
After three years of being diplomatically downgraded by China, Lithuania finally couldn't hold back anymore and seemed to have tasted the bitterness

author:Liu Luqiang law
After three years of being diplomatically downgraded by China, Lithuania finally couldn't hold back anymore and seemed to have tasted the bitterness

In November 2021, despite China's solemn protests, Lithuania allowed the Taiwan authorities to set up a "Taiwan Representative Office in Lithuania".

Subsequently, the Chinese side downgraded diplomatic relations between the two countries to the level of chargé d'affaires.

After three years of being diplomatically downgraded by China, Lithuania finally couldn't hold back anymore and seemed to have tasted the bitterness

Recently, the Lithuanian president proposed that the "Taiwan Representative Office" should be renamed to stabilize relations with Chinese mainland.

So, what exactly has happened in these three years? How did the Taiwan authorities respond to Lithuania's statement?

1. Neutral relations with frequent contradictions

Lithuania was once a constituent state of the former Soviet Union, one of the "three Baltic states", and a neighbor of Russia.

After three years of being diplomatically downgraded by China, Lithuania finally couldn't hold back anymore and seemed to have tasted the bitterness

Perhaps because of the "shadow of childhood", in recent years, Lithuania has been close to the Western camp, and its relations with Russia are quite stiff.

As we all know, the current Sino-Russian relations are very close and friendly, and the Western camp has always tried to contain China through various methods, including but not limited to provoking China on the Taiwan issue.

Lithuania has once again played the role of "urgent vanguard".

After three years of being diplomatically downgraded by China, Lithuania finally couldn't hold back anymore and seemed to have tasted the bitterness

In 1991, the two countries signed the Joint Communiqué on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations, and since then, exchanges have been generally stable.

However, at the end of 2020, after the 18th Lithuanian government came to power, it continued to make small moves, and the "anti-China" intention was obvious.

In May 2021, Lithuania falsely claimed that the mainland's Xinjiang policy was "genocide" and accused China of intent on "splitting" the EU.

After three years of being diplomatically downgraded by China, Lithuania finally couldn't hold back anymore and seemed to have tasted the bitterness

In July of the same year, the Lithuanian side agreed to allow Taiwan to set up a "Taiwan Representative Office in Lithuania" in the Lithuanian capital, and a high-level official also threatened that Lithuania was not worried about China's sanctions.

In this regard, the Chinese side has made representations with the Lithuanian side on many occasions and expressed solemn protests. On 18 November of the same year, Lithuania approved the Taiwan authorities to set up a so-called "Taiwan Representative Office in Lithuania."

After three years of being diplomatically downgraded by China, Lithuania finally couldn't hold back anymore and seemed to have tasted the bitterness

In response to this blatant provocation of the mainland's sovereignty and territorial integrity, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a certificate on the 21st of the same month, deciding to downgrade diplomatic relations between the two countries to the level of chargé d'affaires.

But Lithuania did not survive there.

In August 2022, Lithuanian Deputy Minister of Transport and Communications Vajciukeviciut visited Taiwan.

After three years of being diplomatically downgraded by China, Lithuania finally couldn't hold back anymore and seemed to have tasted the bitterness

The Chinese side immediately imposed sanctions on Vajchukeviciut and suspended cooperation with Lithuania in the field of transportation.

At this time, Lithuania did not give up, openly demanded that the Chinese side revoke this decision, and cheekily said: "China's unilateral decision is unreasonable and violates international law and Lithuania's sovereignty." ”

After three years of being diplomatically downgraded by China, Lithuania finally couldn't hold back anymore and seemed to have tasted the bitterness

In December 2023, Lithuanian Foreign Minister Landsbergis once again threatened that he would continue to allow the Taiwan authorities to operate in Lithuania under the name of "Taiwan".

It is incomprehensible to be so "unrepentant."

After three years of being diplomatically downgraded by China, Lithuania finally couldn't hold back anymore and seemed to have tasted the bitterness

However, on the 7th of this month, Lithuanian President Nauseda publicly stated: "In the context of stabilizing relations with China, I think it is necessary to change the name of the 'Taiwan Representative Office'. ”

Is this finally going to "admit it"?

2. Where does the neutrality relationship go from here?

In fact, as early as January 2022, Nauseda said: "It is a mistake to allow the Taiwan authorities to set up a so-called 'representative office'. He also said that he did not know about it in advance.

After three years of being diplomatically downgraded by China, Lithuania finally couldn't hold back anymore and seemed to have tasted the bitterness

It should be mentioned here that the political system of Lithuania is a "semi-presidential system and a parliamentary system", and the executive power of the president is limited, but diplomacy is within the power of the president.

Therefore, in the eyes of most people, Nauseda's claim that he was "unaware of it in advance" should be just a pretext, and the fundamental reason why he did not stop it is probably that his position is also vacillating.

After three years of being diplomatically downgraded by China, Lithuania finally couldn't hold back anymore and seemed to have tasted the bitterness

After all, his point of view is that he is not opposed to Taiwan opening a representative office in Lithuania, but such a representative office cannot have diplomatic status.

After three years of being diplomatically downgraded by China, Lithuania finally couldn't hold back anymore and seemed to have tasted the bitterness

In November 2022, Lithuanian Economy Minister Almonette, who had threatened to "not be afraid of China's sanctions", lowered his posture and said politely: "In a globalized world, it is impossible to completely exclude China." ”

She also expressed the hope that trade with China will be resumed at an early date.

Why did her attitude change so much?

After three years of being diplomatically downgraded by China, Lithuania finally couldn't hold back anymore and seemed to have tasted the bitterness

Almonait said frankly that China's sanctions on Lithuania have had a great impact, and the first is in the economic and trade fields.

The Chinese market has always been a piece of "fat meat" that all countries covet, and everyone wants a piece of the pie, and Lithuania's trade with China is an important part of its economy.

After three years of being diplomatically downgraded by China, Lithuania finally couldn't hold back anymore and seemed to have tasted the bitterness

After being downgraded by China's diplomacy, Lithuania's exports to China fell sharply, and Lithuania suffered huge losses, so Lithuania's business circles and farmers were strongly dissatisfied with this.

And due to China's international status, many investors from other countries have also lost confidence in the Lithuanian market.

Due to a variety of factors, it is difficult for the Lithuanian government to be as tough as it was at the beginning.

After three years of being diplomatically downgraded by China, Lithuania finally couldn't hold back anymore and seemed to have tasted the bitterness

On the 7th, Nauseda stressed that the renaming of the "Taiwan Representative Office" can send a signal of normalization of diplomatic relations with China, which is a necessary move at the moment.

In this regard, the DPP authorities hurriedly stood up to "save their respect," saying that this was a remark made during the election period, and that the new government may not make such a choice after that, and even if Lithuania really wants to make changes, it must consult with the Taiwan authorities.

After three years of being diplomatically downgraded by China, Lithuania finally couldn't hold back anymore and seemed to have tasted the bitterness

Lithuania's choice on this issue may affect the future direction of neutral relations, but I hope it will be able to "abandon the darkness and turn to the light".


Lithuanian President Proposes to Change the Name of "Taiwan Representative Office" "to Stabilize Relations with China"

Lithuania asked China to withdraw sanctions, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded: urging Lithuania to recognize right from wrong

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