
In 1950, Fu Lianhuan was ordered to see Mr. Lin, but he did not expect to bury the disaster, and 18 years later, he went west with grievances

author:Historic sites

"Found it, found it, this is a radio station for sending messages to the enemy!".

In the early morning of March 14, 1968, the founding lieutenant general Fu Lianhuan and his wife were sleeping soundly when suddenly a group of people broke in, pulled him and his wife Chen Zhenren out of bed, and then began to rummage through boxes and cabinets, as if looking for something.

A few minutes later, a person holding the "radio", shouting and running over, looking at the things in this person's arms, Fu Lianhuan laughed angrily: "Don't you even know the radio?" ”。

In 1950, Fu Lianhuan was ordered to see Mr. Lin, but he did not expect to bury the disaster, and 18 years later, he went west with grievances

However, these people did not listen to his explanation, took the "evidence", and left the house with the couple, and halfway through, they separated the two couples.

Where his wife Chen Zhenren was taken, Fu Lianhuan didn't know, and he was taken to a small, damp, dark and dilapidated house.

Fu Lianhuan, who lost his freedom, was angry, he never thought that he would be ordered to see a doctor 18 years ago, and it would cause such a disaster!

Fu Lianhuan, a native of Changting County, Fujian, was born in a poor farming family, and their family were devout Christians, and for this reason, after graduating from middle school, Fu Lianhuan was able to enter the medical hall opened by Tingzhou Gospel Hospital to learn medical skills, and became a doctor in the Gospel Hospital after leaving the school, and was promoted to the director of the hospital in his early 30s.

In August 1927, Fu Lianhuan welcomed a group of "special" patients, who were the Nanchang rebel army passing through Changting.

At that time, there were many wounded in the rebel army, and the kind-hearted Fu Lianhuan did not refuse to come, and took in more than 300 wounded in one go, including Chen Geng and Xu Teli.

In 1950, Fu Lianhuan was ordered to see Mr. Lin, but he did not expect to bury the disaster, and 18 years later, he went west with grievances

Although he did not leave with the ranks of the Red Army, he began to work for the Red Army, often taking advantage of the opportunity to see a doctor for the Kuomintang troops, and extracting information from them, so that the Red Army, which was still very weak, avoided heavy losses several times.

Soon, under the leadership of Zhu Mao, the Red Fourth Army captured Tingzhou, and at this time, Fu Lianhuan put forward another suggestion, that is, to vaccinate the whole army against cowpox to prevent smallpox from breaking out in the Red Army.

Later, the Kuomintang army that came to encircle and suppress the Red Army forcibly occupied Fu Lianhuan's home, and took advantage of this opportunity to steal a box of military maps and give them to the Red Army.

In order to enable the Red Army to better understand the situation outside, he also subscribed to newspapers such as "Declaration", "News Daily", "Industrial and Commercial Daily", "Transcendent Daily", and so on.

At that time, although Fu Lianhuan was not yet a communist, he had begun to do things for the Red Army wholeheartedly, and since then, he has accepted and treated the wounded of the Red Army many times.

Not only that, but he also sent his daughter, nephew and several students to the ranks of the Red Army to serve them.

In October 1932, a "special" patient came to Fu Lianhuan, and Fu Lianhuan personally served as the attending doctor, and after three months of getting along day and night, they formed a deep revolutionary friendship, which also made Fu Lianhuan really determined to join the Red Army.

In 1950, Fu Lianhuan was ordered to see Mr. Lin, but he did not expect to bury the disaster, and 18 years later, he went west with grievances

In February 1933, the Gospel Hospital was officially changed to the Central Red Army Hospital, and not long after the reorganization, the encirclement and suppression of the Kuomintang army came again.

After arriving in Ruijin, Fu Lianhuan dedicated all the items of the hospital, including more than 2,000 silver dollars of medicine he personally purchased, to the Central Red Army, because of this righteous act, Fu Lianhuan became the first "model" in the Central Soviet Region.

In the years that followed, Fu Lianhuan had been presiding over the affairs of the Red Army Hospital, and established the Central Red Compulsory Academy, helping the Red Army train medical talents and treating countless wounded and sick.

In October 1934, due to the failure of the fifth anti-encirclement campaign, the Central Red Army was forced to march on a long march.

At that time, Fu Lianhuan's physical condition was not good, he had suffered from tuberculosis, and he also had a serious stomach problem, and the organization planned to let him stay, but he resolutely walked with the army.

Soon after leaving the Central Soviet District, Fu Lianhuan heard rumors that his wife Liu Cifu and children had been killed by the White Army, which made him feel heartbroken.

However, he didn't have much time to grieve, because on the Long March, the Red Army was fighting almost every day, and the number of wounded and sick was also increasing sharply.

In 1950, Fu Lianhuan was ordered to see Mr. Lin, but he did not expect to bury the disaster, and 18 years later, he went west with grievances

In the absence of medical treatment and medicine, Fu Lianhuan and his comrades tried all kinds of methods to treat a large number of leaders and soldiers, and it was because of this that he won the reputation of "Red Huatuo".

In May 1935, after the Central Red Army and the Red Fourth Front Army met, Fu Lianhuan became acquainted with his second wife, Chen Zhenren.

Chen Zhenren is a native of Ningqiang County, Shaanxi, 15 years younger than Fu Lianhuan, born in a large local family, her father is an enlightened gentleman, in the year of famine, he has poured all his grain reserves to help the victims, is a figure of Buddha in ten thousand families.

In February 1935, the Red Army liberated Ningqiang County, and Chen Zhenren's family of three generations and 11 people all joined the Red Army.

Her three elder brothers went to the combat army, her old father, after crossing the Jialing River, stayed in the rear to manage the vegetable garden for the Red Army, while she, her three sisters-in-law, and two nieces were assigned to work in different positions in the rear, and after training, Chen Zhenren became a nurse in the hospital.

In the process of work, Chen Zhenren and Fu Lianhuan fell in love, and in October 1936, after the Red Army arrived in Tongxin City, Ningxia, the two tied the knot.

In 1950, Fu Lianhuan was ordered to see Mr. Lin, but he did not expect to bury the disaster, and 18 years later, he went west with grievances

What Fu Lianhuan didn't expect was that after only a few months of marriage, he received news that Liu Cifu and the child were still alive, which made him surprised and happy, but unfortunately, he had remarried at this time, and he could only sigh that fate made people.

Due to various reasons, although Fu Lianhuan played a great role after joining the Red Army, he was never able to join the party until September 1938, when he became a party member.

At this time, Fu Lianhuan wore many hats, he was the director of the Hospital of the Chinese Soviet Republic, the director of the General Health Department of the Central Committee, and the director of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningbo Border District Hospital, and was responsible for the health care of the central leaders for a long time.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Fu Lianhuan was appointed vice minister of the Central Health Department and first deputy director of the General Logistics Department of the Central Military Commission.

In 1950, the Korean Peninsula was once again in war, and the state decided to organize a volunteer army to cross the Yalu River to resist US aggression and aid Korea.

At that time, the proposed commander of the Volunteer Army was Mr. Lin, but Mr. Lin refused, and the reason given was that he was afraid of wind, light, and water, and he was afraid that he would not be able to bear such a heavy burden.

Out of love and concern, the state asked several experts headed by Fu Lianhuan to examine Mr. Lin's body, consult carefully, and prescribe the right medicine.

As early as 1932, when Fu Lianhuan first arrived in Ruijin, Mr. Lin saw that he was running all day to treat the Red Army and the villagers, which was very hard, and gave him a mule to be a mount.

In 1950, Fu Lianhuan was ordered to see Mr. Lin, but he did not expect to bury the disaster, and 18 years later, he went west with grievances

In 1938, Mr. Lin was accidentally injured by Yan Xishan's soldiers on the battlefield in Shanxi, and after returning to Yan'an to recuperate, Fu Lianhuan was not less worried about his injury.

Now, to be able to treat Mr. Lin again, Fu Lianhuan seems to be very concerned, and as soon as he receives the task, he rushes to find Mrs. Lin.

But what Fu Lianhuan didn't expect was that Mrs. Lin "declined" his kindness, and said that he would help write a certificate to show that Mr. Lin was indeed sick.

Mrs. Lin said lightly, but Fu Lianhuan didn't do it, as a doctor, where is the reason to prescribe a certificate even if you don't see the patient?

Therefore, he urgently summoned several experts in internal medicine, neurology and surgery in Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai and other places to consult General Manager Lin.

The diagnosis is very gratifying, Mr. Lin is fine, the reason why he is afraid of light, wind and water is mainly psychological and spiritual problems, he told Mrs. Lin to let Mr. Lin go for a walk outdoors more, and eat more vegetables and fruits.

In addition, he also specially told Mrs. Lin that she must persuade Mr. Lin to change her lifestyle, especially not to take morphine anymore.

In 1950, Fu Lianhuan was ordered to see Mr. Lin, but he did not expect to bury the disaster, and 18 years later, he went west with grievances

In this regard, Fu Lianhuan agreed, however, the secrecy he understood was not the same thing as the secrecy that Mrs. Lin said, he was ordered to see Mr. Lin for the doctor, and after he went back, of course, he had to report it truthfully.

Immediately afterwards, Mr. Lin received a poem called "Turtle Although Shou", which made him very angry and threatened that it would not be too late for a gentleman to take revenge.

It wasn't until one time, when he went to Guangzhou to recuperate, separated from Mr. Lin by a wall, out of concern to visit him, and after being turned away, he realized that something was wrong, and after thinking about it carefully, it suddenly dawned on him, it turned out that Mr. Lin was "sick", and it was related to the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea.

Even so, Fu Lianhuan didn't take this matter to heart, after all, he was also unintentionally lost.

In 1955, with years of accumulated credit, Fu Lianhuan was awarded the rank of lieutenant general, and after the award, he still devoted himself to the medical career as usual.

In the blink of an eye, a series of things happened during this time, and Mrs. Lin also wanted to take this opportunity to attack Fu Lianhuan, but Fu Lianhuan did a good job in all aspects, and there were many people who were blessed by him, so they didn't dare to act rashly, so they gave up.

In a blink of an eye, another 7 years passed, a special era came, they attacked him, Fu Lianhuan's situation became extremely difficult, and he was forced to be helpless, he wrote a letter to the former "special patient".

In 1950, Fu Lianhuan was ordered to see Mr. Lin, but he did not expect to bury the disaster, and 18 years later, he went west with grievances

Soon, the instructions were given: "This person is not in power, and he is not guilty of a serious crime, so he seems to be protected!" ”。

Because of this letter, Fu Lianhuan was protected, however, the gang didn't buy it too much, no major crime does not mean no crime, it seems that it should not be absolute, Fu Lianhuan's situation is still difficult.

Fortunately, his wife Chen Zhenren is a pungent person, and with her protection, Fu Lianyan was not hurt much.

It's just that in the torment, his physical condition is getting worse and worse, and the old stomach disease has recurred, and then there is a scene at the beginning of the article, after being taken away, Fu Lianyan's diet is not guaranteed, and the person quickly becomes haggard.

On March 29, 1968, the 15th day after being taken away, Fu Lianhuan went west with hatred at the age of 74.

In 1950, Fu Lianhuan was ordered to see Mr. Lin, but he did not expect to bury the disaster, and 18 years later, he went west with grievances

After his death, he was hastily cremated, and the news was also concealed, until 1971, after the 913 incident, the family knew that he was no longer alive, at this time, his ashes have long been missing.

In 1973, Fu Lianhuan was posthumously recognized as a martyr, and in 1975, Fu Lianhuan was wronged, and his comrades-in-arms held a burial ceremony for him in Babaoshan Cemetery......

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