
27 rare photos of creatures: two snakes are strangely entangled and dancing, and the largest strawberry weighs half a catty

author:Foreign French

01, the pelican swallowed a fish in one bite, and the fish struggled in the translucent sac, like a shadow puppet.

27 rare photos of creatures: two snakes are strangely entangled and dancing, and the largest strawberry weighs half a catty

02. This extremely rare Andean lynx is a small wild cat native to the Andes Mountains, and it is said that there are fewer than 250 individuals in the wild.

27 rare photos of creatures: two snakes are strangely entangled and dancing, and the largest strawberry weighs half a catty

03, the eagle walking

27 rare photos of creatures: two snakes are strangely entangled and dancing, and the largest strawberry weighs half a catty

04. This artifact is a 17-centimeter-tall Achaemenid golden lion Rhyton, which was elaborately crafted during the Achaemenid Empire in Iran (550-330 BC).

27 rare photos of creatures: two snakes are strangely entangled and dancing, and the largest strawberry weighs half a catty

05, this is who is speeding in the sea with a ship

27 rare photos of creatures: two snakes are strangely entangled and dancing, and the largest strawberry weighs half a catty

06. The length of this dog's nose is more than 34 cm, and the length of its nose has broken the Guinness World Record.

27 rare photos of creatures: two snakes are strangely entangled and dancing, and the largest strawberry weighs half a catty

07. This is a sea slug, a creature that lives on the bottom of the sea, and it looks very much like a white lotus.

27 rare photos of creatures: two snakes are strangely entangled and dancing, and the largest strawberry weighs half a catty

08. Male and female inlays North American cardinals

27 rare photos of creatures: two snakes are strangely entangled and dancing, and the largest strawberry weighs half a catty

09, monarch butterfly

27 rare photos of creatures: two snakes are strangely entangled and dancing, and the largest strawberry weighs half a catty

10. An insect called the flat planthopper from the Amazon rainforest in Ecuar, which looks like popcorn.

27 rare photos of creatures: two snakes are strangely entangled and dancing, and the largest strawberry weighs half a catty

11. The biggest feature of the rare wild animal Chinese serow is that the horns are like a deer and not a deer, the hooves are like a cow and not a cow, the head is like a sheep and not a sheep, and the tail is like a donkey and not a donkey, so the folk also call it "four dislikes".

27 rare photos of creatures: two snakes are strangely entangled and dancing, and the largest strawberry weighs half a catty

12. The suspect was arrested on the spot.

27 rare photos of creatures: two snakes are strangely entangled and dancing, and the largest strawberry weighs half a catty

13. Eating and falling in love, they like to scare everything the rest of the time. Humans are often attacked by Canada geese:

27 rare photos of creatures: two snakes are strangely entangled and dancing, and the largest strawberry weighs half a catty

14. Mushrooms and feces are fed, which does sound a bit disgusting.

27 rare photos of creatures: two snakes are strangely entangled and dancing, and the largest strawberry weighs half a catty

15. These five little fish seem to have long-nosed witch faces, terrifying!

27 rare photos of creatures: two snakes are strangely entangled and dancing, and the largest strawberry weighs half a catty

16. If you don't look carefully, you think that this dog has a terrifying fang, but in fact, it is just holding a pine cone.

27 rare photos of creatures: two snakes are strangely entangled and dancing, and the largest strawberry weighs half a catty

17. The largest crocodile in human captivity recorded in the Guinness Book of Records is the Cassius crocodile

27 rare photos of creatures: two snakes are strangely entangled and dancing, and the largest strawberry weighs half a catty

18. The hippopotamus corpse was gnawed out of a big hole by a group of hyenas, and it was not even safe to die

27 rare photos of creatures: two snakes are strangely entangled and dancing, and the largest strawberry weighs half a catty

19. The cat's dry food was robbed by the dog, so the cat ran to the kitchen to "complain" to the owner

27 rare photos of creatures: two snakes are strangely entangled and dancing, and the largest strawberry weighs half a catty

20. In South Africa's Kruger National Park, a vicious fight was fought on the grassland, and an angry buffalo overturned an elephant's baby to the ground.

27 rare photos of creatures: two snakes are strangely entangled and dancing, and the largest strawberry weighs half a catty

21. Cuban hard-haired rat, a mouse with rough skin all over its body, is not afraid of being pricked by cacti at all.

27 rare photos of creatures: two snakes are strangely entangled and dancing, and the largest strawberry weighs half a catty

22. I don't know why, this white radish looks so weird, it seems to be a sperm.

27 rare photos of creatures: two snakes are strangely entangled and dancing, and the largest strawberry weighs half a catty

23. Who is in the mirror, so handsome?

27 rare photos of creatures: two snakes are strangely entangled and dancing, and the largest strawberry weighs half a catty

24, oriole

27 rare photos of creatures: two snakes are strangely entangled and dancing, and the largest strawberry weighs half a catty

25. This elephant shrew

27 rare photos of creatures: two snakes are strangely entangled and dancing, and the largest strawberry weighs half a catty

26. It is an upside-down golden-spotted mantis.

27 rare photos of creatures: two snakes are strangely entangled and dancing, and the largest strawberry weighs half a catty

27. The forest black slug, which is very common in Europe, is surprisingly large in size, look at the comparison between the human palm and it, such a slug, don't you tremble in your heart when you see it?

27 rare photos of creatures: two snakes are strangely entangled and dancing, and the largest strawberry weighs half a catty

28, the world, there are no wonders, I can't imagine that there are flying snakes in the air, which is really eye-opening.

27 rare photos of creatures: two snakes are strangely entangled and dancing, and the largest strawberry weighs half a catty

29. Greenland sharks that live in Arctic waters are probably one of the longest-lived animals in the world, they can live up to 400 years.

27 rare photos of creatures: two snakes are strangely entangled and dancing, and the largest strawberry weighs half a catty

30. The teeth of the turtle and the hippopotamus have become one

27 rare photos of creatures: two snakes are strangely entangled and dancing, and the largest strawberry weighs half a catty

31. The blue banana cuckoo is a very large bird, and what distinguishes them is that they have an unparalleled moxican head, and their beak is red and yellow, which is very recognizable. Their favorite food is bananas, but occasionally insects and other wild fruits.

27 rare photos of creatures: two snakes are strangely entangled and dancing, and the largest strawberry weighs half a catty

32. There is no doubt that the three-cornered tree frog is the most bizarre species in the tree frog family, and at first glance, I thought it was an alien invasion.

27 rare photos of creatures: two snakes are strangely entangled and dancing, and the largest strawberry weighs half a catty

33. Sure enough, the power of the collective is infinite, and this sentence applies not only to human beings, but also to animals

27 rare photos of creatures: two snakes are strangely entangled and dancing, and the largest strawberry weighs half a catty

34. An embarrassed but polite smile.

27 rare photos of creatures: two snakes are strangely entangled and dancing, and the largest strawberry weighs half a catty

35. The crocodile rushed up with a kiss of death and directly bit off the jawbone of the zebra, and the zebra could not eat grass, even if it could escape from this disaster alive, it would definitely die soon.

27 rare photos of creatures: two snakes are strangely entangled and dancing, and the largest strawberry weighs half a catty

36, Little Bear Cat

27 rare photos of creatures: two snakes are strangely entangled and dancing, and the largest strawberry weighs half a catty

37. The seagull caught a starfish and swallowed it in one gulp, and the starfish's rough skin stuck its throat enough.

27 rare photos of creatures: two snakes are strangely entangled and dancing, and the largest strawberry weighs half a catty

38. The rose maple moth, with a pink body, fluffy, and a pair of big eyes that make it look like a weird alien creature, and many people don't believe in the existence of such small bugs.

27 rare photos of creatures: two snakes are strangely entangled and dancing, and the largest strawberry weighs half a catty

39. A locust dressed in a punk style with striped glasses is so cool!

27 rare photos of creatures: two snakes are strangely entangled and dancing, and the largest strawberry weighs half a catty

40. Everyone knows what a flamingo looks like. But do you know what flamingos looked like when they were kids? Check it out!

27 rare photos of creatures: two snakes are strangely entangled and dancing, and the largest strawberry weighs half a catty

41. The little crocodiles are lying on the head of the Ganges crocodile mother

27 rare photos of creatures: two snakes are strangely entangled and dancing, and the largest strawberry weighs half a catty

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27 rare photos of creatures: two snakes are strangely entangled and dancing, and the largest strawberry weighs half a catty

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