
Chase, wait, return! In the face of 10,000 yuan in cash, she staged a "three-step process" to collect gold [attention]

author:Yangzhou Radio and Television

Some time ago, Jiang Caiyun, a sanitation worker, picked up a pink bag while sweeping the road. When I opened it, in addition to the bank card and ID card, there was also an Apple mobile phone and a thick pile of 100 yuan bills.

Chase, wait, return! In the face of 10,000 yuan in cash, she staged a "three-step process" to collect gold [attention]

On that day, Jiang Caiyun was sweeping the road on Baixiang Road when he raised his eyes and saw a pink bag falling from an electric car. Jiang Caiyun shouted for a long time, but the other party didn't stop. She picked up the bag and opened it to see a thick stack of hundred-dollar bills.

Chase, wait, return! In the face of 10,000 yuan in cash, she staged a "three-step process" to collect gold [attention]

In addition to the money, there is an iPhone in the bag, as well as a bank card ID card, etc., but the phone has been turned off. Jiang Caiyun thought for a while, and then came to the roadside store to ask the proprietress to help find the owner. "The phone ran out of battery, and then the proprietress took a new plug and charged it. Charging is waiting here, she copied down my mobile phone number, I will go to the road to sweep the floor and look at her, if people come, to ask. ”

Chase, wait, return! In the face of 10,000 yuan in cash, she staged a "three-step process" to collect gold [attention]

After waiting on the side of the road for an hour, but without waiting for the owner, Jiang Caiyun had to call the police for help. The police arrived at the scene and carefully counted it, and in addition to the mobile phone documents, there were 9,700 yuan in cash in the bag. At this time, the charging Apple phone rang...... When Ms. Lang, the owner, went to the Mingyue Lake Police Station to pick up the bag, she was very moved by the cash and items in the bag.

Chase, wait, return! In the face of 10,000 yuan in cash, she staged a "three-step process" to collect gold [attention]

It is understood that Jiang Caiyun has been engaged in sanitation work for more than 20 years, during which she has picked up five or six mobile phones, wallets, documents, etc., and she does not hesitate to return them every time. The police said that they had declared Jiang Caiyun's righteousness and courage and commended her for her good quality in collecting gold.

Source丨Yangzhou Radio and Television "Sailing" mobile phone channel

Editor丨Luo Lihua