
was once praised to the sky, but now "no one wants to give it away for nothing": 5 kinds of major appliances, it is very sad to think about it

author:Obuchi commented on the house
Some people feel sadness, others gnash their teeth.

5 kinds of major appliances, when they first appeared, people had high hopes. But in just a few years, it quickly disappeared from the market. When it first came out, the price was extremely high, but now no one wants it for nothing-

was once praised to the sky, but now "no one wants to give it away for nothing": 5 kinds of major appliances, it is very sad to think about it

.01 Plasma TV

After CRT (big head) TVs were eliminated and LCD TVs appeared, the TV market was really confused for a while. That's when a new product appeared: plasma TVs.

was once praised to the sky, but now "no one wants to give it away for nothing": 5 kinds of major appliances, it is very sad to think about it

Speaking of this name, many people may have forgotten it, but when it comes to that classic line, everyone should understand:

What grade, use the same TV as me!

Plasma TV, the principle of light is very similar to that of fluorescent lights. The screens are filled with phosphors and inert gases to emit light at high pressure. The disadvantages are high price, poor color display, easy damage, and high maintenance costs.

was once praised to the sky, but now "no one wants to give it away for nothing": 5 kinds of major appliances, it is very sad to think about it

Malfunction is the norm with plasma TVs

So when the LCD TV that can kill it in every way appears, the plasma TV seems to have disappeared overnight. As for the people who bought it home at a high price, I'm afraid they can only secretly shed tears behind closed doors.

.02 Rear projection TV

It was a product of the same period as plasma TV,At that time, people thought that the future TV market would definitely be occupied by one of the two。 The result is well known, both plasma and rear projection are eliminated!

Rear projection TV, to put it bluntly, is a projector:

was once praised to the sky, but now "no one wants to give it away for nothing": 5 kinds of major appliances, it is very sad to think about it

Its projector is mounted on the back of the screen, so it is called "rear projection". In that era when the projection technology was not mature, it had all the defects of the projector at that time:

• Low brightness and difficulty in daytime.

• Poor color, black total gray.

• High power consumption, the meter swishs.

was once praised to the sky, but now "no one wants to give it away for nothing": 5 kinds of major appliances, it is very sad to think about it

In addition, it does not have the advantages of large screen size and small size like projectors. To put it bluntly, there are shortcomings all over the body, and there is no hope in sight. So when LCD TVs appeared, they disappeared faster than plasma TVs.

.03 Air purifying air conditioner

There was a time when high-end air conditioners on the market liked to add an "air purification" function. To put it simply, the air purifier filter is added to the air conditioner to purify the air.

But on the one hand, the cost of using the filter element is very high, and it needs to be replaced every six months, at least a few hundred yuan at a time.

On the other hand, if you only want to purify the air conditioner, you also need to pay for the electricity to turn on the air conditioner, which is too high.

was once praised to the sky, but now "no one wants to give it away for nothing": 5 kinds of major appliances, it is very sad to think about it

Therefore, even if it is installed on a high-end product, even if it is bought by rich people, it is still difficult to be accepted by users. As the outdoor air quality gets better and better, this air conditioner is slowly disappearing.

Today's air conditioners still have the function of "purifying the air", but in two other ways:

(1) Fresh air conditioner, which is to change the outdoor air into the room after purification, and the price is not high, and it can also turn on or off the fresh air function separately, which is a popular new product.

was once praised to the sky, but now "no one wants to give it away for nothing": 5 kinds of major appliances, it is very sad to think about it

Fresh air conditioning

(2) Purify the indoor air by releasing silver ions, negative ions, etc., without consumables and additional power consumption. Although the purification effect is not as good as fresh air and air purifiers, there are still people who will choose.

.04 sink type dishwasher

In the beginning, there were only two types of dishwashers: tabletop and built-in. The desktop needs to be placed on the countertop, and the capacity is relatively small, so few people are willing to choose.

was once praised to the sky, but now "no one wants to give it away for nothing": 5 kinds of major appliances, it is very sad to think about it

Embedded is at a disadvantage at the beginning in the competition with the sink type:

At that time, people felt that built-in needed to be retrofitted with cabinets, not as good as sink - just remove the old sink and replace it with a sink dishwasher with an integrated sink function.

Sink dishwashers require a retrofit to the countertop, which is no less difficult than built-in. And there is no salt bin in the sink dishwasher, and there is limescale everywhere; The capacity is still very small, and it is enough to wash dishes, let alone wash pots.

was once praised to the sky, but now "no one wants to give it away for nothing": 5 kinds of major appliances, it is very sad to think about it

So since about two or three years ago, built-in dishwashers have started to rise. It's only a matter of time before sink dishwashers are phased out.

.05 handle-type smart lock

Like a mechanical lock, with a handle – this type of lock is a handle-handling smart lock. It was sold purely because of the price, and the minimum was only a few hundred yuan.

was once praised to the sky, but now "no one wants to give it away for nothing": 5 kinds of major appliances, it is very sad to think about it

However, the handle-type smart locks are semi-automatic, and they cannot be automatically locked after the door is closed, and they need to be lifted to the handle. In terms of convenience, it is not as convenient as a fully automatic smart lock.

Therefore, when the price of fully automatic smart locks is getting lower and lower, no one is willing to buy handle smart locks anymore.

Now there are various ways to open the door with fully automatic smart locks:

• Touch to open the door

• Handle to open the door

• Press the button to open the door

was once praised to the sky, but now "no one wants to give it away for nothing": 5 kinds of major appliances, it is very sad to think about it

Fully automatic smart lock

These ways to open the door are not only convenient, but also prevent children and pets from opening the door by mistake. In contrast, the shape of the relatively traditional handle-type smart lock is very cost-effective.


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