
Do men look at the upper body when they are old? If you don't see these 2 signs, congratulations on your youth

author:Talk about the doctor's health

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"Oops, it's so hot, it almost reminds me of the heat wave of that summer, but I'm still young!" Liu Jianguo said this, wiping the beads of sweat from his forehead.

He is a bus driver who has to deal with crowded passengers and hot weather every day, but he never complains and always faces everything with a positive attitude. In his circle of friends, everyone envies Liu Jianguo's vitality and health, and always asks him what the secret is.

Do men look at the upper body when they are old? If you don't see these 2 signs, congratulations on your youth

What they don't know is that Liu Jianguo actually has his own health management philosophy - he pays great attention to observing the signals of his body, especially some changes in the upper body.

At a party with friends, one of Liu Jianguo's friends asked him: "Jianguo, you look really good, we are all envious of your physical strength and mental state." Do you have any tips? "

Do men look at the upper body when they are old? If you don't see these 2 signs, congratulations on your youth

Liu Jianguo replied with a smile: "Actually, whether men are old or not can be seen from the upper body to a large extent. If the upper body still maintains a certain muscle line and does not have obvious fat accumulation, then it is basically young. "

Maintaining a moderate amount of muscle mass and controlling body fat ratio can not only delay aging, but also effectively prevent a variety of age-related diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, etc.

Do men look at the upper body when they are old? If you don't see these 2 signs, congratulations on your youth

Liu Jianguo's health philosophy also includes strict control of diet. He had protein, fiber, and essential trace elements in his diet, while limiting his intake of high-sugar, high-fat foods. These foods not only provide enough energy to support his work, but also help to keep his body healthy.

Do men look at the upper body when they are old? If you don't see these 2 signs, congratulations on your youth

Liu Jianguo also attaches great importance to the regularity of physical activity. Although he sits for long periods of time as a bus driver, he dedicates at least half an hour to brisk walking or running every day after work to build up his cardiorespiratory fitness and muscle strength.

Regular physical activity not only increases muscle elasticity and strength, but also increases metabolic rate, which helps maintain a healthy body weight and body fat ratio.

Do men look at the upper body when they are old? If you don't see these 2 signs, congratulations on your youth

When it comes to dealing with stress, Liu Jianguo also has his own methods. His usual strategy is to take deep breaths and meditate briefly to help him find balance in the midst of hectic work and life stress. He believes that stress management is essential for maintaining good health, as long-term mental stress can lead to chronic inflammation, which is directly linked to the occurrence of a variety of diseases.

Do men look at the upper body when they are old? If you don't see these 2 signs, congratulations on your youth

Liu Jianguo continued: "In addition, many people ignore the importance of sleep, in fact, sleep quality also directly affects our physical health and aging speed. If an adult male can maintain 7 to 8 hours of quality sleep per night, it is extremely beneficial for muscle repair and metabolism. "

Do men look at the upper body when they are old? If you don't see these 2 signs, congratulations on your youth

Science also supports this. Those who slept less than 6 hours a night had signs of physical aging, such as reduced skin elasticity and decreased muscle mass, appear faster than those who get enough sleep.

Lack of sleep can also lead to increased levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which not only increases the accumulation of belly fat but also reduces the efficiency of the immune system, which increases the risk of various inflammations and diseases.

Do men look at the upper body when they are old? If you don't see these 2 signs, congratulations on your youth

"That's why I often tell my friends that if you want to stay young, sleep is just as important as diet and exercise. You want to give your body enough time to recover. Liu Jianguo added.

Liu Jianguo also places great emphasis on the impact of environmental factors on health. "The environment in which we live, including the air quality and the relationships around us, also affects our health," he said. Long-term exposure to highly polluted air can accelerate the decline of our lung function. "

Do men look at the upper body when they are old? If you don't see these 2 signs, congratulations on your youth

Residents living in areas with higher air pollution indices are on average 2 to 3 years older than their chronological age, due to the acceleration of oxidative damage to cells by harmful substances such as fine particulate matter and nitrogen dioxide in the air.

"Try to choose times when the air is better for outdoor activities, and also use an air purifier at home." Liu Jianguo said.

Do men look at the upper body when they are old? If you don't see these 2 signs, congratulations on your youth

Through these lifestyle adjustments, Liu Jianguo not only looks younger, but his physical indicators also show that he is much healthier than his peers.

At the end of this gathering, one of the participants posed a question: "Jianguo, you talked about a lot of ways to stay young, but I wondered, is there any way to quickly recover physical and mental state for people like us who often need to stay up late?" "

Do men look at the upper body when they are old? If you don't see these 2 signs, congratulations on your youth

Liu Jianguo said: "For friends who need to stay up late, I recommend finding time to catch up on sleep as much as possible, especially in the afternoon, a short 20-minute nap can greatly improve the mental state." In addition, maintaining proper hydration and electrolyte balance is key. Don't rely on caffeine or other stimulants, which will only make your body more tired. “

Do men look at the upper body when they are old? If you don't see these 2 signs, congratulations on your youth

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Do men look at the upper body when they are old? If you don't see these 2 signs, congratulations on your youth