
It's really ruthless, slapping her, picking her hair, eating cigarette butts, the girl was bullied by many people, and the police response caused controversy

author:Brother Yu dreams big

Bullying is bullying again, and a video of "" has caused a sensation on the Internet recently. What the hell is going on here?

"Slapping the face, picking up the hair, kicking the body, forcing the cigarette butt to eat 。。。。。。" It's hard to imagine that a teenage girl will suffer this fate, is no one to care about bullying?

The local police's reply of "it's okay" pushed the anger value of netizens up several levels again.


Details go by

On May 7, in Xinyang, Henan, a girl in the video was about ten years old, it should be night at this time, and I couldn't see clearly on the road, so I saw the girl standing on the road very timidly.

As soon as the picture turned, a woman first went up to slap the girl continuously, pulled her hair, and then raised her leg to the girl's waist, and her body was a few kicks, and the girl was kicked back again and again, and she didn't dare to say a word.

Judging from the figure of the violent woman, she is obviously a lot taller than the beaten girl, and she also has a dragon and phoenix tattooed on her body, so she should be the "big sister of society".

It's really ruthless, slapping her, picking her hair, eating cigarette butts, the girl was bullied by many people, and the police response caused controversy

What is even more worrying is that these abusers are still not addicted to beating people, and some people pick up burning cigarette butts and send them into the mouth of the beaten woman.

The girl who was beaten didn't dare to resist at all, and honestly swallowed the cigarette in her mouth.

。 From the leaked video, it can be seen that the entire violence process lasted for 5 minutes.

This is still exposed, and what is not exposed?

It's really ruthless, slapping her, picking her hair, eating cigarette butts, the girl was bullied by many people, and the police response caused controversy

Moreover, they have hands-on, watching, shouting, and 。。。。。。 picking up their mobile phones to take pictures! This gang is extremely skillful in cooperating, it should not be the first time, but how I hope this is the last.

It's really ruthless, slapping her, picking her hair, eating cigarette butts, the girl was bullied by many people, and the police response caused controversy

The police reply sparked a huge controversy

If the family of the beaten lady sees this scene, it is estimated that they will not be calm, and everyone wants to seek justice for the girl. People are also wondering, what the hell is going on? Why do girls get beaten? Whether the beaters have been punished in accordance with the law.

A reporter also contacted the local police, and the police replied that "it's okay, I have intervened in the investigation."

For the police's reply, netizens were very angry, what does it mean to be fine? Is there something wrong with the emergence of the "Handan Three Evil Youths"?

If the investigation has been intervened, why hasn't there been a briefing? Isn't it enough to have a video as a witness and a testimony from a girl who was beaten?

It's really ruthless, slapping her, picking her hair, eating cigarette butts, the girl was bullied by many people, and the police response caused controversy

Netizens are hotly discussed

For this, netizens are very angry, some people question whether this matter will not be over, and some people question whether it is necessary to open up the net to the bullies, and who will protect the interests of the bullied. The beaten girl was not only physically harmed, but also mentally and even more psychologically.

It's really ruthless, slapping her, picking her hair, eating cigarette butts, the girl was bullied by many people, and the police response caused controversy

- "It's okay, this girl who was bullied will leave a shadow"

- "It's so easy to say, it's nothing, you know the shadow of a lifetime"

It's really ruthless, slapping her, picking her hair, eating cigarette butts, the girl was bullied by many people, and the police response caused controversy
It's really ruthless, slapping her, picking her hair, eating cigarette butts, the girl was bullied by many people, and the police response caused controversy

- "It's so pitiful, whose child is this, when the parents see it, they feel distressed"

It's really ruthless, slapping her, picking her hair, eating cigarette butts, the girl was bullied by many people, and the police response caused controversy

A wonderful review of previous issues

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