
"There are no chickens in the chickens"?

author:Linyi News

Hangzhou Shangcheng Supervision Bureau issued a notice on the evening of May 5 -

At 13 o'clock on May 4, according to the situation of "there is no chicken in the chicken" reported by consumers, our bureau has gone to the merchants involved in Hefang Street to carry out on-site inspections, make records, and conduct case filing and evidence collection. At present, the case is being investigated and handled in accordance with legal procedures, and will be disposed of in accordance with laws and regulations based on the results of the investigation.

"There are no chickens in the chickens"?

Previously reported

A "Flower Chicken Storm" made the blogger "Xia Ruo Qianmo", who traveled to Hefang Street in Hangzhou, feel uncomfortable.

According to the video posted by the blogger and comments, on the afternoon of May 1, the blogger and his family went to Hefang Street and bought three chickens called Hua Chicken at a stinky tofu shop in Changsha, one of which was opened and eaten on the spot, and the other two were taken home. After returning home, the blogger opened another chicken, but found that there was only soil and no chickens, so he opened the last one called the flower chicken and recorded a video at the same time, and it turned out that the last one did not have a chicken either.

"There are no chickens in the chickens"?

On May 2, the blogger released a video of "opening the blind box", which quickly attracted widespread attention from netizens.

Netizens have suggested that bloggers call the Hangzhou mayor's hotline 0571-12345 and report relevant problems through the Zhejiang Office.

Some netizens also found the suspected store based on limited information.

"There are no chickens in the chickens"?

On the afternoon of May 5, the reporter also came to Hefang Street to try to find this store.

Although it was the last day of the holiday and there was a shower of rain from time to time, there were still a lot of customers on Hefang Street. The small shops on both sides are struggling to attract business, and the shouts are coming and going.

Walking into Hefang Street from Zhonghe Road, I saw a food market selling flower chicken at the entrance, with a price of 35 yuan per piece.

"There are no chickens in the chickens"?

The advertisement at the stall reads: "Called Hua Chicken, special food, traditional flavor". You can see that on the outer edge of the stall, there are four layers of "called flower chickens", all of which are samples made of clay, and there is a row of called flower chickens in the stall that are being kept warm.

Compared with the sample, the chicken sold does not have a thick layer of soil, it is also flatter and more square, and there is no red waist seal with the words "called flower chicken".

Along Hefang Street, you can notice that there are three or four shops selling flower chickens, and the prices are basically 30-35 yuan per piece, and one of them has launched a "100 yuan for four" promotion during the holiday.

Basically, there will be a sample of a chicken called a flower made of clay placed at the entrance of each store, and they are wrapped in a red waist seal to distinguish them.

"There are no chickens in the chickens"?
"There are no chickens in the chickens"?

During the visit, the store clerk said that the volume and temperature are not the same, and it is generally not very good to take the wrong one, unless you are not familiar with it, "It is impossible to deliberately sell the wrong one, and you will wear it as soon as you open it, and there are receipts." ”

In a store, the reporter also tried to buy two chickens called Hua Chicken, and told one to be opened on the spot and one to be packed. Both were taken out of the heating area, and both were sold as flower chicken products.

On Hefang Street, there are also four Changsha stinky tofu, according to the clues of netizens and some searching, the reporter roughly confirmed that this store is located in the middle of Hefang Street.

"There are no chickens in the chickens"?

At present, there is no flower chicken in the products of this store, and it mainly sells stinky tofu.

"There are market supervision staff who have been here. The clerk of the nearby store said that because of the large number of customers and the relatively busy situation, it is a little unclear whether there is a sale of Huaji on the other side in the past two days, "The shops on the street are changed according to the season, but the Huaji is available all year round." ”

The security guard at the intersection also said that after the market supervision came, the store temporarily stopped selling called flower chicken, "I heard them say that they were temporary workers, and they took the wrong one." ”

Subsequently, the reporter also communicated directly with the clerk of the store, and the other party said that the store of this three-way shop is only responsible for this small room.

For what happened on May 1, the clerk said that it was indeed true, but also a little helpless, "because of the holiday, we recruited temporary workers, the day of the flow of customers, it is estimated that the customer was more anxious at that time, the sample as a sale called flower chicken, handed to our clerk." The clerk was not familiar with the goods, so they packed them. We only found out about the market supervision yesterday. ”

The clerk said that the chicken sold in the store before was supplied by a unified supply chain, and the store was basically only responsible for thermal insulation and heating, "This matter does not have a good impact on the scenic spot, and now it is not sold for the time being, and the follow-up depends on the disposal of the relevant departments." ”