
Is Sichuan pepper an "inducing agent" of pulmonary nodules? Doctor: If you don't want to be hospitalized, try to eat as little as possible!

author:Lao Li Health said

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Wang Guilan woke up this morning feeling chest tightness and shortness of breath, and it felt like something was pressing on his chest, which made him very uncomfortable.

This feeling, although not the first time it has appeared, seems to be particularly serious today. Wang Guilan is an ordinary accountant, usually busy with work, often working overtime, so he has not paid much attention to this occasional discomfort.

Is Sichuan pepper an "inducing agent" of pulmonary nodules? Doctor: If you don't want to be hospitalized, try to eat as little as possible!

Due to the strong discomfort today, Wang Guilan decided to go to the hospital to have a look. At the hospital in the city center, Wang Guilan met Liu Hai, a young doctor who, after listening carefully to the symptoms described by Wang Guilan, suggested a comprehensive medical examination. The results were unexpected, and the examination revealed that Wang Guilan had small nodules in her lungs.

Is Sichuan pepper an "inducing agent" of pulmonary nodules? Doctor: If you don't want to be hospitalized, try to eat as little as possible!

Dr. Liu Hai sat down and discussed her eating habits in detail with Wang Guilan. He told Wang that although many people like to put peppercorns in their dishes, which does have a good effect on enhancing the taste and aroma of food, it also contains some ingredients that may affect respiratory health.

Some of the volatile oil components in Sichuan pepper can irritate the respiratory tract, especially for people with respiratory sensitivities, excessive intake may cause respiratory discomfort and even trigger respiratory diseases.

Is Sichuan pepper an "inducing agent" of pulmonary nodules? Doctor: If you don't want to be hospitalized, try to eat as little as possible!

Wang Guilan was very surprised when she heard this. Dr. Liu Hai went on to explain that regular consumption of foods high in salt, fat and sugar can significantly increase the risk of lung disease. In particular, strong irritating spices such as Sichuan peppercorns may worsen the condition of lung nodules.

Is Sichuan pepper an "inducing agent" of pulmonary nodules? Doctor: If you don't want to be hospitalized, try to eat as little as possible!

In addition, Dr. Liu Hai also pointed out the potential threat to lung health from high-salt and fried foods. Fried foods are too high in fat, which is not only easy to cause obesity, but also may exacerbate lung diseases because of the harmful substances contained in them.

Is Sichuan pepper an "inducing agent" of pulmonary nodules? Doctor: If you don't want to be hospitalized, try to eat as little as possible!

Wang Guilan, a primary school teacher by profession, enjoys cooking and experimenting with various ingredients, but she never realised the impact these habits could have on her health.

Dr. Liu Hai suggested that Wang Guilan should gradually change these eating habits, especially reducing the intake of peppercorns, salt and fried foods to protect her lung health.

Is Sichuan pepper an "inducing agent" of pulmonary nodules? Doctor: If you don't want to be hospitalized, try to eat as little as possible!

At the end of the conversation, Wang Guilan asked, "So, for patients like me who already have small nodules, is there any other more direct way to improve lung health besides dietary adjustments?" ”

Dr. Liu replied, "There is definitely a way." In addition to adjusting your diet, I also recommend that you do a moderate amount of exercise, such as brisk walking or swimming, which can strengthen your lungs. I can provide some personalized recommendations from your previous health records to help you achieve these lifestyle changes. ”

Is Sichuan pepper an "inducing agent" of pulmonary nodules? Doctor: If you don't want to be hospitalized, try to eat as little as possible!

Dr. Liu went on to make an often overlooked, but crucial, point about the impact of living environment on lung health. He points out that in addition to food, air quality in the home environment also has a profound impact on lung conditions.

Is Sichuan pepper an "inducing agent" of pulmonary nodules? Doctor: If you don't want to be hospitalized, try to eat as little as possible!

"You see, Wang Guilan, our living environment, including the ventilation of our homes, the cleaning products we use, and even the interior decoration materials, may release chemicals that are not friendly to the lungs." Dr. Liu Hai gestured with his hand and tried to explain in simple and straightforward language.

He continued: "Formaldehyde, benzene and volatile organic compounds (VOCs), for example, are sources of pollutants that we often hear about that are harmful to the respiratory system. ”

Is Sichuan pepper an "inducing agent" of pulmonary nodules? Doctor: If you don't want to be hospitalized, try to eat as little as possible!

He suggested that Wang Guilan monitor indoor air quality and consider using air purifiers to reduce indoor pollution. Dr Lau also mentioned that the proportion of occupants suffering from respiratory diseases in households that use air purification equipment is significantly lower than that in households that do not use air purification equipment.

Wang Guilan attached great importance to this suggestion because she often felt short of breath at home. She asked Dr. Liu Hai: "Then do you think that the renovation of my home was done ten years ago, do you also need to consider renovating or at least updating the materials?" ”

Is Sichuan pepper an "inducing agent" of pulmonary nodules? Doctor: If you don't want to be hospitalized, try to eat as little as possible!

Dr. Liu Hai nodded and replied, "Ten years ago, the decoration materials may release some harmful gases for a long time. At the same time, regularly open windows for ventilation to ensure indoor air circulation, which is very good for reducing indoor pollution and protecting lung health. Our hospital can also provide professional indoor air testing services to help you assess your current living environment. ”

Wang Guilan is very grateful for Dr. Liu Hai's advice and decided to look for relevant services as soon as she returns home to improve the air quality in her home as soon as possible. She also decided to insist on opening windows every morning and evening to reduce the accumulation of indoor pollutants.

Is Sichuan pepper an "inducing agent" of pulmonary nodules? Doctor: If you don't want to be hospitalized, try to eat as little as possible!

Through this consultation, Wang Guilan not only gained a new understanding of her eating habits, but also realized the importance of her living environment to her health, and she felt that she had taken another step towards a healthier lifestyle.

What do you think about the fact that Sichuan pepper is an "inducer" of pulmonary nodules? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Is Sichuan pepper an "inducing agent" of pulmonary nodules? Doctor: If you don't want to be hospitalized, try to eat as little as possible!

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