
A 31-year-old woman suffers from breast cancer, eats a healthy diet and loves to exercise, and her husband breaks the point: she loves to do 1 thing at night

author:Dr. Liang popularized science

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On a sunny morning during the May Day holiday, Li Na had just walked into a bustling shopping mall, intending to take advantage of the holiday discount to buy some new spring clothes.

While she was concentrating on choosing clothes, she stumbled upon her upstairs neighbor, Dr. Zhang, a gynecologist who worked at a downtown hospital.

A 31-year-old woman suffers from breast cancer, eats a healthy diet and loves to exercise, and her husband breaks the point: she loves to do 1 thing at night

"Li Na, do you still come to go shopping during the holidays? Dr. Zhang greeted with a smile.

Li Na responded: "Dr. Zhang, I just met you, I have been a little worried recently, and I want to consult you." The two sat down at a coffee shop in a corner, and Li Na began to complain to Dr. Zhang about her troubles.

"I was recently diagnosed with pre-breast lesions, which was really sudden for me.

A 31-year-old woman suffers from breast cancer, eats a healthy diet and loves to exercise, and her husband breaks the point: she loves to do 1 thing at night

I've always been health-conscious, eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly, but my husband thinks the problem may be with my evening habits. Li Na said helplessly.

After listening carefully, Dr. Zhang began to explain, "The risk factors for breast cancer are multifaceted, including genetics, environment and personal habits.

The nightly habits you mentioned, especially staying up late, may indeed be associated with breast cancer risk. Staying up late at night can affect the body's hormone balance, especially the secretion of melatonin. ”

A 31-year-old woman suffers from breast cancer, eats a healthy diet and loves to exercise, and her husband breaks the point: she loves to do 1 thing at night
And, what you may not know is that melatonin not only helps us adjust our sleep, it also has antioxidant and anti-tumor growth effects.

If you stay up late, melatonin production will be affected, which may also increase the risk of breast cancer.

So, try not to make staying up late the norm, it's really bad for your health. Dr. Zhang explained this in detail.

Li Na was very serious after hearing this, and she realized that she often stayed up late at night for work, which may indeed have a bad impact on her health. Seeing this, Dr. Zhang continued to provide advice:

A 31-year-old woman suffers from breast cancer, eats a healthy diet and loves to exercise, and her husband breaks the point: she loves to do 1 thing at night

"To reduce the risk of breast cancer, it is recommended that you try to avoid staying up late and maintain good sleep habits.

In addition, consider adding foods that contain antioxidants, such as dark vegetables and fruits, as well as regular physical examinations, especially for the breasts. ”

The conversation between the two gradually ended in the early afternoon. Thanks to Dr. Zhang's advice, Li Na decided to change her evening routine, go to bed as early as possible, and pay attention to her physical condition.

A 31-year-old woman suffers from breast cancer, eats a healthy diet and loves to exercise, and her husband breaks the point: she loves to do 1 thing at night

She felt much more relaxed and walked out of the mall with her newly bought clothes and a heart that was more health-conscious.

"For people who often need to stay up late, in addition to adjusting their sleep time, what other ways can help reduce the negative health effects of staying up late?"

For those who often stay up late, in addition to trying to ensure enough sleep, there are a few tricks that can help you reduce the burden of staying up late:

A 31-year-old woman suffers from breast cancer, eats a healthy diet and loves to exercise, and her husband breaks the point: she loves to do 1 thing at night

For example, find time to take a nap during the day to make up for the lack of sleep at night, and adjust the lighting in your workplace, too strong or too weak light can make your eyes more tired.

Drink plenty of water, eat a balanced diet, limit sugary or caffeinated beverages, and eat foods that contain magnesium and B vitamins, all of which can help reduce stress and improve sleep quality.

Using these tips can help you mitigate the health effects of staying up late.

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