
Why is Wuyuan Cultural Tourism so popular?

author:Jiangxi city scene

Source: Contemporary Jiangxi

"At present, the domestic tourism market is sinking significantly, and non-traditional county tourism is becoming the "new favorite" of the tourism market, and the popularity is close to the first and second tier popular tourist destination cities. ”

If you want to ask where is the most popular tourist destination in the county, the answer must be Wuyuan.

According to the "2024 May Day Travel Trend Insight Report" released by Ctrip, Wuyuan will join hands with Pingtan in Fujian, Yangshuo in Guangxi, and Anji in Zhejiang to become popular county tourist destinations during this May Day holiday. According to data from multiple platforms, Wuyuan is on the list of top 10 popular county tourist destinations.

In the past "May Day" holiday, Wuyuan County received a total of about 570,000 tourists, a year-on-year increase of 10.5%. Wuyuan during the holiday has opened the "people from the crowd" mode, and the tourists who have been there all sighed: Wuyuan seems to have 100 million people.

Why is Wuyuan Cultural Tourism so popular? From the perspective of Wuyuan cultural tourism, what new trends in cultural tourism can we see?

Why is Wuyuan Cultural Tourism so popular?

Tourists enjoy folk performances in Wuyuan Huangling Scenic Area.


This "May Day", the "most beautiful village" Wuyuan unsurprisingly ushered in a wave of tourism boom, and the popularity of cultural tourism continued to rise. "I have a group every day, and I can't be busy at all!" A tour guide from Wuyuan said.

During the "May Day" period, the scenic spots in Wuyuan were very popular, and the "phenomenal" popularity attracted frequent praise from the central media. The "immersive" experience intangible cultural heritage project innovatively launched by the scenic spot, and the live performance of "Dream Home" have attracted a wave of goodwill.

On May 1 alone, Wuyuan County received 101,000 tourists, of which Huangling and Wunvzhou became the most popular scenic spots for tourists.

Not long ago, "Wang Po" landed in Wuyuan and took the stage in Wunvzhou to "talk about the matchmaker" for a few days. The residual heat brought by "Wang Po" to Wunvzhou is unabated. According to the data, on the first day of the holiday, the number of tourists in Wunvzhou Resort exceeded 20,000, making it the hottest attraction in Wuyuan.

As one of the filming locations of the current hit drama "Faint Fire", the popularity of "Faint Fire" has also added a fire to the popularity of Wuyuan Cultural Tourism.

Tourists have to check in "Zhang Xincheng's home and Tong Yao's home in the play". Yu's ancestral hall in Wangkou Scenic Area, the scattered houses in Huangling Town, and the rape flower field in Qiukou Town...... These pictures of different towns and scenic spots in Wuyuan together constitute the "Qingshui Town" of "Faint Fire", and netizens exclaimed, "It's beautiful!" ”

The traffic "tide" of Wuyuan Cultural Tourism did not rise suddenly.

During the Spring Festival holiday of the Year of the Rabbit, Wuyuan County received a total of 724,600 tourists, ranking first in the province, and many people rushed to the "most beautiful village" to celebrate the New Year. After being reported and recommended by mainstream media, the number of online reads on related topics is nearly 400 million.

In fact, last year, Wuyuan Cultural Tourism was already popular throughout the year. The "2023 China Internet Celebrity County Index" was released, and Wuyuan topped the list. In 2023, Wuyuan will sing the "Four Seasons Theme Song" and organize nearly 330 activities such as spring celebrations, cultural festivals of heroes and tourists, and lantern festivals, attracting tens of millions of tourists.

Last year, Wuyuan County received 26.203 million person-times, with a comprehensive income of 25.68 billion yuan, achieving "explosive" growth. During the Spring Festival, the "May Day" holiday, the "Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day" holiday and the peak period of flower-viewing tours, Wuyuan's major star-rated hotels and boutique B&Bs are "hard to find", and their popularity is worthy of the honor of "Internet Celebrity City".

Why is Wuyuan Cultural Tourism so popular?

Tourists play in Wuyuan Likeng Ancient Town.


At a time when the competition in the cultural tourism market is extremely fierce and the supply of cultural tourism products is becoming increasingly saturated, the popularity of cultural tourism is by no means without reason. Tourists from all over the country come one after another, what to see in Wuyuan, the small county seat?

If you want to use one word to describe Wuyuan, the word "beauty" is the most suitable. Wuyuan has a clear and breathtaking beauty. Countless people who are tired of the city can always find a "lost beauty" in Wuyuan.

As "the most beautiful village in China", Wuyuan has intoxicating scenery everywhere, 10,000 acres of terraced rape flowers, peach blossoms in front of the village and behind the house, rhododendrons all over the mountains, and Hui style buildings with white walls and black tiles, constituting a "paradise", many people go to Wuyuan to visit the ancient villages, enjoy rape flowers, and experience the autumn into the travel plan.

There is a sea of flowers in the most beautiful place. When it comes to Wuyuan, the first thing people think of must be the golden rape flowers, and to see the rape flowers in Wuyuan has become the most famous sign of Wuyuan. In the Jiangling Scenic Area, one of China's "Four Great Flower Seas", 10,000 acres of rape flowers are all over the mountains, wantonly blooming in the terraced fields of high and low. Wuyuan is a sea of flowers, with colorful flowers all year round. No matter what time of year you come, there's something special about it.

The rape flower terraces located in Huangling are also one of the most spectacular scenery in Wuyuan in spring. Walking on the path of Huangling, rape flowers are like a golden ocean, churning and undulating on the hillside. If you take the ropeway or glass boardwalk up the mountain and look down on the sea of flowers from the air, the colorful and dazzling scene is enough to make people linger.

There is the most beautiful ancient village here. The Hui-style buildings of the Ming and Qing dynasties in Wuyuan are almost all over the villages of the county, and it is one of the most preserved and well-preserved places in ancient Chinese architecture today. Walking into the ancient village and ancient houses, there are pink walls covered with green vines, mossy tiles, carvings of cornices and corners, and mottled and peeling lintels. Living here, tourists can indulge in the life of "listening to the sound of water in front of the door and smelling the birds singing outside the window".

Known as the "most beautiful nostalgia experience place", the ancient village of Huangling is an ancient village hanging on the cliff. Stroll through it, the pink wall, the daiwa, the ancestral hall, the ancient well...... The quaint buildings with the charm of the Gan style emblem all tell the story of time. In this layered Tiyun village, everyone can find their own tranquility and beauty.

It has the most beautiful natural scenery. Wuyuan can be described as a beautiful jade left in the world, pouring gentleness. The sea of hills and flowers, the ancient houses of cooking smoke, and the small bridges and flowing water here together constitute a beautiful pastoral picture, which is fascinating. Whether it is the tea culture village surrounded by mountains and rivers, the unique Xi Garden, or the pleasant scenery of Mandarin Duck Lake, or the gurgling Wolong Valley, the scenery here is wallpaper at any time.

Huangling is the master of beauty. In spring, thousands of acres of rape flowers bloom in a competitive manner, which is fascinating; In summer, thousands of flowers bloom and compete for beauty, and every step is dazzling; In autumn, the "autumn sun" is very lively, and the village grains are fragrant; In winter, the treetops are full of ripe persimmons, which makes people feel infinitely warm.

Why is Wuyuan Cultural Tourism so popular?

Tourists enjoy an immersive performance in the Wunvzhou Scenic Area.


During the past "May Day" holiday, ticket orders for scenic spots in the county market increased by more than 150% year-on-year, and the sinking tourism market sprung up, and the popularity approached the first- and second-tier popular tourist destination cities.

The county tourism represented by Wuyuan is becoming the "new favorite" of the tourism market. People can't help but ask, in the Red Sea Market of Cultural Tourism, why does county tourism "break the circle"?

There's no place where you can succeed casually. The popular county has accumulated silently in terms of infrastructure, transportation convenience, supply of cultural and tourism products, new formats and new ways of playing, and has gradually demonstrated its comparative advantages.

The cost of tourism in the county is more affordable. Travel expenses such as accommodation and catering are important considerations for tourists. During the holidays, accommodation in popular tourist cities has become a "big problem", and price increases are not uncommon. With the improvement of the county's tourism reception capacity, tourists are more willing to pay for high-quality county tourism at the same or even lower price, which makes tourists more willing to pay for high-quality county tourism.

This holiday, the cost-effective advantages of Wuyuan Cultural Tourism are fully revealed. The price of B&B near Likeng in Wuyuan core scenic spot is generally maintained below 300 yuan. Before the "May Day" holiday, Wuyuan County held a mobilization meeting to improve the quality of tourism, requiring the calculation of "political accounts", "economic accounts" and "reputation accounts" to provide high-quality services for tourists, and also took the lead in setting up a tourism integrity refund center, forming a "Wuyuan model" of tourism integrity refund.

The county-level tourism services are more diversified. The degree of homogeneity of tourism products in popular destination cities is high, and the problems such as the strong commercial atmosphere and excessive marketing of scenery belts and "check-in points" have been criticized for a long time. The tourism resources of the county are unique, which can be described as "different counties and counties", and the freshness brought by different folk activities and different local characteristics is fascinating.

Wuyuan far mountains and slopes, flowers bloom in four seasons, beautiful natural scenery and countryside as the main body of the idyll, the scenery is different, people are fascinated, and the cultural heritage of the thousand-year-old book town gives people a spiritual wash. During the "May Day" period, Wuyuan held more than 50 activities such as Huangling Flower Ancient Village, Poetic Life Season, Jiangwan Scenic Area Intangible Cultural Heritage Tour Season, and Wunvzhou Resort, attracting tourists from all over the country to "check in Wuyuan".

The county tourism experience is more relaxed. Young people are increasingly becoming the main force of cultural tourism, they are more in pursuit of a relaxed leisure mode, more want to experience local culture and life, more concerned about the experience of travel, and prefer to find a "small town" to hide. Leisure travel for the purpose of "relaxing" has become the main choice for young people to travel, and they prefer to go to those niche cities with unique characteristics and fireworks, and enjoy the sense of relaxation that is not found in big cities.

"Come to Wuyuan to catch up with your first ray of sunshine" is young people's understanding of Wuyuan, full of warmth and poetry. Wuyuan is picturesque all year round, and there are different scenery in different seasons. There is no hustle and bustle of the city, only the slow life of a small town, no tiresome involution, only poetry and warmth. Whether it is looking for scenery, appreciating flowers, or appreciating folk customs and architecture, Wuyuan can satisfy you.

It can be said that the unique natural scenery and cultural landscape, high-quality service, good experience, and the popularity and reputation accumulated by this are the secrets of the county's tourism "hot out of the circle" represented by Wuyuan.