
The 59-year-old aunt didn't care about taking blood pressure medication and died after vomiting, doctor: 3 links can not be missing

author:Dr. Liang popularized science

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The sunlight of the May Day holiday shines through the large glass windows of the mall and sprinkles on the colorful clothing.

Yang Min, a 59-year-old retired teacher, stands in the women's clothing section to choose clothes that suit her. In a corner of the mall, she happened to meet her upstairs neighbor, who was also a doctor from the cardiovascular department.

The 59-year-old aunt didn't care about taking blood pressure medication and died after vomiting, doctor: 3 links can not be missing

"Dr. Li, are you here to shop too?" Yang Min greeted with a smile.

"Yes, Mr. Yang, take advantage of the holidays to relax and unwind. Dr. Lee responded, and the two naturally chatted about their recent developments.

The conversation quickly turned to health. Yang Min said helplessly: "My high blood pressure has always been a heart disease. Although the doctor prescribes medication, sometimes taking it is really annoying. "

The 59-year-old aunt didn't care about taking blood pressure medication and died after vomiting, doctor: 3 links can not be missing

Hearing this, Dr. Li's expression became serious, and he said slowly: "The treatment of high blood pressure really needs to be persisted in for a long time, and it cannot be taken lightly.

In one case, it was because the patient did not pay enough attention to taking antihypertensive drugs, which eventually led to serious consequences. "

Yang Min immediately listened attentively. Dr. Lee went on to explain, "This patient is a 59-year-old aunt who is about your age.

The 59-year-old aunt didn't care about taking blood pressure medication and died after vomiting, doctor: 3 links can not be missing

She took her medication irregularly, which caused serious side effects, including persistent vomiting, and eventually passed away. "

This story sent a chill down the lines of Yang's sensitiveness. She asked eagerly, "So what should we do to avoid this?"

Dr. Lee slowly spoke of the "three key links":

For patients with high blood pressure, it is an iron rule to insist on taking medicine on time and in the right amount. You have to take blood pressure medicine on time as the doctor said, and don't change the dosage or time of taking the medicine on your own, so as to ensure that your blood pressure does not skip a beat.

The 59-year-old aunt didn't care about taking blood pressure medication and died after vomiting, doctor: 3 links can not be missing

Besides, it's important to check your blood pressure regularly, especially if you've adjusted your medications or lifestyle habits. Doing so will help you stay informed about the effects of your treatment and adjust your treatment plan if necessary.

At the same time, close communication with the doctor is essential. Whether there is a change in your condition or any side effects of medication, it is important to tell your doctor in time. Frequent and effective communication will ensure that the treatment plan is both right for you and safe enough.

Yang Min was deeply inspired by this, and she realized that she did have some loopholes in the management of hypertension.

The 59-year-old aunt didn't care about taking blood pressure medication and died after vomiting, doctor: 3 links can not be missing

Especially regarding the consistency and regularity of her medication, she decided to reassess her medication when she returned home and planned to consult her family doctor again.

The conversation ended with laughter between the two, and Yang Min bought her favorite clothes and left the mall in a happy mood.

On the way home, she has been thinking about how to incorporate Dr. Lee's advice into her daily routine to keep her blood pressure stable.

The 59-year-old aunt didn't care about taking blood pressure medication and died after vomiting, doctor: 3 links can not be missing

For those patients who experience side effects from antihypertensive drugs, in addition to the three steps mentioned above, what other measures can help them better manage their condition?

In addition to these, people with high blood pressure also need to make comprehensive lifestyle adjustments. This includes eating healthy, exercising moderately, and reducing stress.

Specifically, eating a low-salt diet and doing regular aerobic exercise are scientifically proven ways to lower blood pressure and reduce your dependence on medications.

The 59-year-old aunt didn't care about taking blood pressure medication and died after vomiting, doctor: 3 links can not be missing

In addition, mastering some stress management tips can also help you control those blood pressure fluctuations caused by stress.

Through these comprehensive lifestyle changes, people with high blood pressure can not only better manage their health, but also reduce the risk of side effects from medications.

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