
It's a big fuss, netizens exposed the brickwork under the overpass to seal the barbed wire, netizens: Strictly guard against it, who to prevent?

author:Brother Yu dreams big

Recently, a video of "" has attracted the attention and discussion of many netizens on the Internet.


On May 8, in Guangzhou, when netizens passed through Huangpu Avenue East and Yuzhu North Street, they saw that the ground under the overpass was covered with erected cement blocks, and it was surrounded by barbed wire.

I really can't figure it out, what's the point of doing this? Who do you want to guard against such behavior? So I posted this scene on the Internet.

As you can see from the picture, the ground is densely covered with cement blocks, which should have cost a lot of money. It's all taxpayers' money!

It's a big fuss, netizens exposed the brickwork under the overpass to seal the barbed wire, netizens: Strictly guard against it, who to prevent?

I guess a lot of people are thinking? Instead of spending so much money on cement blocks, why not build parks, stadiums, parking lots, parks。。。。。 , or build it into an office building.

I've seen the "anti-tank cone", and this is the first time I've seen it.

Instead of wasting public resources, why not use them rationally for the well-being of the people.

It's a big fuss, netizens exposed the brickwork under the overpass to seal the barbed wire, netizens: Strictly guard against it, who to prevent?

It is estimated that some people will say that this kind of cement block can avoid the homeless people in the city from gathering and living here, and the purpose of this can effectively enhance the image of the city.

Some people also joked

Therefore, this purpose may not be achieved.

As for the most real thoughts and purposes, a reporter also contacted the local 12345 mayor's hotline, and his reply said that it would be forwarded to the relevant departments for a reply. So, let's wait for a reasonable explanation.

It's a big fuss, netizens exposed the brickwork under the overpass to seal the barbed wire, netizens: Strictly guard against it, who to prevent?

Netizens' opinions

For such an approach, I believe that most netizens cannot understand and cannot recognize.

- "If an individual's heart is broken, it will not have much impact, but if a group of people is broken, it will have a big impact."

It's a big fuss, netizens exposed the brickwork under the overpass to seal the barbed wire, netizens: Strictly guard against it, who to prevent?

Some netizens also put forward different suggestions, which may be a better choice.

It's a big fuss, netizens exposed the brickwork under the overpass to seal the barbed wire, netizens: Strictly guard against it, who to prevent?

- "In the past, the landlords and big families knew to be a place to take shelter from the rain and rest!" The City of Great Love has already helped the homeless people to do a good job of drainage and moisture prevention, and the cushion board can sleep peacefully! ”

It's a big fuss, netizens exposed the brickwork under the overpass to seal the barbed wire, netizens: Strictly guard against it, who to prevent?

- "It's good to park, recharge, and rest for others, you have to do it like this,"

It's a big fuss, netizens exposed the brickwork under the overpass to seal the barbed wire, netizens: Strictly guard against it, who to prevent?
It's a big fuss, netizens exposed the brickwork under the overpass to seal the barbed wire, netizens: Strictly guard against it, who to prevent?

- "The purpose is to keep the homeless and lazy from lying flat?" The problem is that many people come out to look for jobs and the money is gone, and they can't even sleep under the bridge."

It's a big fuss, netizens exposed the brickwork under the overpass to seal the barbed wire, netizens: Strictly guard against it, who to prevent?

Through the discussion of netizens, it can be seen that there are N different ways to deal with the ground, and it seems that the manager has adopted the most unacceptable way to deal with it.

I don't know if the suggestions of netizens will be adopted by management, and whether they can be corrected if they know their mistakes.

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