
Merry actor Lei Hong: In his glory, "six wives" lived in the same house, and he went bankrupt and remarried a wife who was 20 years younger

author:Aquatic smokers


In "The Story of Deer and Ding", the protagonist Wei Xiaobao has seven wives and has become the most soul-worn male protagonist of male compatriots.

Merry actor Lei Hong: In his glory, "six wives" lived in the same house, and he went bankrupt and remarried a wife who was 20 years younger

However, in reality, there is really such a man, who not only married "six wives" in a row, but also married the "seventh wife" who was 20 years younger than the old man in the rare years of owing tens of millions of huge debts.

Merry actor Lei Hong: In his glory, "six wives" lived in the same house, and he went bankrupt and remarried a wife who was 20 years younger

He is the romantic actor Lei Hong, who is known as the "realistic version of Wei Xiaobao".

So, what kind of charm does Lei Hong have that attracts seven women to fall in love with him?

Merry actor Lei Hong: In his glory, "six wives" lived in the same house, and he went bankrupt and remarried a wife who was 20 years younger

1. Transformed from a group actor to a powerful actor

In 1948, Lei Hong was born in an ordinary farming family in Taiwan Province, with many brothers and sisters, and life was very stressful.

As the saying goes: the children of the poor are in charge of the family early, and in order to reduce the burden on the family, Lei Hong, as a boy, went out to work without a few years of study to earn money to support the family.

Merry actor Lei Hong: In his glory, "six wives" lived in the same house, and he went bankrupt and remarried a wife who was 20 years younger

The young Lei Hong had no skills, so he could only make a living by doing some hard work, even if he worked very hard to earn money, his life was still very hard.

In a blink of an eye, Lei Hong reached the age of starting a family, and his parents were also very anxious and introduced him to many blind dates, but he had a meager income and a heavy family burden, and was disliked by the woman many times.

Merry actor Lei Hong: In his glory, "six wives" lived in the same house, and he went bankrupt and remarried a wife who was 20 years younger

Lei Hong, who was rejected for marriage again, was depressed and had no one to complain, so he could only ask a friend to borrow wine to drown his sorrows.

When his friend learned that he failed on a blind date again, he couldn't bear to see his decadent appearance, so he asked him to go to the crew to try his hand at being an actor.

At that time, the "Gezai Drama Group" was popular in Taiwan Province, and in the theater, Lei Hong saw the enthusiastic cheers of the audience when the actors appeared, and also inquired about the actors' rich income and good life.

Merry actor Lei Hong: In his glory, "six wives" lived in the same house, and he went bankrupt and remarried a wife who was 20 years younger

This made Lei Hong secretly swear in his heart that he must become a well-known actor, get ahead, and change his fate.

However, not everyone can take the road of actors, and the mediocre-looking Lei Hong has not studied acting professionally, which has led to repeated encounters in the crew interviews.

Merry actor Lei Hong: In his glory, "six wives" lived in the same house, and he went bankrupt and remarried a wife who was 20 years younger

But Lei Hong became more and more courageous, and if he failed an interview, he would change another one, and finally, with his unremitting efforts, a small crew was finally willing to give him a chance to be a group performer in the crew.

After entering the crew, Lei Hong seized every opportunity to play, continued to learn, constantly polished his basic skills, and gradually formed his own performance style.

Merry actor Lei Hong: In his glory, "six wives" lived in the same house, and he went bankrupt and remarried a wife who was 20 years younger

At the same time, when Lei Hong was doing a group performance, his stable income gave him the capital to marry a wife, and after being introduced, Lei Hong finally married his first wife.

Merry actor Lei Hong: In his glory, "six wives" lived in the same house, and he went bankrupt and remarried a wife who was 20 years younger

While the family was satisfied, Lei Hong began to devote more energy to his acting career.

Later, Lei Hong joined the "Tang Meiyun Gezai Troupe" and starred in works such as "A Thousand Miles of Marriage" and "Love at First Sight", which became more and more loved by the audience.

Merry actor Lei Hong: In his glory, "six wives" lived in the same house, and he went bankrupt and remarried a wife who was 20 years younger

Finally, Lei Hong, a late bloomer, ushered in the peak of his career.

In 2003, Lei Hong won the "Golden Bell Award for Best Supporting Actor", and five years later, Lei Hong won the "Golden Bell Award for Best Actor" for the role of "Peng Dahai" in "Mother's Family".

Merry actor Lei Hong: In his glory, "six wives" lived in the same house, and he went bankrupt and remarried a wife who was 20 years younger

However, compared with Lei Hong's brilliant acting achievements, the public pays more attention to his private life.

Second, in order to enjoy the blessings of all people, he set strange family rules

As the saying goes, "When a man is rich, he becomes bad".

This sentence was interpreted by Lei Hong to the extreme, and he began to indulge in beauty after gaining fame and fortune.

Merry actor Lei Hong: In his glory, "six wives" lived in the same house, and he went bankrupt and remarried a wife who was 20 years younger

At home, Lei Hong is still the same as his wife, but after stepping out of the house, he becomes a playboy.

Moreover, he once said unashamedly in a variety show:

"Seeing one and loving one is the norm, and when you see a beautiful woman, you want to bubble", "If you have money, you will mess around".

Merry actor Lei Hong: In his glory, "six wives" lived in the same house, and he went bankrupt and remarried a wife who was 20 years younger

Lei Hong enjoyed it here, living a chic life all day long, but it broke his wife's heart.

In order to maintain the marriage, his wife has turned one eye open and closed one eye, but she didn't expect her compromise, but Lei Hong completely tore off the last disguise and cruelly brought her lover home.

Merry actor Lei Hong: In his glory, "six wives" lived in the same house, and he went bankrupt and remarried a wife who was 20 years younger

Since then, Lei Hong has lived a life of drunkenness and "a group of wives and concubines".

But this absurd life did not end, and in the following days, he brought back five lovers one after another, and what was even more outrageous was that the youngest lover was fifty years younger than him.

Merry actor Lei Hong: In his glory, "six wives" lived in the same house, and he went bankrupt and remarried a wife who was 20 years younger

It is said that "three women in one play", these six women are in the same room, and conflicts are inevitable.

Merry actor Lei Hong: In his glory, "six wives" lived in the same house, and he went bankrupt and remarried a wife who was 20 years younger

In order to mediate the relationship between women, Lei Hong spent a huge amount of money to buy a 3,000-square-meter mansion and live with his original partner and lover.

Lei Hong assigned each of the six "wives" a room, let them live in their own "activity area", do not interfere with each other, and set up "strange family rules":

Merry actor Lei Hong: In his glory, "six wives" lived in the same house, and he went bankrupt and remarried a wife who was 20 years younger

1. Every "wife" can't ask about his itinerary, can't check the post, and can't care where he goes to sleep at night.

2. Lei Hong arranges shifts for six "wives" and takes turns to sleep in their rooms every day.

3. Pay NT$70,000 per month to each "wife's" account.

Lei Hong is not only willing to squander for his "wives", but also changes his tricks to give them gifts to create surprises, and take his "family" out to play.

During these years, the six "wives" gave birth to a total of 7 sons and 1 daughter for him.

Merry actor Lei Hong: In his glory, "six wives" lived in the same house, and he went bankrupt and remarried a wife who was 20 years younger

However, just when people lamented Lei Hong's romantic life, his six "wives" left him one after another, what happened?

3. Suddenly changed, but married a nurse's wife in the old age

In 2016, when one of Lei Hong's "wives" went out to work, he was obsessed with stock speculation and futures investment, but he lacked investment acumen, which led to the collapse of investment and a huge debt of 60 million.

Merry actor Lei Hong: In his glory, "six wives" lived in the same house, and he went bankrupt and remarried a wife who was 20 years younger

In addition to the investment principal, there is also a loan shark borrowed in the name of Lei Hong, so that Lei Hong has to repay.

At this time, Lei Hong's career also had the problem of broken capital chain, and in order to repay the debt, he had to sell the mansion to pay off the debt.

Merry actor Lei Hong: In his glory, "six wives" lived in the same house, and he went bankrupt and remarried a wife who was 20 years younger

And his six "wives" saw that he was bankrupt, and they didn't care about the relationship between husband and wife in the past, and abandoned him one after another, and really responded to the old saying "husband and wife are birds in the same forest, and they fly separately when disaster comes."

At this time, Lei Hong, who was both frustrated in his career and feelings, seemed to have repented, laughed at himself in the variety show that this was retribution, and even had the idea of suicide for a while.

Merry actor Lei Hong: In his glory, "six wives" lived in the same house, and he went bankrupt and remarried a wife who was 20 years younger

However, the house leak happened to rain overnight, an unprecedented blow, and Lei Hong suffered from a strange disease, his immune system was out of balance, his nails would fall off inexplicably, and a large area of blisters appeared on the surface of his body, so he had to be admitted to the hospital for recuperation.

Merry actor Lei Hong: In his glory, "six wives" lived in the same house, and he went bankrupt and remarried a wife who was 20 years younger

But when the 71-year-old Lei Hong was discharged from the hospital, it was revealed that he was about to marry the "seventh wife", which caused heated discussions in the outside world.

Many people speculate that Lei Hong is going to learn from "Wei Xiaobao" to marry seven wives? Who is it? Can Lei Hong, who has just experienced his wife's betrayal, marry again.

Merry actor Lei Hong: In his glory, "six wives" lived in the same house, and he went bankrupt and remarried a wife who was 20 years younger

It turned out that during Lei Hong's hospitalization and recuperation, the six "wives" did not even see a shadow, and only one hospital nurse took care of him meticulously.

This nurse is a confidante who Lei Hong has known for many years, and has been taking care of Lei Hong's daily life and giving Lei Hong encouragement during his hospitalization.

Merry actor Lei Hong: In his glory, "six wives" lived in the same house, and he went bankrupt and remarried a wife who was 20 years younger

And Lei Hong was also accompanied by his confidante, his condition was controlled and he gradually recovered his health.

In 2019, Lei Hong, whose condition improved, couldn't wait to get married to a female nurse who was 20 years younger than him and started a new life.

Merry actor Lei Hong: In his glory, "six wives" lived in the same house, and he went bankrupt and remarried a wife who was 20 years younger


Lei Hong's life was up and down, and when it was brilliant, there were groups of wives and concubines, and they indulged in romance.

But after Lei Hong went bankrupt, the six "wives" left one after another, and he was also infected with a strange disease.

Merry actor Lei Hong: In his glory, "six wives" lived in the same house, and he went bankrupt and remarried a wife who was 20 years younger

The outside world thought that Lei Hong would lose confidence in love, but he "did not change his mind" and married his "seventh wife" in his old age.

Is this true love, or is it a repeat of tragedy?

The source of the information in this article

[1], 2019-11-11, "The 71-year-old actor has a group of wives and concubines, and he still has a confidante to accompany him after being abandoned by all 6 wives".

Merry actor Lei Hong: In his glory, "six wives" lived in the same house, and he went bankrupt and remarried a wife who was 20 years younger

[2] Phoenix Entertainment, 2016-01-10, "Taiwan's 68-year-old actor Lei Hong's 1 wife and 5 concubines are under great pressure and spend nearly 500,000 yuan a month to support his family".

Merry actor Lei Hong: In his glory, "six wives" lived in the same house, and he went bankrupt and remarried a wife who was 20 years younger

[3], 2017-06-22, "In the play, he is a madman who protects his wife, but outside the play, he marries one wife and five concubines, vows that there will be no more sixth, and his body deteriorates at the age of 68 (2)".

Merry actor Lei Hong: In his glory, "six wives" lived in the same house, and he went bankrupt and remarried a wife who was 20 years younger

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