
How high is the door for the decoration of a new house?

author:Super Bowl Home

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How high is the door for the decoration of a new house?

According to Article 8 of the Civil Building Design Code "Residential Design Code GB50096-2011", the minimum size of the door opening in the door and window design is

Entrance gate: width 1m, height 2m

Room door: width 0.9m, height 2m

Kitchen door: width 0.8m, height 2m

Toilet door: width 0.7m, height 2m

How high is the door for the decoration of a new house?

In fact, in the process of our building construction, because of the error in the size of local loss, the size of the door opening given to us by the developer after repair is as follows

Entrance gate: width 1.05m, height 2.17m

Room door: width 0.88m, height 2.17m

Kitchen door: width 1.5m, height 2.17m

Toilet door: width 0.8m, height 2.17m

How high is the door for the decoration of a new house?

1. If you are particular about feng shui, all the door openings in the room need to pass through the door. That is, we often say Luban ruler in performance, then the size of your door opening needs to determine the width and height according to specific measurements, so as to drive away evil spirits and avoid disasters;

How high is the door for the decoration of a new house?

2. If you don't pay so much attention to feng shui, in fact, you can decorate according to the size of the door opening given to you by the developer, the width and height are to meet the daily use, and the size is no problem at all

How high is the door for the decoration of a new house?

3. If you like minimalist style, like the design of one door to the top, and the sense of line is very strong, you can choose to increase the height of the door opening to the position of the beam; Generally, the height of such a doorway is 2.5m

How high is the door for the decoration of a new house?

Summary: Under normal circumstances, we do not need to modify the height of the door opening for the decoration of our new house, but sometimes for the design effect, the level of the line can be heightened by the door opening; For example, the kitchen and living balcony in my home are next to each other, the height of the kitchen door opening is only 2.1m, but the height of the living balcony door is 2.4m, at this time I can choose to reduce the door opening of the living balcony to 2.1m, or I can choose to increase the door opening of the kitchen to 2.4m.

Toutiao was originally published for the first time, and some of the pictures came from the Internet, which was invaded and deleted

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