
The uneven and convex urban beauty is Bibi Dong

author:Soldiers who learn from the scriptures


The uneven and convex urban beauty is Bibi Dong

In the plot of the domestic animation "Douluo Continent", the young woman's mother Bibi Dong wears a close-fitting costume, which is simple and elegant, and the design of this dress is just right to outline her perfect figure, like a meteor in the night sky, short but unforgettable.

The uneven and convex urban beauty is Bibi Dong
The uneven and convex urban beauty is Bibi Dong
The uneven and convex urban beauty is Bibi Dong

The young woman's mother, Bibi Dong, had soft black hair, and her shawl fell and fluttered gently in the wind. The delicate makeup makes her facial features appear more three-dimensional, and her eyes are shining smartly. In particular, Bibi Dong, who is dressed in close-fitting clothes, reveals her plump upper body lines and tall figure, just like the soul of this night, making people remember the beauty and touching of this rainy night.

The uneven and convex urban beauty is Bibi Dong
The uneven and convex urban beauty is Bibi Dong
The uneven and convex urban beauty is Bibi Dong

Bibi Dong's every movement exudes endless charm, like the brightest stars in the night, making it impossible to take your eyes off. I have to say that Bibi Dong, the young woman's mother, really shows the elegance and confidence of urban women to the fullest. Her outfit is simple, which not only shows the femininity of women, but also shows independence and strength.

The uneven and convex urban beauty is Bibi Dong

(The picture comes from the Internet, apologize for the invasion and deletion!) )

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