
Remnant Tang: Deng Tianwang is not a reckless man, Li Cunxiao beheaded four generals in a row to show his loyalty

author:History Book Lingxuan Pavilion

The sentry horse galloped to Ge Congzhou, and reported breathlessly: "Li Cunxiao, the thirteenth Taibao under the command of King Li Jin, captured Peng Baihu alive, killed Ban Chuanlang, captured Meng Juhai alive, and routed our men and horses. Ge Congzhou was shocked when he heard this: "Even these three heroes have been defeated, isn't the world in danger!"

At this time, Geng Biao stepped forward and said loudly to the general soldiers: "The success or failure of a general lies in strategy rather than simple bravery, and the combat effectiveness of soldiers lies in elite rather than quantity." Tomorrow I will go to war, if I want Li Cunxiao alive, I will capture him alive, and if he wants to die, I will bring his head to see him!"

Remnant Tang: Deng Tianwang is not a reckless man, Li Cunxiao beheaded four generals in a row to show his loyalty

Ge Congzhou snorted coldly: "Even Meng Juehai's three people are not as good as you? They were all killed by Li Cunxiao, how can you be sure?" At this time, a strong man with a height of five feet and a round waist stood up, he was the rescue of the five armies, known as the king of Deng Tiantian. He shouted: "I have a plan, and it will be a great success!"

Ge Congzhou asked, "What's the trick?" Deng Tianwang's eyes flashed with a hint of cunning, and said, "We can use the counter-plot to kill people with a knife." Li Siyuan's camp is in the south, and Li Cunxiao's is in the north. Tonight's third watch, I pretended that Li Cunxiao's soldiers rebelled, claiming that Cunxiao rebelled because he was dissatisfied with the unclear rewards and punishments of the King of Jin. When Li Siyuan's men and horses heard that Li Cunxiao had rebelled, they must have hurriedly reported to the King of Jin. As soon as the King of Jin came, we took the opportunity to kill Li Cunxiao. Without him in the camp, we are no longer afraid of the Jin army. ”

Ge Congzhou was overjoyed when he heard this: "This plan is very good!"

Remnant Tang: Deng Tianwang is not a reckless man, Li Cunxiao beheaded four generals in a row to show his loyalty

When night fell, King Deng Tiantian ordered his men and horses on the hour and quietly touched the front of Li Siyuan's camp. At the third watch, with the sound of a cannon, they slaughtered into the camp, and while killing people, they shouted: "It's reversed! It's reversed! Li Cunxiao is reversed!" When the soldiers heard the news that Li Cunxiao had rebelled, they crossed the Yellow River by boat in a panic to report the news.

Li Cunxiao's camp in the north also heard the movement, but Li Cunxiao said calmly: "Don't act rashly, wait until dawn to settle accounts with these thieves who robbed the camp." ”

King Deng Yitian was killed, and led his troops back to the camp after midnight. Ge Congzhou asked eagerly, "What is the situation?" Deng Yitian Wang said proudly: "Everything is in my plan. ”

Remnant Tang: Deng Tianwang is not a reckless man, Li Cunxiao beheaded four generals in a row to show his loyalty

However, Deng Yitian Wang had bigger plans in mind. He took the opportunity to propose: "Now that there is a shortage of grain and grass in the camp, I will lead the troops to occupy Huazhou and urge the transportation of grain and grass to solve the urgent need." Ge Congzhou readily agreed. In fact, King Deng Yitian was afraid that Li Cunxiao would come to trouble him, so he used the excuse of urging food to get out.

At dawn, Li Cunxiao led his troops south to check on Li Siyuan's camp. I saw corpses lying on the shore, and the river was dyed red. Li Cunxiao's heart was like a knife, and he consulted with the four generals: "You guard the camp, I will go to the Yellow River to report this matter to my father, and then come back to arrest these thieves." ”

Remnant Tang: Deng Tianwang is not a reckless man, Li Cunxiao beheaded four generals in a row to show his loyalty

King Jin sat in the big tent with a solemn face. Suddenly, the great Taibao Li Siyuan rushed into the camp with tears in his eyes. King Jin asked in surprise, "Si Yuan, what happened?" Si Yuan choked up and recounted in detail the incident of Li Cunxiao's rebellion.

King Jin frowned: "Why would he rebel?" As soon as the words fell, Kang Junli and Li Congxin hurriedly stepped forward and recounted how they saw Li Cunxiao wearing a tiger skin robe and holding a horizontal iron lance, killing and scolding King Jin angrily in the dark night. When the King of Jin heard this, he was furious.

At this moment, the soldiers guarding the camp came to report: "Li Cunxiao has dismounted and is waiting for orders outside the camp." King Jin snorted coldly: "Since he is reversed, what are you doing when he comes to see me?"

Remnant Tang: Deng Tianwang is not a reckless man, Li Cunxiao beheaded four generals in a row to show his loyalty

Kang Junli and Li Congxin took the opportunity to speak: "This thief only said that his father didn't know, and he must have wanted to deceive the soldiers and horses of the old battalion to cross the river when he came this time." His father only had to ask him if he knew his sin, and if he agreed, he would immediately order him to be taken down and beheaded. ”

King Jin was conflicted in his heart, this matter was indeed strange. He ordered Cunxiao to enter the camp and asked in a deep voice: "Li Cunxiao, are you guilty?" Cunxiao was confused, not knowing what "guilty" meant. Li Cunxiao guessed that it might be that the thieves by the guide robbed the camp of the Great Taibao, and he failed to respond to the rescue in time. So, he replied, "My son is convicted." ”

The king of Jin immediately ordered the sword and axe men to take Cunxiao down and behead him. Kang Junli and Li Congxin were ecstatic when they heard this. However, Zhou Dewei hurriedly knelt down to intercede for Cunxiao: "The king must not kill his own generals out of a moment of anger. Whether filial piety is against or not, it is not too late to ask and then kill. ”

Remnant Tang: Deng Tianwang is not a reckless man, Li Cunxiao beheaded four generals in a row to show his loyalty

King Jin pondered for a long time and felt that Zhou Dewei was reasonable, so he ordered someone to bring back Cunxiao. He sternly asked Cunxiao: "Why did you rebel privately once you were unjust?"

Li Cunxiao replied firmly: "The son has received the kindness of his father, and if he wants to repay him, how can he rebel?" King Jin asked: "Since you don't rebel, why do you say that you are guilty?" Li Cunxiao explained: "Because the son robbed the eldest brother's camp because of the traitor, the son did not lead the troops to rescue him, so he said that he was guilty." ”

Zhou Dewei said: "The king almost fell for the thief's criminal plan! And imprisoned Cunxiao in the camp, the king sent a shrewd soldier to the thief's camp to inquire about the news, and he knew the truth or falsehood. ”

Remnant Tang: Deng Tianwang is not a reckless man, Li Cunxiao beheaded four generals in a row to show his loyalty

After hearing this, the king of Jin felt justified, so he ordered Li Siyuan to lead his troops across the river and fight in front of the Huangchao barracks.

Ge Congzhou heard that there were Tang soldiers challenging in front of the camp, so he asked who was willing to fight. Geng Biao stepped forward and wished. He put on a battle and asked, "Who is coming?" Li Siyuan replied: "I am Li Siyuan, the prince of the Tang Dynasty, Li Jin, the prince of the Great Taibao. Who are you who dares to come and fight me?"

After Geng Biao reported his name, Li Siyuan questioned him about the discord plan. Geng Biao is a real person, and he accidentally fell into a scheme, revealing that it was Deng Tianwang's plan. Li Siyuan laughed after hearing this: "My family has never fallen for your plan, and I have made money in your plan today." After speaking, he slapped his horse and rushed towards Geng Biao, and the two immediately fought together.

Remnant Tang: Deng Tianwang is not a reckless man, Li Cunxiao beheaded four generals in a row to show his loyalty

Li Siyuan and Geng Biao were fighting fiercely, how could Geng Biao be whipped and sinked, Siyuan was unprepared, he was whipped fiercely, and suddenly blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and he had to retreat to the camp in defeat. Li Siyuan reported the battle situation to the King of Jin and confirmed that Cunxiao did not rebel, but that everything was a trick of King Yi Deng. When the king of Jin heard this, he hurriedly released Cunxiao and apologized to him.

Although Li Cunxiao was misunderstood, he had no complaints, and he asked the King of Jin to fight: "My son is willing to go and capture a Deng Tianwang alive to prove his innocence." The king of Jin agreed, and Cunxiao crossed the Yellow River and returned to his headquarters.

After hearing what happened, everyone admired the loyalty and courage of Cunxiao. The next day, Cun Xiao led his troops to challenge in front of the Huangchao army.

Remnant Tang: Deng Tianwang is not a reckless man, Li Cunxiao beheaded four generals in a row to show his loyalty

Ge Congzhou saw the Tang army coming to challenge, and asked: "Who dares to go out to meet the battle?" Geng Biao stood up with confidence: "The young general is willing to go!" He jumped out of the camp and went straight to Li Cunxiao. Li Cunxiao was thin and small, and he seemed to be weak, but as soon as he fought, Geng Biao felt tremendous pressure. The filial piety is infinite, and the movements are as fast as electricity, forcing Geng Biao to be in a hurry.

Just when Geng Biao was negligent, Li Cunxiao slammed his hand, captured him alive, grabbed his neck with one hand, grabbed his left leg with the other, bent him in two, and then fell off the horse.

Ge Congzhou was shocked when he saw this, and hurriedly asked: "Who dares to fight again?" Zhang Long and Li Hu stepped forward: "We are willing to go!" They led the troops out of the camp and slashed at Cunxiao. But Li Cunxiao was agile, and when he lifted Bi Yanqi, he beat Zhang Long into two sections. Li Hu stabbed with a gun, but was also beaten to death by Cunxiao.

Remnant Tang: Deng Tianwang is not a reckless man, Li Cunxiao beheaded four generals in a row to show his loyalty

Seeing this, Cui Shou roared angrily: "Cunxiao, do you recognize me Cui Shou?" He slapped his horse and stabbed Li Cunxiao with a gun. But with a wave of his hand, Li Cunxiao forced his gun away, and then shouted and captured Cui Shousheng over his horse. Cui Shou struggled to no avail in Cunxiao's hands, was slammed to the ground, and suddenly turned into a piece of meat puree.

Li Cunxiao was defeated and fled by the Huangchao army, but he only lost a very small number of soldiers and horses. Li Cunxiao returned to the camp and was warmly welcomed and praised. At the same time, they also sent people across the river to report the victory to the king of Jin. When the king of Jin discussed the military situation with Dewei in the tent, he learned of Cunxiao's achievements and was overjoyed: "Wu'er Guo is a hero!" He immediately sent someone to send a reward to encourage him, and instructed Cunxiao to continue to work hard to defeat the enemy. After Li Cunxiao distributed the rewards to the sergeants, he began to train with the four generals to prepare for the next battle.