
Dry freight for 16 years, he drove Auman for 10 years! 1.2 million kilometers of gas heavy trucks without major repairs

author:Tac Commercial Vehicles

The right choice is often more important than mere effort, and a clear direction is more decisive than a concrete approach.

The old driver Yang Fudong chose a good car that suited him, which allowed him to win the development of logistics and transportation.

Dry freight for 16 years, he drove Auman for 10 years! 1.2 million kilometers of gas heavy trucks without major repairs

A recent photo of Yang Fudong

In Shanxi, known as the "sea of coal", there are abundant coal resources underground, and this land has also given birth to a huge coal transportation group, and Yang Fudong, a native of Shanxi, is one of them. With 16 years of transportation experience, he chose Auman heavy trucks matched with Fukang gas engines, and his career has been thriving ever since.

From Yang Fudong's story, we can feel the wisdom and persistence of an ordinary logistics person in his choice.

Choose Auman gas heavy truck

Find a bright path

In today's logistics market, it is no longer a simple labor to maintain a car and pull goods, it carries the dreams and pursuits of countless logistics people, and it has also become a flashing "money" in their eyes. However, with the fierce competition, every logistics practitioner is facing huge survival pressure, and they are looking for vehicles that can improve their competitiveness, including Yang Fudong.

Yang Fudong has been on the journey of coal transportation for 16 years, and he has experienced ups and downs and witnessed the changes of the industry. In the first few years of stepping into the industry, he drove around with fuel heavy trucks, high fuel consumption, and it was difficult to increase freight costs.

Dry freight for 16 years, he drove Auman for 10 years! 1.2 million kilometers of gas heavy trucks without major repairs

A photo with your car

It was one day in 2014, by chance, a friend recommended him Auman heavy truck, after a test drive, he felt good, so he chosen, and since then the income has been good, which made him have a new hope in his chest. To this day, he still remembers this car vividly: "The Auman car is very efficient, especially the Fukang engine is very powerful, and I am not afraid of any road conditions, and it really helps me earn money."

However, with the passage of time, oil prices continue to rise, market competition is becoming more and more fierce, natural gas heavy truck technology is becoming more and more mature, and the advantages are becoming more and more obvious in peer competition. Yang Fudong kept pace with the times and made a bold decision again - to change the car, he sold the diesel car and replaced it with a gas heavy truck. This time, he is still firmly committed to the Auman brand.

When asked about the reason for changing cars, Yang Fudong's weather-beaten face showed a determined look. "There are two reasons for changing this car, one is that it is light in weight and can pull more goods; There is also a gas car that saves money, and the power is not bad. Although the words are short, they reveal trust and satisfaction with the Auman brand.

As a truck driver mainly engaged in coal transportation, Yang Fudong's transportation task is like a challenge every time, and his right-hand man Auman gas heavy truck is the key to overcoming the challenge. It is reported that his mileage is about 700 kilometers every time, from the mining area to the destination, the road is not always smooth, sometimes he will encounter complex road conditions, at this time, the performance of the engine is particularly important.

Yang Fudong is currently driving the Auman heavy truck, equipped with Fukang gas engine, this car is powerful, in the same kind of models have a strong competitive advantage. He said: "When choosing a car, we took a fancy to the torque of the Fukang gas engine, and we pulled coal to run on a composite road, and this car had good climbing performance and full of power." ”

1.2 million km without major repairs

The engine never dropped the chain

For users, a high-performance engine is inseparable from the core of a model that can bring rich profits. Yang Fudong is well aware of this, he said: "I attach great importance to the durability and gas saving of Fukang gas engines. ”

According to reports, Yang Fudong's heavy truck will run at least more than 200,000 kilometers a year, and has run a total of 1.2 million kilometers. With such a long mileage, the engine has never had a major problem, and this durable and non-dropping chain performance makes Yang Fudong proud. He shared his maintenance secrets: "The performance of this engine is really good, and there has been no problem. But it also needs to be well maintained, I usually take care of it every 30,000 kilometers and change the oil so that it can always be in top condition. ”

Dry freight for 16 years, he drove Auman for 10 years! 1.2 million kilometers of gas heavy trucks without major repairs

Photograph of the vehicle when it exceeds 1.1 million km

In addition to durability, the energy-saving performance of the engine is also of great concern to Yang Fudong. He knows that what he saves is what he earns, and he is very satisfied with the gas consumption performance of the Fukang gas engine. He said: "The gas consumption of this car is more energy-saving than other brand models of the same type, and the operating cost can be saved by about 10,000 yuan per year." ”

The reason why Fukang gas engine has such high performance is inseparable from the world's cutting-edge technology it gathers. It is the world's first to turn on equivalent combustion and EGR technology, which ensures the efficient performance of the engine while meeting the strict emission requirements. At the same time, reliable components and a close-coupled two-stage aftertreatment design enhance combustion efficiency and reliability, making the engine more durable and efficient.

Auman gas heavy truck, with its unique advantages, has solved many problems for logistics users. Light weight, can pull more goods, improve the transportation efficiency; Low gas cost, less maintenance, and reduced operating costs; Strong power, any road conditions can be dealt with freely, for the logistics users to bring tangible benefits, such a heavy truck can not be welcomed by the market? (Moonlight)


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