
is also a double tiger general under Fu Zuoyi, Dong Qiwu was awarded the rank of general, why can't Sun Lanfeng?

author:The old donkey talks about history

In the long history of modern China, two famous generals under Fu Zuoyi, Dong Qiwu and Sun Lanfeng, were known as "Double Tiger Generals" because of their outstanding military talents and outstanding military exploits. However, at the 1955 Chinese People's Liberation Army award ceremony, Dong Qiwu was awarded the rank of general, while Sun Lanfeng was not awarded this honor, a difference that has attracted a lot of attention and discussion in later generations. This article will delve into the complex factors behind this historical phenomenon and reveal the underlying reasons for the different fates of the two generals.

is also a double tiger general under Fu Zuoyi, Dong Qiwu was awarded the rank of general, why can't Sun Lanfeng?

Dong Qiwu: A bridge from the Kuomintang to the Communist Party

Dong Qiwu, born in Hejin, Shanxi, joined the army in his early years, experienced the Northern Expedition and the War of Resistance Against Japan, and made the right choice at a critical juncture in history with his outstanding military command ability and righteousness to the country and the nation. In 1949, as an important assistant to Fu Zuoyi, he played a key role in the peaceful liberation of Beiping, showing profound political wisdom and a desire for peace. Dong Qiwu's uprising was not only a military surrender, but also a profound ideological change, from a high-ranking Kuomintang general to a staunch supporter of the revolutionary cause led by the Communist Party. This transformation was highly praised by Chairman Mao Zedong and was regarded as a model among the generals of the uprising. Therefore, when the title was conferred in 1955, Dong Qiwu was awarded the rank of general, which was not only a recognition of his military contributions, but also an affirmation of his change in political stance, reflecting the Communist Party's equal treatment and high trust in the generals of the uprising.

is also a double tiger general under Fu Zuoyi, Dong Qiwu was awarded the rank of general, why can't Sun Lanfeng?

Sun Lanfeng: The regret of the passive uprising

Compared with Dong Qiwu, Sun Lanfeng is also known for his bravery and good fighting, and is an important general in Fu Zuoyi's army. However, the process of Sun Lanfeng's participation in the uprising is more complicated, and some historical sources point out that Sun Lanfeng did not take the initiative at the beginning of the uprising, but was influenced by his superiors and colleagues, and was passively involved. Although he later sincerely accepted the uprising and contributed to the peaceful liberation, this "passivity" became an important factor in the political environment of the time. The 1955 policy of conferring titles particularly emphasized the importance of active uprisings, and those generals who took the initiative to stand up for the revolution at critical moments and played a key role in advancing the course of history were given higher honor and recognition.

is also a double tiger general under Fu Zuoyi, Dong Qiwu was awarded the rank of general, why can't Sun Lanfeng?

Political considerations and personal choices

In addition, the trajectory of Sun Lanfeng's life after the peaceful liberation also influenced his award. In 1951, when the Suiyuan region was incorporated into the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Sun Lanfeng resigned as commander of the military region and turned to local work, a move that meant that he was no longer directly involved in army building. According to the regulations at the time, military personnel who were transferred to work in the local area generally did not participate in the awarding of titles, which also explains why Sun Lanwu was not able to obtain military ranks. General Fu Zuoyi himself, who was also transferred to local work after the uprising, did not participate in the awarding of titles, which further proves the policy orientation at that time.

is also a double tiger general under Fu Zuoyi, Dong Qiwu was awarded the rank of general, why can't Sun Lanfeng?

The justice of history and the fate of the individual

The wheels of history roll forward, and the choices and destinies of each participant are closely linked, but different. The different endings of Dong Qiwu and Sun Lanfeng are not only the result of personal choices, but also a reflection of the political environment of a specific historical period. Dong Qiwu received due honor for taking the initiative to revolt and continuing to play an important role in the army after the founding of New China; Although Sun Lanfeng also contributed to peace, he was not awarded the title of military officer due to the passive nature of the uprising and the subsequent work arrangements. This is not only a comparison of the personal fates of the two generals, but also a microcosm of the interaction between countless personal choices and the background of the times in the torrent of history.

is also a double tiger general under Fu Zuoyi, Dong Qiwu was awarded the rank of general, why can't Sun Lanfeng?

Although Dong Qiwu and Sun Lanfeng were both capable generals of Fu Zuoyi, their different encounters when they were awarded the title in 1955 were the result of the comprehensive influence of many factors. This is not only a matter of personal historical contributions and political stance, but also reflects the policy orientation of the insurrectionary generals and the consideration of the modernization of the armed forces in the early days of the founding of New China. History is always fair and complex, it records the choices and contributions of each individual, and at the same time reminds future generations that the fate of individuals is often closely related to the trend of the times.