
Crack down! Fengyang's latest release!

author:Fengyang, China

Crack down! Fengyang's latest release!

Fengyang County Market Supervision Bureau issued a "special liquor" consumption tips

In recent years, some unscrupulous traders in the market have used signs such as "special supply", "exclusive supply" and "internal supply" to sell and advertise alcoholic products in order to obtain improper economic benefits. In order to maintain market order and consumer rights and interests, while the relevant departments have stepped up efforts to crack down on "special liquor", the Fengyang County Consumer Rights Protection Committee issued a consumer reminder: maintain a rational consumption concept. According to the relevant national policy documents, the sale of so-called "special supply" liquor is strictly prohibited. Therefore, the "special liquor" sold in the name of a state organ on the market can basically be judged to be counterfeit goods. Consumers should keep rational thinking when purchasing, avoid being deceived by the false propaganda of merchants, and be especially wary of those wines printed with the words "special", "exclusive" and "internal", which are likely to be fictitious concepts made up by merchants in order to attract consumers, and may even be inferior wines. Raise awareness of safe consumption. When purchasing alcoholic beverages, you should choose legal and formal sales channels, and ask for and keep the purchase receipts. At the same time, pay attention to check the manufacturer and address marked on the outer packaging of the product, as well as the relevant information of the product, such as the production date, shelf life, etc. Do not buy wine without factory name, factory address, production date and quality certificate, as well as imported wine without Chinese label. Strictly implement entity responsibility. Liquor producers and traders should earnestly implement the main responsibility, allocate food safety directors and food safety officers in accordance with the law, improve the food safety risk control list and the responsibilities of the food safety director, and the code of conduct for food safety officers, strengthen industry self-discipline, standardize production and operation management, and shall not produce and sell illegal products such as "special liquor". Fengyang County Market Supervision Bureau will continue to carry out special actions to severely crack down on the production and sale of "special liquor" and "internal liquor" and other violations of laws and regulations, if consumers find such behaviors, please call 12315 in time to complain and report, and protect their legitimate rights and interests in accordance with the law.

After reading and forwarding this article

Source: County Market Supervision Bureau Editor: Zheng Xiaorong Zhao Chenxing

Re-examination: Gao Jie

Editor-in-Chief: Zhang Shuhu

Submission email: [email protected]

Crack down! Fengyang's latest release!
Crack down! Fengyang's latest release!