
CCTV is on the air! 40 episodes of urban dramas are coming, starring Jiang Xin, with the drama bones, it's hard to think about it!

author:Tom chases the drama
CCTV is on the air! 40 episodes of urban dramas are coming, starring Jiang Xin, with the drama bones, it's hard to think about it!

In recent years, while exploring the challenges of modern life and the workplace, domestic urban dramas often fall into the dilemma of overly idealistic plots and too glamorous character settings. However, a new drama "Dream City" may be able to change this status quo, bravely exploring the three key words of urban, workplace and business warfare.

"Dream City" is based on the resignation and entrepreneurship of super code farmer Luo Chengyu (played by Yang Shuo). After a capital game of a foreign-funded enterprise, Luo Chengyu and his team decided to leave their jobs, get rid of the technology monopoly and profit exploitation, and start the difficult road of starting their own business. Their decision sparked a heated discussion on social media.

CCTV is on the air! 40 episodes of urban dramas are coming, starring Jiang Xin, with the drama bones, it's hard to think about it!

On Na's personal blog, he wrote: "For the past few years, we have been plagued by the shackles of large corporations. Innovation is suppressed, our ideas are deprived, and this is not the life I pursue. This blog post attracted many comments from netizens in support. One netizen wrote: "Support your decision! Freedom to start a business is the only way to truly realize one's dreams. Another commented, "I hope you can stand out in a competitive market and create impactful products." ”

However, not everyone is optimistic about Na's decision. At a forum called "Tech Frontiers," some questioned whether their decision was wise. One netizen wrote: "Starting a business is an adventure, and not everyone can succeed. It's too risky to give up a stable job to pursue an uncertain future. The remarks drew some opposition, arguing that Mr. Na may be facing too much of a challenge.

CCTV is on the air! 40 episodes of urban dramas are coming, starring Jiang Xin, with the drama bones, it's hard to think about it!

Luo Chengyu, a typical technology-based entrepreneur, worked as a senior engineer in a foreign-funded company. After working in this company for many years, he has accumulated rich technical experience, but he has also increasingly felt the constraints and oppression of foreign-funded enterprises. The boring 9-to-5 job made him lose his enthusiasm for technological innovation, and he began to wonder if he could only work endlessly in such an environment.

In a major capital game, Luo Chengyu experienced a shocking struggle for interests. The management of the foreign-owned company decided to reduce the budget of the technology department and devote more resources to marketing and customer service. This decision not only put pressure on the technical team, but also seriously dampened Luo's confidence in the company's future. As a core member of the technology team, he realized that his innovation space was further compressed, and the future development became more and more ambiguous.

CCTV is on the air! 40 episodes of urban dramas are coming, starring Jiang Xin, with the drama bones, it's hard to think about it!

"I can't go on like this." Luo Chengyu said to his wife one night. He began to think about leaving the company, stepping out of his comfort zone, and trying his hand at the path of entrepreneurship. This decision was not an easy one, because he was well aware of the risks and uncertainties of starting a business. However, his inner desire and dedication to technological innovation made him determined to start his own business plan.

At the same time, Chu Ange represents the elite class of traditional enterprises. As an airborne executive of the original company, she has a wide range of contacts and rich management experience within the company. Chu Ange never imagined that he would go against a techno-entrepreneur so closely. In the capital game, she saw Na Seung-woo's fanaticism and indomitable spirit for technology, which made her develop a peculiar interest in him.

CCTV is on the air! 40 episodes of urban dramas are coming, starring Jiang Xin, with the drama bones, it's hard to think about it!

"They may not understand marketing, but their understanding and passion for technology is something we lack." Chu Ange once commented on Luo Chengyu and his team at the company's management meeting. She began to try to understand Na's background and motivations, trying to understand why he chose to leave such a large company to pursue his entrepreneurial dream.

In terms of plot design, "Dream City" is not only limited to personal entrepreneurial stories, but also represents the new generation of Chinese technology entrepreneurs to face the challenges of international competition. The plot of the play is full of ups and downs, Luo Chengyu has experienced the difficult process from resignation to entrepreneurship, facing practical problems such as friendship betrayal and family troubles, truly showing the mental journey of entrepreneurs and deeply touching the heartstrings of the audience.

The joining of first-line powerful actors such as Jiang Xin, Yang Shuo, Cheng Taishen, and Zhou Fang has added a lot of highlights to "Dream City". With her wonderful performances in "Little Shede" and "Stalker", Jiang Xin will once again challenge the image of a strong woman in the business world; And Yang Shuo has shown excellent acting skills through works such as "Big River", which will lead the audience to deeply feel Luo Chengyu's inner world.

Jiang Xin did not choose to continue to devote herself to the performance of film and television dramas, but chose to embark on another broad road - to engage in public welfare. After many years of film and television performances, she gradually felt another meaning and value of life. In a fortuitous charity event, she was deeply touched by the problem of rural children's education and decided to devote herself to this field and work to improve the educational conditions of children in poor areas.

CCTV is on the air! 40 episodes of urban dramas are coming, starring Jiang Xin, with the drama bones, it's hard to think about it!

"Although acting has made me gain a lot of love and recognition from the audience, I feel that my life needs more meaning." Jiang Xin confessed her transformation in an interview. She began to pay attention to some social problems, especially the injustice of education and the plight of poor children, which deeply touched her heart. She realizes that as a public figure, she has the responsibility and ability to speak up for these vulnerable groups and provide them with better help and support.

"I once went to some schools in remote areas and saw children learning in poor classrooms, and I felt that we should do something for them." Jiang Xin shared on her Weibo how she felt during her visit to a rural school. She is not only helping these schools by donating money, but also being personally involved in the improvement of education. She worked with the local education department to raise funds to build the school's library and multimedia classrooms, hoping to create a better learning environment and opportunities for children.

CCTV is on the air! 40 episodes of urban dramas are coming, starring Jiang Xin, with the drama bones, it's hard to think about it!

Netizens had mixed reactions to Jiang Xin's transformation and the new path she chose. "She is really amazing, she was able to put down her acting career and devote herself to such a meaningful public welfare cause." Some netizens commented on social media, expressing their appreciation and support for her decision. "This is a truly responsible artist, who can use his influence to help those in need." Other netizens also praised her behavior, believing that this is an example of positive energy that is worth learning and following by more people.

However, there are also some netizens who have reservations about Jiang Xin's decision. "The entertainment industry is originally a highly competitive industry, and it is really not easy for her to give up the opportunity to act and choose public welfare." Some netizens expressed some concern and understanding about her change. "I hope she can achieve something in public welfare, and don't forget her former career, because film and television dramas are also a kind of cultural output." These netizens hope that Jiang Xin can give full play to her abilities in new fields, and at the same time, they also hope that she can maintain her love and attention to her acting career.

"Dream City" is not only a TV series, but also a breakthrough and attempt at the urban drama genre. With its realistic plot portrayal and strong cast, it may be able to redefine the audience's expectations and cognition of urban dramas. It is expected that this drama can let everyone find their own "dream city" through the entrepreneurial stories of Luo Chengyu and Chu Ange, and realize the beautiful vision in their hearts.

CCTV is on the air! 40 episodes of urban dramas are coming, starring Jiang Xin, with the drama bones, it's hard to think about it!

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