
What are some of the truths in life that the sooner you understand, the better?

author:Super Bowl Home

1. The starting point of learning really determines the direction of the future.

What are some of the truths in life that the sooner you understand, the better?

When you were a child, your parents always persuaded you to study hard and tell you about the cruelty of society with their personal experiences, but when we were young and frivolous, we always felt that they were putting their own ideas on us and letting us fulfill their dreams. Later, when we were born in society, we saw the gap in society, and saw the wealth, status, and ability between people, just like across the galaxy, which could not be touched. When I grew up, my efforts were tens of millions of times more difficult than when we were studying at the same table, I always thought that learning was good or not, and everyone's final destination was to go to work, and finally found that the starting point of going to work was indeed different, some people fought for their dreams and stood at the peak, and some people took the top offer to welcome a better life, but most people just squeezed into the crowd of thousands of job seekers to compete for the most ordinary positions,

What are some of the truths in life that the sooner you understand, the better?

Second, we are growing up at a rate that is far from keeping up with the aging of our parents. The biggest regret in life is that the tree wants to be quiet and the wind does not stop, the child wants to raise and does not wait, when did I perceive their aging, that is, by chance in the video with my mother, I inadvertently found that I don't know when she has hidden a few white strands in her hair, the wrinkles at the corners of her eyes have formed a level, what she said is no longer urging us to learn to grow up, but the old man talks about hoping that we are safe and healthy, I can't remember what to say to her for a while, so I have to hang up the phone in a hurry, and I cry with a sullen headache

What are some of the truths in life that the sooner you understand, the better?

When I think about it, my mother used to be a young and energetic girl and now has raised three children and has grown up healthily, and this is the best thing she can do at her cognitive level. But that's it, I can't repay her even if I spend all my life in this life, I can only accompany her, be filial to her, give her her tenderness to me, and treat them kindly, just as they took care of us back then. So we have to do our best to grow up, if our parents are still happy, then what is the point of us growing up.

What are some of the truths in life that the sooner you understand, the better?

3. You can naturally stick to what you like, and what you don't like will not last long. The world is fair, give anyone a chance to choose, give up if you can't hold on, but don't complain about why you didn't get it after giving up. No matter how tired and hard you are of the things you like, cheer yourself up, persevere, and move forward, and there will be many good things.

What are some of the truths in life that the sooner you understand, the better?

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