
"Pure Actress" Lee Eun-joo: Her back is far worse than you think

author:Brother Xin talks about the world

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"Pure Actress" Lee Eun-joo: Her back is far worse than you think

The first rays of the morning dawn burst out, through the cracks in the mottled curtains, and with difficulty but stubbornly cast onto the gloomy room where Lee Eun-joo lived. She sat quietly at the head of the bed, clutching a depleted pencil in her hand, her face showing endless exhaustion and helplessness.

Lee Eun-joo lowered her head and stared at the diary in her hand, which was covered with dense handwriting, which was her last confession in this world.

Indeed, becoming an actress was not her original dream, she just loved music and loved the piano. However, fate seems to be always playing tricks on her, and when she was seventeen years old, she was caught by the director by chance, and since then she has been led into the whirlpool of the entertainment industry.

At first, she didn't pay much attention to it, thinking that it was just an accident in her life.

"Pure Actress" Lee Eun-joo: Her back is far worse than you think

However, it wasn't long before she realized she had fallen into a scam. In order to remain in this tempting circle, she had to sign a contract full of contradictory terms and was forced to accept various performance assignments against her will.

Those images, those images that she could never forget, haunted her like a nightmare.

"If I have the opportunity to go back to the last year, I will definitely be able to revitalize my original true self and show it to everyone." Tears slid from the corners of Lee Eun-joo's eyes, leaving circles of water stains on the diary.

Yes, if she could do it all over again, she wouldn't hesitate to tear up those bad contracts, even if she was alone.

"Pure Actress" Lee Eun-joo: Her back is far worse than you think

It's a pity that time can't be turned back, and she can only vent the pain in her heart on this diary. The tip of the pen flew on the paper, her tears dripping between the handwriting, and in some of the blurred words, it seemed that she could feel her deep longing for her loved ones.

Dear mother, father, brother, you are my only concern in this world. At that time, I was too young and ignorant to believe the slander of others, and I would step by step towards that evil road of no return.

If I could, I would like to return to you and live that plain and peaceful life.

However, it was already too late, Lee Eun-joo put down the pen in her hand and looked at the gloomy sky outside the window in pain, she made up her mind that today was the moment to end everything.

"Pure Actress" Lee Eun-joo: Her back is far worse than you think

Just a few hours after the completion of this suicide note to the world, Lee Eun-joo resolutely picked up the sharp knife that was casually placed beside him, his eyes were firmly fixed on the veins of his wrist that were clearly visible, and he cut it down without hesitation. Bright red blood spurted from the wound in an instant, but the expression on her face was unusually calm, as if the last ray of hope for her life had been lost.

For Lee Eun-joo, however, simply cutting her wrists did not satisfy her expectations of total liberation. She struggled to her feet, and staggered to the corner of the bedroom, where she found a sturdy rope.

After taking a deep breath of fresh air, Lee Eun-joo did not hesitate to tie one end of the rope firmly to the beam, while the other end trembled slightly and gently wrapped around her neck.

Lee Eun-joo closed her eyes tightly and stepped on a low stool to rise cautiously, her slender neck under increasing pressure.

"Pure Actress" Lee Eun-joo: Her back is far worse than you think

As if driven by an instinctive desire to survive, Lee Eun-joo suddenly opened her eyes and struggled to untie the ropes. However, by this time, her physical strength had already been exhausted, and she soon fell into a deep coma again.

When the elder brother finally broke into the door, it was such a shocking scene in front of him.

"Nope! Beads! The elder brother burst into tears and hurriedly rescued his sister from the rope, but it was too late, and Lee Eun-joo's vital signs had completely disappeared. The paramedics rushed her to the hospital for emergency treatment, but only half an hour later, the sad news of her tragic death was announced.

This sudden blow hit the hearts of Lee Eun-joo's family like a heavy punch. Her mother was so grief-stricken that she choked up with tears in her eyes and said, "It's all because I was so selfish that I encouraged her to take this road of no return!" Every time I thought of her, her father and I would get into endless arguments, and I felt shameless to face him. After saying that, the mother resolutely decided to part ways with her husband.

"Pure Actress" Lee Eun-joo: Her back is far worse than you think

The most painful of all was Lee Eun-joo's brother, who, just a few hours before the suicide, had called in a low and helpless tone. My brother thought that she was just out of control for a while, so he hung up the phone after a few words of comfort.

Who knew that it was the last phone call his sister left for him, and from then on, he would spend the rest of his life with endless guilt and regret.

Recalling the time when the girl Lee Eun-joo first set foot in the entertainment industry, her star development can be described as unstoppable and in full swing! This girl born in an ordinary family has won warm praise and respect from the audience in just a few years with her unpretentious appearance and endless desire to learn.

recalled that time in 1998, when she was only 18 years old, she performed a superb performance in the TV series "White Night 3.98", which amazed the audience and praised her as "the future Shen Yinhe". The youthful and spiritual character deeply touched people, and people clearly felt Lee Eun-joo's outstanding talent and outstanding acting talent.

"Pure Actress" Lee Eun-joo: Her back is far worse than you think

Although she bravely challenged a bolder scale in the later work "Ah, Xiuzhen", and even presented some nude shots, this did not hide her superb acting skills. On the contrary, she showed an actress's unwavering pursuit of art with her focus and courage, which won the love and respect of more people.

After entering the 2000s, Lee Eun-joo's acting career climbed to the peak of her life. In 2003, she starred in the hit drama series "Firebird", which had a dramatic and fascinating plot, and finally set an astonishingly high ratings, followed by the classic drama "Da Jang Jin" that year. The huge success of the whole drama is undoubtedly due to Lee Eun-joo's accurate interpretation of a female character in her 30s.

Only a year later, in 2004, the movie "Taiji Flag Flying", known as Lee Eun-joo's "imperial work", was officially released, and its excellent box office results broke the record in the history of Korean cinema in one fell swoop! In the same year, she also won widespread attention for three seasons with the TV series "The Scarlet Letter".

At that time, Lee Eun-joo was worth millions of dollars, second only to first-line superstars such as Song Krunjie and Lee Young-ae. When she was invited to Beijing for a promotional campaign, the media spotlight focused on her. However, unexpectedly, she was expressionless at the time, and she could not see any joy, and people familiar with the matter revealed that she had suffered from severe insomnia and anorexia. Looking back on the relaxed words of "I am destined to go further and further on the road of acting", the cold encounter of her fate seems to have been doomed.

"Pure Actress" Lee Eun-joo: Her back is far worse than you think

Who would have thought that Lee Eun-joo, the delicate and innocent girl full of dreams, would eventually encounter such a tragic ending? It all started with the unfair contracts she had signed when she was young and ignorant.

As a newcomer to the workplace, Lee Eun-joo is unaware of the ecology of the entertainment industry, and she seems a little lost in the face of the intricate rules within the industry. In order to gain a firm foothold on this path, she had to walk on thin ice and accept various tasks assigned by the company, including participating in the recording of various commercials and participating in various auditions.

However, the trap clauses that lurked in the depths of the contract were like monsters of the deep sea, making it impossible for this young girl to understand the mysteries. For example, some large-scale shooting tasks must be accepted without reservation, without the slightest objection; There are also terms with strong overbearing overtones, such as the contract period being extended indefinitely. If she tries to resist, she will be immediately and mercilessly fired, and her future will be in danger.

Sadly, Lee didn't know anything about it, and she mistakenly thought it was just a journey to success. As a result, she was silently bound, lost her freedom, and became a doll in the hands of the conglomerates.

"Pure Actress" Lee Eun-joo: Her back is far worse than you think

In order to survive and protect her family, Lee Eun-joo has no choice but to forcibly suppress the shame in her heart and complete various unspeakable shooting tasks according to the established plan. Even if her heart is full of pain, she has to pretend that nothing happened, otherwise all her efforts will come to naught.

With the gradual increase in popularity, Lee Eun-joo's situation has not improved, but has become more difficult. As more and more unfair terms in the contract existed, the consortium became more unscrupulous in its grip on her.

Under the banner of "production needs", many powerful people have violated and insulted her in various ways, but she is isolated and has nowhere to hide. Yes, for these people, blaspheming the good and playing with the innocent may be an indispensable part of their indulgence in life.

Lee Eun-joo's innocence was eroded away little by little, leaving only endless pain and tears.

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