
The live broadcast of the "Touching Red River" Advanced Individual Commendation Site in Honghe Prefecture will be broadcast soon, so stay tuned!

author:Charm stone screen


Interpret great love and responsibility with bits and pieces

Like wisps of sunshine, a trickle

Warm the land of the Red River


Struggle with wisdom and sweat

Strive for first-class and climb the peak

Write a new chapter of the times


from different industries

But under common values

Gather an indestructible majestic force

Ignite the fire of ideals and beliefs

The live broadcast of the "Touching Red River" Advanced Individual Commendation Site in Honghe Prefecture will be broadcast soon, so stay tuned!

April 17th

Honghe Prefecture Committee of the Communist Party of China and Honghe Prefecture People's Government

Commend the advanced individuals who "moved the Red River" in Honghe Prefecture

And publish its advanced deeds

May 6th

Honghe State Rong Media Center, Honghe TV

Will be right

Honghe Prefecture "moved the Red River" advanced individual commendation scene

Make an advertisement

The viewing guide is as follows


Red River TV News Comprehensive Channel

May 6, 21:30 (Premiere)

May 7, 7:50 (replay), 21:30 (replay)

May 8, 7:50 (Replay)


Honghe TV Minsheng Channel

May 8, 20:30 (Premiere)

May 9, 8:50 (replay), 20:30 (replay)

May 10, 8:50 (Replay)


New media platforms

May 6th

"Yunnan Red River Release"

Client, WeChat official account, video account

"Infinite Red River"

WeChat public account, video account

Synchronous publishing

The live broadcast of the "Touching Red River" Advanced Individual Commendation Site in Honghe Prefecture will be broadcast soon, so stay tuned!
The live broadcast of the "Touching Red River" Advanced Individual Commendation Site in Honghe Prefecture will be broadcast soon, so stay tuned!
The live broadcast of the "Touching Red River" Advanced Individual Commendation Site in Honghe Prefecture will be broadcast soon, so stay tuned!
The live broadcast of the "Touching Red River" Advanced Individual Commendation Site in Honghe Prefecture will be broadcast soon, so stay tuned!

Stay tuned

Source: Yunnan Honghe release