
In 2024, the border gate law popularization and civil code entry port activity was officially launched

author:Guangxi popularization of law

On April 30, on the eve of the May Fourth Youth Day, jointly sponsored by the Department of Justice of the Autonomous Region and Nanning Customs, and co-organized by the Chongzuo Municipal Bureau of Justice, the Propaganda Department of the Pingxiang Municipal Party Committee, the Pingxiang Municipal Bureau of Justice, the Pingxiang Municipal Law Society, and the Pingxiang Municipal Committee of the Communist Youth League were held in Pingxiang City. Hu Xiaobiao, deputy director of the Chongzuo Municipal Bureau of Justice, presided over the ceremony, and Qin Cailin, deputy mayor of the Pingxiang Municipal People's Government, delivered a speech, and the launching ceremony officially opened the prelude to the Civil Code Publicity Month.

In 2024, the border gate law popularization and civil code entry port activity was officially launched
In 2024, the border gate law popularization and civil code entry port activity was officially launched

"I am a youth volunteer for law popularization, and I swear to abide by the Constitution and laws, practice the spirit of the rule of law with practical actions, and convey the concept of the rule of law ......." The representatives of the youth legal popularization volunteers of various organs clenched their right fists and swore an oath, turning their youth into a force for promoting the rule of law. At the same time, two young calligraphers in the audience wrote the word "law" in different fonts, expressing the unchanged feelings of the rule of law with the changing word "law".

In 2024, the border gate law popularization and civil code entry port activity was officially launched
In 2024, the border gate law popularization and civil code entry port activity was officially launched

At the event site, there were also legal literary and artistic performances such as police sports boxing brought by outstanding young students of Guangxi Police Academy, and wind ensemble of Guangxi Normal University for Nationalities. In the sub-venues of the activity, all units carried out centralized publicity and entertainment activities by setting up consultation desks for centralized publicity, hanging legal popularization banners, displaying publicity boards, placing civil code check-in points, setting up legal knowledge quiz areas, distributing publicity materials, etc., young lawyers, notaries, and legal workers answered the legal advice of the masses on the spot, and the young people who understood the law and the young backbone of each unit used easy-to-understand language and explained the law with cases, so that the civil code could go to the people and the hearts of the masses. The atmosphere at the event was warm, and the effect of legal education was obvious, creating a strong atmosphere for the whole society to learn the Civil Code.

In 2024, the border gate law popularization and civil code entry port activity was officially launched
In 2024, the border gate law popularization and civil code entry port activity was officially launched

It is reported that about 300 people, including the Department of Justice of the Autonomous Region, Nanning Customs, Guangxi Police College, Guangxi Normal University for Nationalities, young legal workers of Pingxiang City, representatives of League cadres of various law popularization member units, and legal experts from various villages (communities), participated in the event, which attracted many cross-border tourists to participate, and distributed more than 1,000 small gifts for the rule of law and more than 5,000 promotional materials, which were well received by Chinese and Vietnamese tourists. After the launch of this activity, outstanding young legal popularization volunteers from various industries will also be organized to carry out various forms of legal popularization publicity activities, so that legal popularization can enter the port, enter the park, and enter the live broadcast room, so that the participation of the whole people will become a common practice, so that the civil code will accompany a better life, and let the "code" of legal popularization and publicity brighten the national port.

Source: Chongzuo Justice, Pingxiang Municipal Bureau of Justice

Editor: Gui Faxuan

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