
Lei Hong's romantic history: There were 6 ladies in middle age, and now they are still merry and happy!

author:Eiko Yagua

1. The beginning of Lei Hong's legendary life

In the bright starlight of the treasure island of Taiwan, a shining name - Lei Hong, rises like a comet. His name has frequently made headlines in major media outlets, and once caused a sensation because of his ingenious acting style, but now he is once again in the spotlight because of his rich and eye-catching love life.

Looking back on the years, Lei Hong first set foot in the entertainment industry, like a fledgling that has just broken out of its shell, full of immaturity and confusion in the face of the unknown world. In the crew, he is just an unknown intern, responsible for menial tasks such as basic training.

Lei Hong's romantic history: There were 6 ladies in middle age, and now they are still merry and happy!

However, Rayhon's passion for the performing arts is like a burning flame that will never be extinguished. With his perseverance and unremitting efforts, he finally won the favor of directors.

As time passed, Lei Hong gradually got rid of the nobody status in the crew and began to emerge, playing some more important roles and having more scenes. He shines in each work with his superb acting skills and unique artistic charm, and he is gradually known for his talent.

Although his starting point was not prominent, he was never discouraged by this, but inspired even more fighting spirit.

Lei Hong's romantic history: There were 6 ladies in middle age, and now they are still merry and happy!

Just as Lei Hong's career was on the right track, a woman named Chen Meiling broke into his life. At first, the road to meeting and falling in love between the two was not easy.

However, in the course of getting along day and night, the relationship between them became deeper and deeper, and finally they entered the sacred hall of marriage hand in hand in 1970.

The sweet time of the newlywed Yan'er made the two feel unprecedented happiness. Lei Hong worked hard outside and worked hard to make money to support his family; Chan Mei Ling is a virtuous housewife who takes care of her husband wholeheartedly and takes care of the house.

Lei Hong's romantic history: There were 6 ladies in middle age, and now they are still merry and happy!

When night falls, what Lei Hong looks forward to most is returning to the warm harbor and savoring the delicious food prepared by his wife. Soon after, a cheerful news came - Chen Meiling was pregnant! Since then, this small family has become more harmonious and happy.

However, during this good time, Lei Hong's career suffered a major turning point. Due to his excellent acting skills and unique art style, he shined in the TV series Feng Shui Family.

Although he is only a supporting role, Lei Hong has successfully attracted the attention of the audience and has become the focus of the whole play. Since then, he seems to have found his way to success, and his career is thriving.

Lei Hong's romantic history: There were 6 ladies in middle age, and now they are still merry and happy!

It wasn't until 2008 that Lei Hong reached the pinnacle of his life - he became famous with the TV series "Mother's Home" and won the Taiwan Golden Bell Award for Best Actor.

At this critical moment, Mr. Lei Hong's emotional world also showed some dramatic changes. The marriage relationship is becoming weaker and more estranged, and the endless curiosity and desire for beautiful women in the outside world are becoming stronger and stronger.

For a time, Mr. Lei Hong fell into the abyss of greed and was obsessed with having the company of many women. He gradually built a polygamous lifestyle, and once had a six-room wife, which undoubtedly became the focus of social discussion at that time.

Lei Hong's romantic history: There were 6 ladies in middle age, and now they are still merry and happy!

However, at the height of his career, Mr. Leihong's family life suffered a serious financial crisis, adding a gloomy color to his life course.

Although Mr. Rayjon had many wives and concubines, he never neglected the needs of any one of them. He paid up to 70,000 yuan a month to each of his aunts and wives, and bought a luxury villa for each of them, ensuring that they had no worries and peace of mind.

However, what is unexpected is that these aunts and wives have invested a lot of money in the stock market and investment fields, but they have suffered huge losses due to their lack of professional knowledge and risk control capabilities, which has directly led to a significant decline in the wealth of Mr. Lei Hong's family.

Lei Hong's romantic history: There were 6 ladies in middle age, and now they are still merry and happy!

For a time, Mr. Lei Hong's family's financial situation took a sharp turn for the worse and fell into a chaotic situation.

As the head of the family, Mr. Rayjon had no choice but to give it his all and work hard in the hope of earning enough wealth to pay off the debts owed by his wife. However, as he grew older, he was no longer as energetic as he once was; Moreover, the competitive environment in the entertainment industry has undergone earth-shaking changes, and new stars have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain, making the living space of veteran actors more and more narrow.

In order to repay his debts, Mr. Lei Hong had to let go of his past reserve and pickiness, and began to reluctantly take on all kinds of films, regardless of the size of the role.

Lei Hong's romantic history: There were 6 ladies in middle age, and now they are still merry and happy!

Sometimes, even for an insignificant supporting role, he will accept it without hesitation and do his best to perform it.

He worked hard until he was physically and mentally exhausted, like a tired horse, running and working day and night to pay off his debts as soon as possible.

However, when the creditors witnessed Lei Hong fighting day and night to repay his debts, they felt a deep sense of guilt and trepidation. Recalling the debt dilemma of the past due to negligence and stubbornness, everyone regrets it.

Lei Hong's romantic history: There were 6 ladies in middle age, and now they are still merry and happy!

At present, Lei Hong has made great efforts to recover these debts in full, and this perseverance has made creditors feel deeply guilty.

Therefore, when Lei Hong was doing his best to repay his debts, the wives and concubines who had been by his side chose to leave him. The backs of the departing ones were silent, and when Lei Hong suddenly realized, the surroundings were empty, leaving him alone to face the weight of life.

In this way, he was alone, burdened with a heavy burden of debt, and struggled to move forward.

Lei Hong's romantic history: There were 6 ladies in middle age, and now they are still merry and happy!

3. A turning point in life

Just when Lei Hong's life fell into a trough and he lost confidence for a while, a sudden turn for the better quietly came, injecting new vitality and hope into his life.

That was when Rahon had to be admitted to a nursing home for recuperation due to his deteriorating health. In this nursing home, a young and beautiful nurse is assigned to take care of Lei Hong's daily life.

Lei Hong's romantic history: There were 6 ladies in middle age, and now they are still merry and happy!

At first, the relationship between the two was limited to professional services, but as time passed, the caregiver's careful care and just the right amount of care made Lei Hong develop an unusual affection for her.

At first, Lei Hong mistakenly regarded this as a transient illusion, but when they were alone, the tenderness and intimacy in their eye contact with each other silently conveyed an indescribable subtle emotion.

Whenever they looked at each other, Lei Hong could always see his reflection in each other's clear eyes; When she served Lei Hong a well-prepared nutritious meal, the hands of the two occasionally touched each other, but it made him feel his heart beat faster and his blood boiled.

Lei Hong's romantic history: There were 6 ladies in middle age, and now they are still merry and happy!

In this way, day after day, bit by bit, an emotion that contains both pity and love gradually sprouts and thrives in the hearts of the two. As an elder entering his old age, Lei Hong never imagined that his life could be so hot again.

Just when he was on the verge of despair and preparing to die alone, this deep friendship from the young caregiver gave him the courage to start anew.

In 2023, after a long and painful treatment of the disease, Lei Hong finally overcame the disease and stood under the sun again. The joy of regaining his health filled his heart, and he was full of confidence and courage to propose to the young nurse who patiently cared for him, and the two hugged each other tightly, and successfully stepped into the palace of marriage full of unknown and sweetness.

Lei Hong's romantic history: There were 6 ladies in middle age, and now they are still merry and happy!

At this moment, Lei Hong's life ushered in a new chapter and turned a new page.

Fourth, a ridiculous scene in the past

Looking back, we must bravely face that absurd and uninhibited stage of Rayhon's life. When he was successful in his career and fame and fortune, the temptation of the outside world hit him like a flood of beasts, and he couldn't resist it, and fell into the whirlpool of cynical and drunken life.

Lei Hong's romantic history: There were 6 ladies in middle age, and now they are still merry and happy!

At that time, Lei Hong seemed to have become a crazy gambler. Whenever he goes out to work, as long as he meets a beautiful and moving woman, he will come forward to talk to him as if he is relieved, whether the other party is a celebrity or an ordinary woman, he doesn't care.

Even some actresses took the initiative to give them a hug, and Lei Hong greeted them warmly, treating them as treasures and incorporating them into the harem and becoming his aunt's wife.

In this way, Lei Hong was like a tyrant who had lost his mind, and gradually formed a chaotic situation of polygamy and a group of wives and concubines, and at one time had six aunts and wives by his side at the same time.

Lei Hong's romantic history: There were 6 ladies in middle age, and now they are still merry and happy!

His life is like tasting delicious lychees, immersed in the world of beauty, extravagance and lust every day. Despite entering middle age, he still seems to be as energetic as a young man.

However, this absurd lifestyle undoubtedly brought great pain to Lei Hong's wife, Chen Meiling. As the main room, how could she be indifferent to this? However, in the face of her husband's crazy behavior, she can only be helpless.

At that time, Lei Hong was no longer able to control himself, where did he still take into account Chen Meiling's feelings? He deceived his wife with sweet words, saying, "We can sit down and talk about it without a divorce."

Lei Hong's romantic history: There were 6 ladies in middle age, and now they are still merry and happy!

"I promise that the quality of life in the future will never be inferior to that of today."

Chen Meiling watched her handsome and dashing husband indulge in those seductive beauties like a moth to a fire, and her heart was painful, but she couldn't do anything about it. She can only stand by and watch, choosing to turn a blind eye when her husband keeps cheating, and as a wife, she can no longer complain.

Lei Hong's romantic history: There were 6 ladies in middle age, and now they are still merry and happy!

In order to stabilize these aunts and wives who help the abuse, Lei Hong can be said to have spared no expense. Not only does he have to pay up to 70,000 yuan a month for each of his aunts, but he also has to buy a luxury villa for each of them to ensure that they have no worries about their lives and stay with them with peace of mind.

There is no doubt that the double temptation of money and beauty can undoubtedly satisfy the short-term desires of these greedy women. However, even though Rahon appears to be very successful on the surface, he doesn't get real joy out of it.

All he enjoyed was the momentary pleasures of his body, while the depths of his soul were filled with endless emptiness and loneliness, and endless troubles kept him in the whirlpool of this life, from which he could not extricate himself.

Lei Hong's romantic history: There were 6 ladies in middle age, and now they are still merry and happy!

The current situation is that under the careful care of his young and beautiful new wife, Lei Hong has fully recovered his physical condition, and his face is ruddy and refreshed. Whenever someone asked him about his emotional life, he always gratefully praised his wife for loving him and living a carefree and happy life.

Seeing Lei Hong's expression of joy when he regained love and health, we can't help but feel that his life path has been tortuous and bumpy, and he has gone through countless hardships and hardships. Looking back, although he had a successful career and a prosperous life when he was young, his private life was extravagant and uninhibited.

At that time, he was like a crazy person, unable to resist the temptation of beauty, and did not hesitate to spend a lot of money to take concubines. For a time, greed made him have six aunts and wives at the same time, and lived a drunken and leisurely life.

Lei Hong's romantic history: There were 6 ladies in middle age, and now they are still merry and happy!

Although his wife Chen Meiling was distressed by this, he didn't care, and instead used money to buy these greedy women to stay with him.

The living expenses of 70,000 yuan per month and a luxurious villa make these aunts and wives stay contentedly. However, just as Lei Hong's career life was at its peak, his family life was in serious financial trouble.

It turned out that his aunts and wives were keen to invest in the stock market, but due to their lack of experience and mismanagement of funds, they led to a huge loss of the family property.

Lei Hong's romantic history: There were 6 ladies in middle age, and now they are still merry and happy!

In order to pay off the huge debts owed by his wives and concubines, Lei Hong had to work hard to earn an income, and he was busy like a tired old horse. While he was struggling alone, the wives and concubines who had helped and accompanied him left him one after another.

Finally, when the debt was paid off, Lei Hong suddenly realized that he was alone.

Lady Luck still favored Lei Hong after all! Just when his life was like a kite with a broken string falling into the endless abyss, a beautiful and moving nurse illuminated his vision like the dawn of dawn.

Lei Hong's romantic history: There were 6 ladies in middle age, and now they are still merry and happy!

The two met and knew each other, and finally walked into the marriage hall hand in hand, Lei Hong at this moment, under the meticulous care and care of his wife, his body recovered and his spirit was full of vitality.

However, when Lei Hong looks back on those absurd years, he must deeply reflect on what he has done. He knew very well that it was precisely because he pursued external vanity and physical pleasures excessively, and neglected the cultivation of the inner world, that he was in such a predicament.

Now that he has regained his happiness, it is undoubtedly a kind of redemption for his young and frivolous life, and Lei Hong will definitely take this as a warning and cherish everything around him for the rest of his life.

Lei Hong's romantic history: There were 6 ladies in middle age, and now they are still merry and happy!

The history of Lei Hong's life is very emotional. Once upon a time, he was in his prime and dominated the business world, but because of a moment of indulgence and sinking, he almost ruined his life. On the Internet, some people condemned and puzzled Lei Hong's behavior, accusing him of being a big carrot, disrespecting women, and all his actions were to satisfy his selfish desires.

However, there are also those who hold a different view, who believe that Lei Hong's behavior stems from the sensitivity and fragility of his heart, and that he is using an extreme way to find the solace of true love.

Whatever the reason, we should look at Rayhon's life experience with compassion and understanding. After all, life is so short and precious, and we have no right to judge the rights and wrongs of others.

Lei Hong's romantic history: There were 6 ladies in middle age, and now they are still merry and happy!

The key is that Lei Hong finally found the true meaning and direction of life, got rid of the decadent life of the past, and opened a new chapter of happiness, which is the most precious and gratifying thing As a human being, we should be more happy that Lei Hong can finally regain his strength, rather than dwelling on the absurd life of the past, which is like this, there are both sunshine and clouds, but as long as we do not lose hope and courage in the haze, we will eventually find the way to happiness.

I sincerely wish Mr. Lei Hong a smoother and smoother journey in his future life, happiness and health!

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