
Xu Zijun's appearance went up and down, and the changes were so big that he couldn't recognize them! Netizen spicy comment: Xia Donghai likes sloths

author:Entertainment pie big circle

Yesterday, Gao Yalin, the actor of Xia Donghai in "Family with Children", was derailed by a hammer, not only that, but he cheated on a 98-year-old girl in his 50s, and he was still Guan Xiaotong's classmate [I want to be quiet] [I want to be quiet] [I want to be quiet]

It's quite sweet and beautiful to look at [laughter] [laughter] [laughter]

Xu Zijun's appearance went up and down, and the changes were so big that he couldn't recognize them! Netizen spicy comment: Xia Donghai likes sloths

On her personal social platform, she looks bright and moving

Long legs, slap face, fair and shiny skin, a material figure, long hair hanging down, bright eyes and bright teeth

Xu Zijun's appearance went up and down, and the changes were so big that he couldn't recognize them! Netizen spicy comment: Xia Donghai likes sloths
Xu Zijun's appearance went up and down, and the changes were so big that he couldn't recognize them! Netizen spicy comment: Xia Donghai likes sloths
Xu Zijun's appearance went up and down, and the changes were so big that he couldn't recognize them! Netizen spicy comment: Xia Donghai likes sloths
Xu Zijun's appearance went up and down, and the changes were so big that he couldn't recognize them! Netizen spicy comment: Xia Donghai likes sloths

However!! Netizens picked up the stills of "Twenty Don't Confuse" played by her, but it was very different [I want to be quiet] [I want to be quiet] [I want to be quiet] [I want to be quiet] [I want to be quiet]

In the play, she looks like this [tears] [tears] [tears] This drama was filmed in 19 years, and she was 21 years old at that time

Xu Zijun's appearance went up and down, and the changes were so big that he couldn't recognize them! Netizen spicy comment: Xia Donghai likes sloths
Xu Zijun's appearance went up and down, and the changes were so big that he couldn't recognize them! Netizen spicy comment: Xia Donghai likes sloths

It really doesn't match the beautiful photos above, [I want to be quiet] [I want to be quiet] and does it remind you of a certain cartoon character?




The answer is revealed!!!

Lightning !!! in Zootopia The lazy and slow sloth [flash] [

Xu Zijun's appearance went up and down, and the changes were so big that he couldn't recognize them! Netizen spicy comment: Xia Donghai likes sloths

I don't know if Gao Yalin saw Xu Zijun if he was like this in the play, he would like [tears] [tears] [tears]

The two have been dating for so long, and Xu Zijun has not received much practical benefit [I want to be quiet] [I want to be quiet] [I want to be quiet]

Gao Yalin took her to a variety show

Xu Zijun's appearance went up and down, and the changes were so big that he couldn't recognize them! Netizen spicy comment: Xia Donghai likes sloths

It's on! Sitcoms

After being discovered by the current Wei Jia, Gao Yalin also directly said yes to her! I also don't know what the picture is [tears] [tears] [tears]

Xu Zijun's appearance went up and down, and the changes were so big that he couldn't recognize them! Netizen spicy comment: Xia Donghai likes sloths

The transfers are also 28888, 38888, and they are not even as good as the fat cat [cover face] [cover face] [cover face] [cover face]

Xu Zijun's appearance went up and down, and the changes were so big that he couldn't recognize them! Netizen spicy comment: Xia Donghai likes sloths

Friends, what do you think Xu Zijun is willing to talk about Gao Yalin? [Flash of inspiration] [Flash of inspiration] [Flash of inspiration]

After all, her classmate Guan Xiaotong is talking about the top Luhan, is there no comparison hurt [I want to be quiet] [I want to be quiet] [I want to be quiet] [I want to be quiet] [I want to be quiet]

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