
"Bad guy professional" Yao Gang: He has no wife and no children in his life, and now he is 53 years old and lives alone in a mansion of tens of millions

author:Yi Yi Xiaoyu
"Bad guy professional" Yao Gang: He has no wife and no children in his life, and now he is 53 years old and lives alone in a mansion of tens of millions

Actor Yao Gang: The quality of life in the bad guys

Half a century has passed in the blink of an eye, and Yao Gang can be described as an old "villain" in today's film and television industry. On his body, there is no star shelf, more of a simple and honest human smell. Walking on the street, it is inevitable that some people will point fingers at this "familiar face", but Yao Gang still maintains a low-key and calm style.

"Bad guy professional" Yao Gang: He has no wife and no children in his life, and now he is 53 years old and lives alone in a mansion of tens of millions

"That's our 'bad guy professional'!"

Dreams set sail

Yao Gang has been interested in music since he was a child, and his parents have always supported him in this dream. But the music teacher at the time dissuaded him: "Your voice is really not good, but your physical temperament is quite suitable for learning to perform." The uncle also suggested that Yao Gang turn to acting.

"Bad guy professional" Yao Gang: He has no wife and no children in his life, and now he is 53 years old and lives alone in a mansion of tens of millions

After some hesitation, Yao Gang finally chose his uncle's suggestion and applied for the Dalian Art Institute. At that time, he was so poor that he could only pay for tuition, and he could only rely on part-time work for living expenses. Despite the hardships of life, Yao Gang's dedication to his dreams has never wavered.

"Bad guy professional" Yao Gang: He has no wife and no children in his life, and now he is 53 years old and lives alone in a mansion of tens of millions

During college, Yao Gang won many acting competitions and was known as the "most promising boy". After graduating, he came to Beijing with great expectations, but he was snubbed in several crews one after another. In order to make ends meet, he had to return to his hometown and open a café.

"Bad guy professional" Yao Gang: He has no wife and no children in his life, and now he is 53 years old and lives alone in a mansion of tens of millions

"Although it was a hard time, I still didn't give up my dream of acting." Yao Gang said, "Every day after work, I will practice the basic skills repeatedly in the store. "

"Bad guy professional" Yao Gang: He has no wife and no children in his life, and now he is 53 years old and lives alone in a mansion of tens of millions

In this way, Yao Gang began to wait for a long time.

The villain debuted

In 2008, an opportunity to get involved in the crew finally made Yao Gang regain his dream. The director of the crew was worried about a villain candidate at the time, and Yao Gang's friend recommended him to the director. When the director saw it, he was immediately attracted by his gloomy face.

"Bad guy professional" Yao Gang: He has no wife and no children in his life, and now he is 53 years old and lives alone in a mansion of tens of millions

In this way, in the crime drama "Crime Domain", 34-year-old Yao Gang played the role of the villain Zhao Huanghuang for the first time, thus officially entering the film and television industry. Surprisingly, his superb acting skills won unanimous praise from the director and the audience.

"Bad guy professional" Yao Gang: He has no wife and no children in his life, and now he is 53 years old and lives alone in a mansion of tens of millions

"I love the gangster he played, it's amazing!" Many netizens are full of praise for the role of Zhao Huihuang. As a result, Yao Gang has become synonymous with being named a "villain professional".

"Bad guy professional" Yao Gang: He has no wife and no children in his life, and now he is 53 years old and lives alone in a mansion of tens of millions

In the next few years, Yao Gang successively starred in a series of classic villains in dramas such as "Little Aunt Duohe" and "The Departed". The audience has a soft spot for this gloomy and evil "bad boy" who acts ruthlessly.

"Bad guy professional" Yao Gang: He has no wife and no children in his life, and now he is 53 years old and lives alone in a mansion of tens of millions

However, Yao Gang does not want to play the opposite role forever. "Everyone has a dark side to their hearts, but they also want to be warmed and forgiven. I want to bring out the humanity in the character. "

"Bad guy professional" Yao Gang: He has no wife and no children in his life, and now he is 53 years old and lives alone in a mansion of tens of millions

Once, Yao Gang specially found a psychologist and asked the other party for advice on how to better dig into the hearts of the characters. He also bought a large number of psychological works and carefully studied the way people think and behave. Over time, he has a deeper understanding of human nature, and his acting skills have become more and more proficient.

"Bad guy professional" Yao Gang: He has no wife and no children in his life, and now he is 53 years old and lives alone in a mansion of tens of millions

In 2016, 53-year-old Yao Gang finally starred in the anti-corruption drama "Song of Interpretation" as a positive hero, successfully getting rid of the label of "villain". This drama was widely acclaimed, and Yao Gang also won the honor of Magnolia Opera King.

"Bad guy professional" Yao Gang: He has no wife and no children in his life, and now he is 53 years old and lives alone in a mansion of tens of millions

Love in a dream

On the road of art, Yao Gang has not been smooth sailing. In 2009, he fell in love with Wen Zhengrong, who was also a "villain professional". In this way, the two met and cherished each other.

"Bad guy professional" Yao Gang: He has no wife and no children in his life, and now he is 53 years old and lives alone in a mansion of tens of millions

"At that time, we used to analyze the script and discuss the characters together, as if we were a couple of conjoined babies." Yao Gang said that he and Wen Zhengrong had countless discussions about ideal marriage.

"Bad guy professional" Yao Gang: He has no wife and no children in his life, and now he is 53 years old and lives alone in a mansion of tens of millions

It's a pity that this drama-like fate will not last long after all. The working hours of the two are too scattered, coupled with differences in concepts, so that the relationship gradually cracks.

"Bad guy professional" Yao Gang: He has no wife and no children in his life, and now he is 53 years old and lives alone in a mansion of tens of millions

In 2011, they finally parted ways. Yao Gang himself had a sense of awe for married life for many years after the divorce. But now, many years later, he can smile at the past.

"Bad guy professional" Yao Gang: He has no wife and no children in his life, and now he is 53 years old and lives alone in a mansion of tens of millions

Mansions live alone

Now, Yao Gang, who is over half a hundred years old, has purchased a 10-million-dollar mansion in Shunyi District, ready to spend his old age here. He has professionally designed this 400-square-metre detached villa, which includes a private gym, home cinema and other entertainment facilities.

"Bad guy professional" Yao Gang: He has no wife and no children in his life, and now he is 53 years old and lives alone in a mansion of tens of millions

"When it comes to acting, I want to live and learn until I am old. This house is precisely to better precipitate himself and devote all his energy to the actor's career. Yao Gang explained.

"Bad guy professional" Yao Gang: He has no wife and no children in his life, and now he is 53 years old and lives alone in a mansion of tens of millions

Regarding the outside world's concern about why he has always been single, Yao Gang never hides that he is alone. He said that everyone's lifestyle is the result of their own choices, and no one should be limited by conventional ideas.

"Bad guy professional" Yao Gang: He has no wife and no children in his life, and now he is 53 years old and lives alone in a mansion of tens of millions

"I've been through conflicts, but I'm still hungry to pursue my dreams. Maybe one day I will get married, but the only way to live a life full of career is what I want now. "

"Bad guy professional" Yao Gang: He has no wife and no children in his life, and now he is 53 years old and lives alone in a mansion of tens of millions

Talking about his future life plan, Yao Gang said that he will regularly consult friends and directors to chase some new challenges. In his heart, there may be only one attitude towards life that will never change - as always, hard-working, persistent and upward.

"Bad guy professional" Yao Gang: He has no wife and no children in his life, and now he is 53 years old and lives alone in a mansion of tens of millions

The old drama bones convey positive energy, one step at a time

It is often said that art comes from life. From Yao Gang's experience, we can not only see a qualified actor's hard work on the role, but also his determination to pursue his dreams.

"Bad guy professional" Yao Gang: He has no wife and no children in his life, and now he is 53 years old and lives alone in a mansion of tens of millions

From music to performance, Yao Gang's artistic path is bumpy and tortuous. He first worked in a café in his hometown, and was repeatedly left out when he joined the crew. It wasn't until he was 34 years old that he made a breakthrough with his excellent acting skills and played the first important role in his life.

"Bad guy professional" Yao Gang: He has no wife and no children in his life, and now he is 53 years old and lives alone in a mansion of tens of millions

But even if his career finally improved, Yao Gang never stopped there. In order to better dig into the hearts of the characters, he did not hesitate to consult psychologists and painstakingly study relevant professional books. The hard work paid off, and he finally created his first positive hero image at the age of 53 and won the honor of Magnolia Opera King.

"Bad guy professional" Yao Gang: He has no wife and no children in his life, and now he is 53 years old and lives alone in a mansion of tens of millions

The indomitable spirit made Yao Gang never give up his dream in the long wait, and he was still full of confidence after repeated setbacks. He used his tenacity to tell us that as long as there is a dream in our hearts, we will not stop.

"Bad guy professional" Yao Gang: He has no wife and no children in his life, and now he is 53 years old and lives alone in a mansion of tens of millions

Choose yourself and live your life to the fullest

In addition to his dedication to his career, Yao Gang's attitude towards life is also admirable. In 2011, he resolutely ended his emotional entanglement with Wen Zhengrong and began to devote himself to his career. After half a hundred years old, he bought a mansion alone, willing to be alone.

"Bad guy professional" Yao Gang: He has no wife and no children in his life, and now he is 53 years old and lives alone in a mansion of tens of millions

Some people have criticized this, thinking that Yao Gang's lifestyle is "alternative" and "lonely". But he never cared about the eyes of others, he just kept his heart and lived his own life. As he said, "Everyone's way of life is the result of their own choices, and no one should be limited by conventional ideas."

"Bad guy professional" Yao Gang: He has no wife and no children in his life, and now he is 53 years old and lives alone in a mansion of tens of millions

Isn't this unique attitude towards life exactly Yao Gang's great wisdom about life? Not being constrained by the outside world and being brave enough to pursue your dreams is the true embodiment of a wonderful life.

"Bad guy professional" Yao Gang: He has no wife and no children in his life, and now he is 53 years old and lives alone in a mansion of tens of millions

Perhaps, this is the positive energy that Yao Gang wants to convey as an old actor. Through his vivid characters, we see the power of tenacious struggle and self-perseverance; Through his unique way of life, we learn the value of spiritual freedom.

"Bad guy professional" Yao Gang: He has no wife and no children in his life, and now he is 53 years old and lives alone in a mansion of tens of millions

A person's life may be on the road of pursuing and self-dialogue. Yao Gang used his own way to show us how to go on this road. His story is like a mirror for us to re-examine our hearts and be brave enough to live our truest self.

"Bad guy professional" Yao Gang: He has no wife and no children in his life, and now he is 53 years old and lives alone in a mansion of tens of millions

This "bad guy professional" has spent more than 50 years interpreting the unique life of a "good quality person". His dreams, perseverance, courage and independent personality are all worth remembering and learning, and make us yearn for and look forward to a bright future.

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