of the most difficult moments in life. After all, basketball used to be their love and career, and once they lost it, they would inevitably feel extremely empty and lost.

However, for Liu Zhixuan, retirement may also mean another new beginning in life. The 33-year-old has been working on the basketball stage for many years, creating countless wonderful moments for the team and fans. Now, maybe it's time to take care of yourself and spend time with your family. After all, throughout the long career of professional athletes, their families have always been their strongest backing and pillar.

For Liu Zhixuan, life planning after retirement is also an important issue. In the interview, he revealed that he is likely to return to the Liaoning men's basketball team and join the team's youth training system as the head coach. This is undoubtedly a very good choice. On the one hand, he can continue to contribute to the basketball industry and help the team cultivate more outstanding young players; On the other hand, he was also able to live next to his family and enjoy a relatively comfortable life.

missed the playoffs, 33-year-old Liu Zhixuan made a showdown, the official announcement of the decision, the whereabouts were exposed, and Liao Basket looked forward to it

For the Liaoning men's basketball team, it is undoubtedly a great blessing to be able to introduce such an experienced veteran as a youth coach. Liu Zhixuan was not only the pillar of the team on the field, but also accumulated rich experience and resources in terms of coaching. Through his joining, the Liaoning men's basketball youth training will undoubtedly benefit a lot, and more outstanding young players will be sent in the future.

It can be said that this is a win-win situation for both parties. For Liu Zhixuan, he can not only continue to contribute to the basketball career, but also enjoy a relatively comfortable life with his family. For the Liaoning men's basketball team, being able to introduce such an experienced coach is undoubtedly a great help to the team's future development.

However, before making a formal decision, Liu Zhixuan may still need to think carefully and weigh it. After all, the decision to retire as a professional athlete is never easy. In addition to his own wishes and the opinions of his family, he also needs to fully consider his physical condition, future development plans, and the impact on the team.

missed the playoffs, 33-year-old Liu Zhixuan made a showdown, the official announcement of the decision, the whereabouts were exposed, and Liao Basket looked forward to it

Huang Basketball Chapter. From the initial emergence in the Liaoning men's basketball team, to the later performance in Guangdong, Beijing and other giant teams, and then to the final Jiangsu men's basketball journey, he has left a deep mark on various arenas with his excellent skills and fighting spirit. It can be said that Liu Zhixuan is a basketball superstar in the true sense of the word, and his achievements and contributions are worthy of being remembered by fans forever.

Of course, when talking about the final chapter of Liu Zhixuan's career, we can't ignore the last season he spent in the Jiangsu men's basketball team. Although he missed the playoffs this season, Liu Zhixuan still contributed his strength on the court. In 29.2 minutes per game, he averaged 7.3 points, 3.1 rebounds and 5.6 assists. This kind of statistical performance is already a new high for him in recent years, even if it cannot be compared with his peak, it is enough to prove that Liu Zhixuan can still exert excellent influence on the court.

Unfortunately, even if Liu Zhixuan still has an excellent performance on the court, because the Jiangsu men's basketball team missed the playoffs, this is undoubtedly a heavy blow to a professional player. In the interview, Liu Zhixuan also admitted that he thought more about how to rest well at this stage and put his family first. This statement undoubtedly means that the former basketball superstar is likely to announce his retirement.

missed the playoffs, 33-year-old Liu Zhixuan made a showdown, the official announcement of the decision, the whereabouts were exposed, and Liao Basket looked forward to it

For a professional athlete, retirement is undoubtedly one of the most difficult moments in life. After all, basketball used to be their love and career, and once they lost it, they would inevitably feel extremely empty and lost. However, for Liu Zhixuan, retirement may also mean another new beginning in life.

The 33-year-old has been working the basketball stage for too many years, creating countless wonderful moments for the team and fans. Now, maybe it's time to take care of yourself and spend time with your family. After all, throughout the long career of professional athletes, their families have always been their strongest backing and pillar.

In the interview, Liu Zhixuan revealed that he is likely to return to the Liaoning men's basketball team and join the team's youth training system as the head coach. This is undoubtedly a very good choice. On the one hand, he can continue to contribute to the basketball industry and help the team cultivate more outstanding young players; On the other hand, he was also able to live next to his family and enjoy a relatively comfortable life.

missed the playoffs, 33-year-old Liu Zhixuan made a showdown, the official announcement of the decision, the whereabouts were exposed, and Liao Basket looked forward to it

For the Liaoning men's basketball team, it is undoubtedly a great blessing to be able to introduce such an experienced veteran as a youth coach. Liu Zhixuan was not only the pillar of the team on the field, but also accumulated rich experience and resources in terms of coaching. Through his joining, the Liaoning men's basketball youth training will undoubtedly benefit a lot, and more outstanding young players will be sent in the future.

It can be said that this is a win-win situation for both parties. For Liu Zhixuan, he can not only continue to contribute to the basketball career, but also enjoy a relatively comfortable life with his family. For the Liaoning men's basketball team, being able to introduce such an experienced coach is undoubtedly a great help to the team's future development.

However, before making a formal decision, Liu Zhixuan may still need to think carefully and weigh it. After all, the decision to retire as a professional athlete is never easy. In addition to his own wishes and the opinions of his family, he also needs to fully consider his physical condition, future development plans, and the impact on the team.

missed the playoffs, 33-year-old Liu Zhixuan made a showdown, the official announcement of the decision, the whereabouts were exposed, and Liao Basket looked forward to it

At this critical juncture, Liu Zhixuan must make a wise choice. After all, a person's life path often depends on their own decisions. If he decides to retire, the basketball superstar will have a new chapter in his life after sweat and tears. And if he chooses to continue to play for the Liaoning men's basketball youth team, then he will also cultivate more excellent reserves for the team and make more contributions to the cause of Chinese basketball.

Regardless of what he ultimately decides, we should all feel our sincere admiration and blessings for this former basketball superstar. In his career, Liu Zhixuan has undoubtedly written many brilliant basketball chapters. From the initial emergence in the Liaoning men's basketball team, to the later performance in Guangdong, Beijing and other giant teams, and then to the final Jiangsu men's basketball journey, he has left a deep mark on various arenas with his excellent skills and fighting spirit.

As a true basketball superstar, Liu Zhixuan's achievements and contributions are worth remembering forever by fans. No matter what he decides in the end, I believe that as long as he still maintains his love and dedication to basketball, he will definitely be able to achieve better results on the new road and contribute more to the cause of Chinese basketball. Let us send our most sincere wishes to this basketball maestro with the greatest reverence, wishing him the greatest satisfaction and happiness wherever he goes.

missed the playoffs, 33-year-old Liu Zhixuan made a showdown, the official announcement of the decision, the whereabouts were exposed, and Liao Basket looked forward to it

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