
In 2015, Yan Boya, the wife of world champion Wang Hao, hugged her male partner in the face while dancing. Wang Hao left the scene directly with a dark face, and before leaving, he glanced at his wife, and then took it

author:Chicken Soup for the Soul

In 2015, Yan Boya, the wife of world champion Wang Hao, hugged her male partner in the face while dancing. Wang Hao left the scene angrily with a dark face, and before leaving, he glanced at his wife, and then took the microphone and scolded his wife angrily: "Women should be husbands and children at home." After speaking, he ignored the dissuasion and left the scene angrily!

(Information source: Olympic champion Wang Haolu was angry and left his wife angrily - CCTV)

Wang Hao was once a famous Chinese table tennis player, who ranked No. 1 in the world for 27 consecutive months, and was known as the man who "unified the table tennis world by himself". But after his peak, his form declined, he lost many matches and fell into self-denial.

At his lowest point, he met dancer Yan Boya at a dinner party, and her appearance allowed him to regain his sight. The two met from this experience.

Yan Boya is a gentle and assertive person, and she can always give Wang Hao strength when he needs it most.

During Wang Hao's low period, she didn't mention much about what he needed to improve, nor did she put pressure on him.

Instead, she takes him to outdoor activities, to see the beauty of nature, and to relax in different ways. This allowed Wang Hao to regain his enthusiasm from a dark time.

Later, Wang Hao found that he not only regained his motivation in training, but also found the long-lost happiness in the competition. He no longer cares too much about rankings, but instead focuses on his technique and process.

Three years later, their love is also like a ripe fruit, quietly waiting to be picked. They decided to get married, and the news caused quite a stir in the sports circle. The combination of Wang Hao and Yan Boya is known as a "match made in heaven".

Yan Boya was once a top dancer in the company, however, all the light dimmed shortly after she got married because she became pregnant.

She knew it meant that she had to leave the stage for a while, and despite her love of dancing, she was willing to put it all aside for the sake of her children.

At the same time, her husband, Wang Hao, is thriving in his career.

As a table tennis coach, he is getting busier and busier, spending almost every day on the training ground.

Yan Boya began to get used to living alone, and every time she went to the prenatal checkup, she always walked into the clinic alone.

The doctor told her that everything was normal, she nodded, smiled and accepted the information, and then walked out of the hospital alone, feeling a faint pain in her heart, but she did not complain to Wang Hao.

When she gave birth to her son, her life was even busier.

Every day, she has to take care of this little life, from feeding to changing diapers to putting to sleep, she takes all the responsibilities without complaint.

Wang Hao is rarely at home, and his work takes up most of his time, sometimes not seeing him all day.

Yan Boya gradually got used to this lonely parenting life, and when she coaxed her children to sleep, she occasionally thought of the stage, and remembered the lights and applause that once belonged to her.

Time flies, and the child grows up.

Yan Boya watched her son toddle and gradually began to walk and jump, and a deep sense of satisfaction surged in her heart.

She knew that she had given everything for the sake of her children, and now, that dedication was beginning to pay off.

On the child's second birthday, Yan Boya decided to pick up her dancing shoes again.

Since giving birth, Yan Boya has worked hard to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Not only does she eat a healthy diet to ensure her baby has enough breast milk, but she also exercises regularly to keep her body active and flexible.

Her perseverance and hard work soon paid off, and she regained her pre-pregnancy body shape and gradually began to plan for her career comeback.

Recently, she received an important invitation to record a show, which was not only her debut back on stage, but also her chance to prove that she still has great talent.

As Yan Boya's good friend, Sun Tao specially invited her husband Wang Hao to participate in the event to witness this memorable moment.

At the recording scene, the lights were shining and the music was exciting.

Yan Boya wore a semi-sheer dress and danced passionately with her male dance partner.

On stage, she appeared confident and charismatic, and the audience applauded her performance.

However, Wang Hao, who was sitting in the audience, gradually revealed a trace of gloom on his face.

In his eyes, the distance between his wife and his male dance partner seemed too close, and their dance moves were too intimate.

That tacit understanding and physical contact made him uncomfortable.

After the performance, Sun Tao excitedly pulled Wang Hao to the backstage to meet Yan Boya.

However, when they walked to the stage, Wang Hao did not appear as excited as the others, and his eyes were always locked on his wife.

The host next to him tried to lighten the mood and asked him with a smile, "How did you feel about tonight's show?"

Wang Hao glanced at his wife Yan Boya, with indifference in his tone, "I think she should still be honest at home and teach her husband and children." ”

His answer made the atmosphere of the whole stage tense. Yan Boya's face turned slightly red, obviously enraged.

She replied dissatisfiedly, "What about you? Are you willing to give up your table tennis career and go home to be a full-time husband?"

The host felt that the scene was a little out of control and tried to interject to reconcile, but the confrontation between the couple had already caused the audience to fall into an awkward silence.

Wang Hao did not back down, and replied categorically, "Impossible." ”

Yan Boya's eyes became even more angry, she was dissatisfied with her husband's double standards, and she was also resentful of this public disparagement of her.

She took a deep breath, trying to suppress the anger in her heart, but there was still a bit of anger and questioning in her voice, "If you won't give up your career, why should I give up mine?"

Wang Hao finally left the stage angrily, leaving his wife alone on the stage.

After the show was broadcast, Wang Hao only allowed the state officials to set fires and did not allow the people to light the lamps, which caused great dissatisfaction among netizens, and everyone expressed their support for Yan Boya to persevere, but for Wang Hao, "died early in the morning".

In April 2017, the circle of friends was swiped by a piece of good news: Wang Hao posted a photo of a baby's little feet on Weibo and thanked his wife for giving birth to a second son. There was a sound of blessings under the photo, and everyone was praising this seemingly happy family.

But under the surface of happiness, there is a story hidden - a story about Yan Boya.

In 2015, Yan Boya, the wife of world champion Wang Hao, hugged her male partner in the face while dancing. Wang Hao left the scene directly with a dark face, and before leaving, he glanced at his wife, and then took it
In 2015, Yan Boya, the wife of world champion Wang Hao, hugged her male partner in the face while dancing. Wang Hao left the scene directly with a dark face, and before leaving, he glanced at his wife, and then took it
In 2015, Yan Boya, the wife of world champion Wang Hao, hugged her male partner in the face while dancing. Wang Hao left the scene directly with a dark face, and before leaving, he glanced at his wife, and then took it

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