
It's all like this, who still says that they got married?

author:Entertainment Zheng Zai said

In April last year, He Chaolian and Dou Xiao held a century wedding worth half a billion yuan in Bali, and the theme of the wedding scene was arranged by Dou Xiao himself.

It's all like this, who still says that they got married?

The whole scene is like a fantasy paradise in a fairy tale, He Chaolian in a white wedding dress and Dou Xiao in a dress enter the marriage hall.

It's all like this, who still says that they got married?

In fact, He Chaolian and Dou Xiao have been in a relationship since 2019, during which there have been many entertainment news that the two are going to get married, and under the expectations of many netizens, the two have come together after more than 4 years of emotional running-in.

It's all like this, who still says that they got married?

However, now that they have only been married for a year, the media has repeatedly broken the news that the two are divorced and there are signs of marriage change.

From the two being photographed arguing outdoors until their faces turned black, to Dou Xiao not sweeping the tomb of the gambling king Stanley Ho with He Chaolian on the Qingming Festival, to Dou Xiao's absence from the birthday of his mother-in-law's third wife Chen Wanzhen, and the absence of the family property Versace Hotel opening in Macau.

It's all like this, who still says that they got married?
It's all like this, who still says that they got married?
It's all like this, who still says that they got married?

Before marriage, Dou Xiao and He Chaolian showed their affection together many times, and the photos in the same frame were also very harmonious and beautiful, and they were often witnessed by netizens when they dated in private. But now Dou Xiao and He Chaolian are less separated and more are looked down on by the outside world for their marriage.

At the end of last year, He Chaolian posted an interactive video with Dou Xiao to prove that the marriage relationship between the two was stable.

It's all like this, who still says that they got married?

Last month, when He Chaolian attended an event in Taiwan, China, she also confirmed that she and Dou Xiao were on the phone every day, and when the media repeatedly asked about Dou Xiao, He Chaolian seemed very impatient and seemed reluctant to discuss her husband in front of the media.

It's all like this, who still says that they got married?

It is worth mentioning that He Chaolian said that because she and Dou Xiao were very busy, they had no plans to have children.

Not long ago, He Chaolian ushered in her 33rd birthday, and she herself also posted a photo of her birthday on her personal social platform, with the text "Play "Happy Birthday"". He Chaolian posted two beautiful photos of herself, and also posted a photo of a party with relatives and friends, in which Dou Xiao stood behind her.

It's all like this, who still says that they got married?
It's all like this, who still says that they got married?

In the group photo, my sister He Chaoyun appeared in pink clothes, and Dou Xiao was also carefully dressed, with both hands on He Chaolian's shoulders.

It's all like this, who still says that they got married?

In addition, some netizens met He Chaolian and Dou Xiao in the cinema, and the two looked very affectionate.

It's all like this, who still says that they got married?

Judging from all indications, the marriage between Dou Xiao and He Chaolian is not as fragile as the outside world says.

He Chaolian once fell in love with the popular artist Wu Kequn when she was 20 years old, and after two years together, Wu Kequn also met Stanley Ho and the third wife. But Wu Kequn had no plans to get married, and He Chaolian fell in love with him for five years and finally broke up.

After that, He Chaolian also had scandals with Huo Qishan, Fang Lishen and others, but they were all denied and finally ended.

Dou Xiao is relatively low-key, although he has been in many relationships, only He Chaolian has been public.

It's all like this, who still says that they got married?

Both of them have emotional experience, and both have experience in getting along with each other, Dou Xiao is less than three years old when He Chaolian is older, and there will be no age barrier.

And Dou Xiao and He Chaolian have also experienced a 4-year relationship, and I believe that they have already run in well, so the emotional foundation is still very good.

As for the fact that the two have no plans to have children, it is also because they both have their own careers to be busy, and such a marriage relationship is indeed not stable. One is that there is less gathering and more separation, and the relationship may be indifferent, and the other is that no one wants to invest more in the family, which is also very dangerous.

It's all like this, who still says that they got married?

But then again, both of them are keen on their careers and can understand each other better, but marriage and career need to be balanced, so that their marriage can last longer.

Dou Xiao and He Chaolian belong to a marriage of "improper door and wrong household", which requires Dou Xiao to pay more attention to the family. He Chaolian once said on the show that she usually doesn't lose her temper, and most of the people who lose their temper are Dou Xiao. But celebrity couples are also husband and wife, how can they be blessed not to quarrel?

It's all like this, who still says that they got married?

In this seemingly glamorous celebrity marriage, there are all kinds of unknown challenges and tests hidden behind it.

Some people think that the marriage of celebrity couples in the entertainment industry is an "illusion", which is barely maintained in order to maintain their personal image or seek commercial interests. And He Chaolian's family is well-off, so she doesn't need to think about these at all, so she is still very real.

It's all like this, who still says that they got married?

The marriage between Dou Xiao and He Chaolian is authentic and credible. Although the media often focuses on their marital crises and scandals, outside of these turmoil, it is believed that Dou Xiao and He Chaolian can maintain a stable marital relationship.

Marriage is based on mutual trust, respect and understanding, and these qualities do not lose their meaning because of differences in identity.