
The former "No. 1 beauty" has become a rich plaything, and no one cares about it at the age of 55, which is embarrassing

author:Yi Yi Xiaoyu
The former "No. 1 beauty" has become a rich plaything, and no one cares about it at the age of 55, which is embarrassing

Xiao Qiang: The seventy-eight relationships of Taiwan's first beauty

The old photo above, with pigtails dancing ballet without clothes, has passed half a century in the blink of an eye.

The former "No. 1 beauty" has become a rich plaything, and no one cares about it at the age of 55, which is embarrassing

From "tomboy" to "Taiwan's first beauty", from arrogance to infinite scenery, and now to the 55-year-old bachelor life, this is really jaw-dropping, her love road in this life is really twists and turns!

The former "No. 1 beauty" has become a rich plaything, and no one cares about it at the age of 55, which is embarrassing

Girl Xiao Qiang: Tomboy's true colors

When she was a child, Xiao Qiang was different from other girls. The family called her "tomboy", and this name was not called for nothing.

The former "No. 1 beauty" has become a rich plaything, and no one cares about it at the age of 55, which is embarrassing

Xiao Qiang was born into a Taiwanese merchant family and was spoiled since childhood. When she was in elementary school, she was the skinniest one in the class. The other girls are obedient, and she wants to go to the boys to mess with.

The former "No. 1 beauty" has become a rich plaything, and no one cares about it at the age of 55, which is embarrassing

Once, she had a fight with a boy and slapped her father hard! Scared the parents. The teacher talked to the parents and said that Xiao Qiang was a "tomboy" at all.

The former "No. 1 beauty" has become a rich plaything, and no one cares about it at the age of 55, which is embarrassing

Seeing that she was getting more and more outrageous, the family decided to "transform" her from the fourth grade of primary school and let her be a good girl again. She had long braids and was dressed like a lady. But Xiao Qiang couldn't hold back the wildness in her heart.

The former "No. 1 beauty" has become a rich plaything, and no one cares about it at the age of 55, which is embarrassing

Who would have thought that this "tomboy" would grow up to be popular all over the streets and alleys and be crowned with the title of "Taiwan's No. 1 Beauty"?

The hot girl's debut caused a sensation

After graduating from high school, Xiao Qiang entered the modeling industry and was selected by a talent scout to become a new first-line model. At that time, she was 18 years old, beautiful and moving, and she was a hot new star in Taiwan.

The former "No. 1 beauty" has become a rich plaything, and no one cares about it at the age of 55, which is embarrassing

In 1988, 22-year-old Xiao Qiang officially debuted and starred in the autobiographical TV series "Love Without Resentment". At first, everyone was still questioning her acting skills, but she didn't expect her to seek advice from actor Ma Jingtao, and it soon soared.

The former "No. 1 beauty" has become a rich plaything, and no one cares about it at the age of 55, which is embarrassing

What's even more eye-popping is a Hong Kong advertisement starring her. In the advertisement, she is naked, wearing only a pair of black stockings, sexy and sultry. This advertisement caused a sensation that year, making her an overnight celebrity and being crowned "Taiwan's No. 1 Beauty".

The former "No. 1 beauty" has become a rich plaything, and no one cares about it at the age of 55, which is embarrassing

With this resounding title, Xiao Qiang's career and life will be prosperous in the following days. She starred in many wonderful dramas, such as the role of Lin Shiyin in "Xiao Li Flying Knife", which has created many classic screen images.

The former "No. 1 beauty" has become a rich plaything, and no one cares about it at the age of 55, which is embarrassing

The dilemma of love is difficult to extricate itself

But at the peak of her career, Xiao Qiang's private life fell into trouble. Her relationship history is too weird and tortuous, it's just a bloody drama.

The former "No. 1 beauty" has become a rich plaything, and no one cares about it at the age of 55, which is embarrassing

In 1992, when she was filming the TV series "Love in the Starlight", she was exposed to having an affair with director He Dongxing. Some people say that she exchanged her body for the director's "care", so that her acting skills improved rapidly.

The former "No. 1 beauty" has become a rich plaything, and no one cares about it at the age of 55, which is embarrassing

Then, in 1993, it was reported that she was on good terms with Taiwanese electronics tycoon Cao Xingcheng. It turned out that the two had a "support" relationship, and Cao Xingcheng gave her wallet to support Xiao Qiang, allowing her to get a lot of money and resources.

The former "No. 1 beauty" has become a rich plaything, and no one cares about it at the age of 55, which is embarrassing

In 1996, Xiao Qiang was involved in an affair with the popular idol Lin Ruiyang. It is reported that she intervened in Lin Ruiyang's marriage, which led to the divorce of Lin and his wife. Later, Lin remarried the "dimple beauty" Zhang Ting.

The former "No. 1 beauty" has become a rich plaything, and no one cares about it at the age of 55, which is embarrassing

Since then, Xiao Qiang's scandals have not been less. She has been involved with wealthy businessmen Lin Jinlong, Huang Kongxiang, real estate businessman Fan Keqin and others. Whenever there is a scandal, she always denies it, but the rumors just don't disperse.

The former "No. 1 beauty" has become a rich plaything, and no one cares about it at the age of 55, which is embarrassing

The most amazing thing is that she was 29 years old in 2003. That year, her title of "Taiwan's No. 1 Beauty" was blown up by her junior Lin Chiling, and since then she has been even more unscrupulous in the past scandals.

The former "No. 1 beauty" has become a rich plaything, and no one cares about it at the age of 55, which is embarrassing

Unspoken rules become a stereotyped style

Entering the new century, the single Xiao Qiang has opened her hands and feet. She no longer hides her ties to the rich, but instead treats them as a normal part of her work.

The former "No. 1 beauty" has become a rich plaything, and no one cares about it at the age of 55, which is embarrassing

In 2007, she was exposed to having an inappropriate relationship with her married husband Li Yaowen, Xu Jiasen and others. Scandals abound, and almost everyone knows that she is an unspoken rule.

The former "No. 1 beauty" has become a rich plaything, and no one cares about it at the age of 55, which is embarrassing

In 2008, at the age of 40, she fell in love with singer Qi Qin, and the two went to the mall and played the park together, and they fell in love. But within two years, Qi Qin married his wife who was 24 years younger, leaving Xiao Qiang behind.

The former "No. 1 beauty" has become a rich plaything, and no one cares about it at the age of 55, which is embarrassing

In the following years, whether it was the advertising big brother Hong Chai Lin Zhiling, or the club boss Mu Xiaoguang, Xiao Qiang was mixed with them. Whenever an entertainment magazine asks her if she thinks she is old, she always says confidently: "I'm not an old lady, I'm a beautiful aunt."

The former "No. 1 beauty" has become a rich plaything, and no one cares about it at the age of 55, which is embarrassing

Now at the age of 55, she finally realizes that the days of exchanging her body for resources can no longer pass. But she still declared to the outside world: "I have talent and money, and I have a good man to choose from!"

The former "No. 1 beauty" has become a rich plaything, and no one cares about it at the age of 55, which is embarrassing

The world mourns that she is destined to be a widow

After watching this life of ups and downs, did you also pinch a cold sweat for Xiao Qiang? At a young age, he was arrogant and willful, and when he grew up, he didn't see the unspoken rules of the day, and now he finally woke up at the age of 55, but unfortunately he was alone, which really made people sigh.

The former "No. 1 beauty" has become a rich plaything, and no one cares about it at the age of 55, which is embarrassing

There are comments that her fate is ill-fated, presumably because she has done too much evil in her previous life. Some people also say that she is by nature and is destined to be a poor worm.

The former "No. 1 beauty" has become a rich plaything, and no one cares about it at the age of 55, which is embarrassing

However, no matter how absurd she was, she has always been a generation of Taiwanese artists and the goddess of countless people's adolescence. Although the public laughed at her behavior, they were destined to not be able to abandon her completely.

The former "No. 1 beauty" has become a rich plaything, and no one cares about it at the age of 55, which is embarrassing

Along the way, she has eaten all the honors, disgraces, and sweets of life. I wonder how she will take care of the rest of her years in the future? Will it be deeper and deeper decadence, or will it be timely to repent and welcome a new life? Let's wait and see.

The former "No. 1 beauty" has become a rich plaything, and no one cares about it at the age of 55, which is embarrassing

Break free from the shackles of childhood and show off your personality

Xiao Qiang, who has been known as a "tomboy" since she was a child, has always been dissatisfied with her parents' discipline. Her rebellion against her family began as small acts such as tantrums and fights with boys. But gradually, as her beauty gradually revealed, her personality became more flamboyant and presumptuous.

The former "No. 1 beauty" has become a rich plaything, and no one cares about it at the age of 55, which is embarrassing

In high school, Xiao Qiang began to dress up and tease explicitly. She bluntly expresses her interest in the opposite sex and no longer hides her inner desires. The family could do nothing but let her do whatever she wanted.

The former "No. 1 beauty" has become a rich plaything, and no one cares about it at the age of 55, which is embarrassing

After entering the entertainment industry, Xiao Qiang finally completely liberated herself. She no longer had to hide anything, and she became immune to outside judgment. Since then, she has never returned on the emotional road and has fallen into the dirty pool of prostitution.

The former "No. 1 beauty" has become a rich plaything, and no one cares about it at the age of 55, which is embarrassing

Borrow the Se wolf to the top

After entering the showbiz, Xiao Qiang began to take the initiative to use her coquettish appearance to seduce those powerful figures and use their power to get more resources.

The former "No. 1 beauty" has become a rich plaything, and no one cares about it at the age of 55, which is embarrassing

The first is Google director He Dongxing, it is rumored that Xiao Qiang once pleased him with his body, in exchange for preferential treatment in the crew. Then came Cao Xingcheng, a wealthy Taiwanese businessman, and Xiao Qiang became his mistress and gained money and status.

The former "No. 1 beauty" has become a rich plaything, and no one cares about it at the age of 55, which is embarrassing

At the same time, she also continued to intervene in the families of married men, such as idol actor Lin Ruiyang and Zhan boss Fan Keqin, which led to the breakup of their marriage.

The former "No. 1 beauty" has become a rich plaything, and no one cares about it at the age of 55, which is embarrassing

What's more, Xiao Qiang completely uses seducing rich people as a means of making a living. After 2000, she had scandals with almost all wealthy businessmen, such as hotel tycoon Li Yaowen and club owner Mu Xiaoguang.

The former "No. 1 beauty" has become a rich plaything, and no one cares about it at the age of 55, which is embarrassing

All these debauchery behaviors are all in order to gain a foothold in the entertainment industry and become a popular star. But when she reached the top of her life, she found that she was empty and physically and mentally exhausted.

The former "No. 1 beauty" has become a rich plaything, and no one cares about it at the age of 55, which is embarrassing


Entering the 2020s, Xiao Qiang's appearance slowly can't keep up with the pace of age. However, she still resigned herself and spared no effort to preserve her youth.

The former "No. 1 beauty" has become a rich plaything, and no one cares about it at the age of 55, which is embarrassing

She began to learn yoga, vegetarian diet, and other body care. At the same time, he also devoted himself to live streaming to make money, living a semi-retired and half-working life. It's a pity that she loves money like her life, but in the end she still can't find a partner who really loves her.

The former "No. 1 beauty" has become a rich plaything, and no one cares about it at the age of 55, which is embarrassing

Once upon a time, Xiao Qiang was a heartthrob sought after by countless men. But now at the age of 55, she can only laugh at herself in front of the camera as a "beautiful aunt". Some of the men who were entangled with her back then passed away, some divorced, and some found new love, and they had nothing to do with her.

The former "No. 1 beauty" has become a rich plaything, and no one cares about it at the age of 55, which is embarrassing

In the ordinary life of an ordinary woman, there may be a few relationships, marriages, and children. But what about Xiao Qiang? For more than half a century, she wandered in the quagmire of love, and all her attachments were buried with her own hands.

The former "No. 1 beauty" has become a rich plaything, and no one cares about it at the age of 55, which is embarrassing

Looking back now, what should she say about her life gains and losses? Did she ever regret her ridiculous actions? Do you still have illusions and look forward to finding true love? We'll just have to wait and see what she does next.

The former "No. 1 beauty" has become a rich plaything, and no one cares about it at the age of 55, which is embarrassing

What kind of views and feelings will everyone have about Xiao Qiang, the former "No. 1 beauty in Taiwan"? Her life experience is embarrassing. But as a public figure, she is destined to suffer more criticism and accusations.

The former "No. 1 beauty" has become a rich plaything, and no one cares about it at the age of 55, which is embarrassing
The former "No. 1 beauty" has become a rich plaything, and no one cares about it at the age of 55, which is embarrassing

In any case, Xiao Qiang was once the goddess of a generation, and her beauty and legendary experience will surely remain in people's memories forever. Let's re-examine her with an appreciative eye and look at her life with empathy.

The former "No. 1 beauty" has become a rich plaything, and no one cares about it at the age of 55, which is embarrassing

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