
The 65-year-old aunt eats strawberries every morning and has insisted on it for 3 years

author:Dr. Chan Health said
The 65-year-old aunt eats strawberries every morning and has insisted on it for 3 years

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From the outskirts of the western part of the city came a 65-year-old lady, who walked vigorously and energetically, and did not see any serious illness at all.

Walking down the hospital corridor, she reciprocated a friendly smile to everyone who passed by.

The old lady's name is Juli, she is 65 years old this year, and she was a jewelry designer before she retired.

The 65-year-old aunt eats strawberries every morning and has insisted on it for 3 years

After retirement, her life was monotonous and dull, and she often felt that there was nothing wrong with her body, but she was inexplicably lacking in energy and appetite.

Recommended by a friend, she started eating strawberries every morning, at first it was just a pastime, but she didn't expect this little habit to bring a huge change to her life...

It was an early morning three years ago, Julie was basking on the balcony in the sun, and suddenly saw a few strawberry plants in the small garden of the old uncle's house next door, the tender green leaves wrapped in faint red fruits, which was particularly attractive.

The 65-year-old aunt eats strawberries every morning and has insisted on it for 3 years

The old uncle saw her interested gaze and enthusiastically gave her a small plate of strawberries to taste.

Julie instinctively took it and took a careful bite.

The fresh aroma, sweet and sour taste, as if injecting a burst of vitality into her taste buds, made her feel instantly refreshed.

From that moment on, she began to insist on coming to this "fruit and vegetable feast" every morning.

The 65-year-old aunt eats strawberries every morning and has insisted on it for 3 years

Strawberries are rich in vitamin C and are also a rare plant-derived folic acid, which has a variety of health effects such as antioxidant and skin whitening.

Studies have found that strawberries are also rich in dietary fiber, potassium and manganese, which help regulate blood sugar and improve cholesterol levels.

The polyphenols in strawberry seeds may also have anti-cancer effects.

The 65-year-old aunt eats strawberries every morning and has insisted on it for 3 years

However, strawberries are not just a fruit, they are a unique way to take care of themselves.

Chronic disease experts pointed out that strawberries can regulate the body's inflammatory response, which is beneficial to improve the symptoms of chronic diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Strawberries' antioxidants and phytochemicals help improve memory and cognitive function.

The 65-year-old aunt eats strawberries every morning and has insisted on it for 3 years

Over time, Julie did feel the health wonders of strawberries.

The originally sluggish body gradually became more energetic, the quality of sleep improved, and the strength of the upper limbs was much stronger.

What makes her happiest is that her long-lost appetite has finally returned, and she no longer stays away from any food.

The 65-year-old aunt eats strawberries every morning and has insisted on it for 3 years

However, the good times did not last long, and a year later she began to cough and wheezing repeatedly.

At first, I thought it was just a cold, but the situation got worse. When I went to the hospital for a check, it turned out to be COPD, and it had progressed to moderate.

Although the strawberries improved her overall physical condition, it was clear that they could not completely stop the progression of the disease.

The 65-year-old aunt eats strawberries every morning and has insisted on it for 3 years

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is mainly airflow restriction caused by factors such as long-term smoking or air pollution, which can cause symptoms such as cough, excessive phlegm, and shortness of breath.

It is a progressive disease that cannot be cured, but early detection and treatment can effectively delay the progression of the disease.

The doctor advised Zhu Lili to continue to insist on eating strawberries, combined with inhaled steroids, bronchodilators and other medications.

The 65-year-old aunt eats strawberries every morning and has insisted on it for 3 years

The antioxidants in strawberries help reduce airway inflammation. Things like a ketogenic diet and regular exercise can also help improve your condition. It is more important to quit smoking to avoid further damage to lung function.

Julie followed her doctor's advice to recuperate at home, and she is grateful for the health revelations that strawberries have given her, which has made her aware of the importance of lifestyle.

She began to exercise regularly, learned to meditate and relax, and became much more comfortable with her family.

The 65-year-old aunt eats strawberries every morning and has insisted on it for 3 years

Half a year later, the physical examination report was released, and Zhu Lili's lung function indicators have improved significantly compared with the last time.

The doctor smiled and said, "Your approach is very good, there is still a long way to go, hold on."

Zhu Lili said with deep feelings: "Only when you are sick do you know the value of health.

I will continue to adhere to this healthy lifestyle, be myself well, and get along with my family, which is the greatest happiness in life. "

The 65-year-old aunt eats strawberries every morning and has insisted on it for 3 years

Healthy living should not be a matter of moments, but rather of attitudes and habits.

Like Julie, we should not be discouraged when we are sick, actively seek out ways to be healthy, and stick to it consistently.

The 65-year-old aunt eats strawberries every morning and has insisted on it for 3 years

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(The story in the article is purely fictional, if there is any similarity is purely coincidental, if the body is not well, seek medical help in time)

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