
The 2024 Dehua County National Fitness "China Tea Set City Cup" Table Tennis Mixed Team Competition was successfully held

author:See Quanzhou

From June 29th to 30th, the "China Tea Set City Cup" table tennis mixed team competition hosted by the Dehua County National Fitness Leading Group, the Culture, Sports and Tourism Bureau and the People's Government of Sanban Town, and undertaken by China Tea City and Dehua County Table Tennis Association was successfully held in Xiatian Gymnasium.

The 2024 Dehua County National Fitness "China Tea Set City Cup" Table Tennis Mixed Team Competition was successfully held

The event attracted a total of 34 teams from all over the province, bringing together amateur masters from all over Fujian, and more than 200 professional athletes from some national and provincial sports teams performed on the same stage, creating a unique sports feast.

The 2024 Dehua County National Fitness "China Tea Set City Cup" Table Tennis Mixed Team Competition was successfully held

At the opening ceremony, Chen Weifu, the mayor of Sanban Town, delivered a welcome speech, the athlete representatives and referees solemnly swore an oath, and finally Tang Yuanru, vice chairman of the county CPPCC, delivered a speech and announced the start of the game. After a brief opening ceremony, the competition officially began. On the field, the contestants were full of energy and enthusiasm, waving their rackets and showing their superb skills. They sweated and worked hard, and the atmosphere was very warm.

The 2024 Dehua County National Fitness "China Tea Set City Cup" Table Tennis Mixed Team Competition was successfully held

After two days of fierce competition, the China Tea Set City team won the championship with its excellent performance and tacit team cooperation; The Yongchun Table Tennis Team and the Gade Town Team won the second and third places respectively; Yongan Jiannan team won the fourth place; The Sanban Town Team, Dehua Bohuang Team, Youxi Qianlong Team and Datong Printing Team won the fifth place.

The 2024 Dehua County National Fitness "China Tea Set City Cup" Table Tennis Mixed Team Competition was successfully held
The 2024 Dehua County National Fitness "China Tea Set City Cup" Table Tennis Mixed Team Competition was successfully held

The successful holding of the "China Tea Set City Cup" table tennis mixed team competition not only provides a competitive platform for table tennis enthusiasts in the province to communicate and expand and work together, but also builds a bridge for cross-border integration and coordinated development of "ceramics + sports". The holding of this event has further promoted the development of national fitness activities in Dehua County, enriched the sports life of the people, and also demonstrated the unique charm of Dehua County's ceramic culture.

Zheng Zhide Su Yanbin

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