
The 57-year-old eldest sister stir-fried vegetables with peanut oil every day, and after 2 years of physical examination, the doctor shouted: How are you eating?

author:Talk about the doctor's health

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"Ouch, my stomach really can't stand it!" Li Hongmei complained, putting the freshly made peanut oil stir-fry on the table, with a helpless expression on her face.

She's a 57-year-old middle school history teacher who likes to explain interesting stories about the Warring States period on weekdays, and her cooking skills are a bit of a sweat — especially her use of oil, which always makes people feel "lavish".

The 57-year-old eldest sister stir-fried vegetables with peanut oil every day, and after 2 years of physical examination, the doctor shouted: How are you eating?

In the community, Li Hongmei is known for her enthusiasm and talkativeness. Neighbors often hear her tell interesting historical stories, "You know what? Peanut oil is healthy, at least compared to those imported olive oils, the price is affordable, and it is easy to use! Every time she said this, she always looked triumphant.

The 57-year-old eldest sister stir-fried vegetables with peanut oil every day, and after 2 years of physical examination, the doctor shouted: How are you eating?

However, it caught the doctor's attention during a physical examination two years later. Li Hongmei's blood lipid levels were abnormally elevated, prompting a series of questions from doctors. "Mr. Li, what are your usual eating habits? Especially the intake of fats and fats. The doctor looked at Li Hongmei seriously, hoping to find the root of the problem.

"I stir-fry vegetables in peanut oil every day, and I thought it was healthy." Li Hongmei was a little surprised and replied puzzled.

The 57-year-old eldest sister stir-fried vegetables with peanut oil every day, and after 2 years of physical examination, the doctor shouted: How are you eating?

Although peanut oil contains more monounsaturated fatty acids, which have a positive effect on lowering cholesterol, excessive intake can also cause health problems, especially if it is not combined with the right amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids. The main ingredient in peanut oil is oleic acid, and excessive intake of oleic acid, especially in an unbalanced diet, can increase the risk of heart disease and inflammation.

The 57-year-old eldest sister stir-fried vegetables with peanut oil every day, and after 2 years of physical examination, the doctor shouted: How are you eating?

Moreover, the daily dietary intake of fats and fats should be controlled between 20%-30% of the total calories, especially for middle-aged and elderly people, more attention should be paid to the balance of the type and amount of fats. Many people like Li Hongmei, who use a single oil for a long time because they prefer a certain type of oil, have a higher proportion of dyslipidemia.

The 57-year-old eldest sister stir-fried vegetables with peanut oil every day, and after 2 years of physical examination, the doctor shouted: How are you eating?

"You may not know that while peanut oil is widely considered healthy, each type of oil has its own specific optimal consumption patterns and appropriate amounts. Peanut oil is good, but it should also be used in moderation, and it is best to alternate with other types of oils, such as canola oil, olive oil, etc., which can provide different types of fatty acids and help maintain good health. ”

The 57-year-old eldest sister stir-fried vegetables with peanut oil every day, and after 2 years of physical examination, the doctor shouted: How are you eating?

For two years, Li Hongmei's dining table hardly saw any other type of oil, which directly led to her health problems. She realizes that even the healthiest foods can be harmful to health if used incorrectly.

Time is like that, quietly passing in the bits and pieces of life. In the days that followed, Li Hongmei tried to adjust her cooking habits, no longer using a single peanut oil every day, but adding other kinds of oils, such as occasionally making salads with olive oil, or using some sesame oil to enhance the aroma of food.

The 57-year-old eldest sister stir-fried vegetables with peanut oil every day, and after 2 years of physical examination, the doctor shouted: How are you eating?

So Li Hongmei began to promote her new discovery among her colleagues and friends, and she always waved her arms excitedly when she recounted: "Do you know, it turns out that the peanut oil we use every day, although there are many benefits, we can't just use it every day!" Use it together, such as adding some canola oil, or olive oil, which is better for the body! ”

The 57-year-old eldest sister stir-fried vegetables with peanut oil every day, and after 2 years of physical examination, the doctor shouted: How are you eating?

Interestingly, though, despite the change in her cooking habits, Li still doesn't forget to add a little creativity to each dish, such as adding some fresh herbs to stir-fry, or using different spices to enhance the flavor. She always likes to say, "Change is not about giving up habits, but about making habits more fun!" ”

The 57-year-old eldest sister stir-fried vegetables with peanut oil every day, and after 2 years of physical examination, the doctor shouted: How are you eating?

Although Li Hongmei has begun to change, she still often recalls the doctor's words. She realized that the depth and breadth of health knowledge was far beyond her imagination, and she decided to learn more about it in order to better take care of herself and her family's health.

The 57-year-old eldest sister stir-fried vegetables with peanut oil every day, and after 2 years of physical examination, the doctor shouted: How are you eating?

In her further study, Li Hongmei learned that in addition to peanut oil, the smoke point and fat composition of each edible oil are different, which directly affects the way the oil is used and its health effects. For example, olive oil is suitable for low-temperature cooking or direct consumption, while high-smoke-point oils like corn oil are better suited for high-temperature cooking.

The 57-year-old eldest sister stir-fried vegetables with peanut oil every day, and after 2 years of physical examination, the doctor shouted: How are you eating?

She also found that long-term use of a single oil can lead to an imbalance in the ratio of fatty acids, which can cause the body's chronic inflammatory response. This knowledge has made her pay more attention to the balance and variety of her diet in her daily life.

At her next check-up, she excitedly shared her new findings and changes with her doctor. The doctor was very happy and affirmed her hard work and spirit of exploration.

The 57-year-old eldest sister stir-fried vegetables with peanut oil every day, and after 2 years of physical examination, the doctor shouted: How are you eating?

When Li Hongmei asked: "So, do you think my current method of diversifying the use of edible oil is scientific, and is there anything that needs to be improved?" ”

The doctor smiled and replied, "Mr. Li, what you are doing now is very good. A varied diet can provide a variety of nutrients that the body needs, and different cooking oils can give us different health benefits. As long as you mix a variety of foods and fats properly, you can effectively maintain your health. ”

The 57-year-old eldest sister stir-fried vegetables with peanut oil every day, and after 2 years of physical examination, the doctor shouted: How are you eating?

What do you think about peanut oil? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

The 57-year-old eldest sister stir-fried vegetables with peanut oil every day, and after 2 years of physical examination, the doctor shouted: How are you eating?

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