
Caught! Specializing in stealing truck storage boxes

author:Linyi News

Since July last year,

Roads along the jurisdiction of Banquan Town, Junan County

Multiple cases occur in a row

Cases of theft of contents from storage boxes of trucks and semi-trailers

Causing property damage to passing drivers


Banquan Police Station of Junan County Public Security Bureau

After continuous research and judgment

Successfully solved the series of thefts

Arrested theft suspect Wang Moumou

Caught! Specializing in stealing truck storage boxes

On the morning of April 3

Itaizumi-ha source

received a report from Zhao, a truck driver in the jurisdiction

The contents of the storage compartment on the left side of the body were stolen

Caught! Specializing in stealing truck storage boxes

Zhao told the police

Just twenty minutes before calling the police

He went to the place where he had parked the night before to get ready to drive

But I found it by accident

The storage compartment door to the left of the truck body is open

He hurriedly stepped forward to check

Two sets of car repair tools were found in the storage box

And a folding bicycle placed inside is missing

After a round of searching

Call the police if you are sure that it has been stolen

Caught! Specializing in stealing truck storage boxes

"There were no valuables in the car

Usually in the storage compartment in the car

It's convenient to put some car repair tools

The folding bike was bought in 2021

It's worth more than 2,000 dollars

I didn't expect it to be stolen in the car."

Zhao told the police

After receiving the alarm

The police of the police station conducted an on-site investigation

Conduct a preliminary study and judgment of the existing clues

By tracking along the way, keep visiting

Soon the theft suspect Wang Moumou was locked

And capture it

At Wang's house

The police seized the theft by Wang Moumou on the spot

Partial stolen goods

Caught! Specializing in stealing truck storage boxes

Wang Moumou, male, 62 years old

A native of Banquan Town, Junan County

At the police station

He truthfully confessed the crime

April 3 at 3 a.m

Wang had difficulty sleeping, insomnia and depression

So I rode the electric car out for a walk

When passing through the road section near the industrial area of the town

A semi-trailer parked there by Zhao was found

So Wang Moumou got out of the car to check the trailer

Is there anything that can be taken away

After opening the storage box, I found the one inside

Two sets of tools and a folding bike

So he skillfully put the bike and the toolbox

and three bundles of nylon rope

After putting it on the electric car

Escape at a leisurely pace.....

Caught! Specializing in stealing truck storage boxes


Wang Moumou also confessed

Since July last year

He stole six truck semi-trailers parked on the side of the road

The facts of the crime of the contents of the storage box


Wang Moumou has been criminally detained by the public security organs in accordance with the law

The case is being further processed