
Read 10 of today's news in three minutes, June 27 news summary

author:A-Yuan thought in pieces
Read 10 of today's news in three minutes, June 27 news summary

Edited / A-Yuan Broken Thoughts

The news comes from domestic authoritative media,

There are no personal opinions, please feel free to read them.

Today is Thursday, June 27, 2024, the twenty-second day of the fifth lunar month

1. Chinese actor Shu Qi was recently selected as a new member by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and officially became an Oscar judge. A total of 487 people were invited, of whom 44% were women. Shu Qi has previously served as a jury member at several international film festivals, and this selection marks a further increase in her status in the international film industry.

Read 10 of today's news in three minutes, June 27 news summary

2. The Henan Provincial People's Court recently pronounced a verdict in a case of rape, in which a man named Wang used state-controlled narcotic drugs to stun a number of women and then committed rape and indecency, and was sentenced to life imprisonment, deprivation of political rights for life, and a fine for committing several crimes such as smuggling, drug trafficking, and rape. The case highlights the severity of the crackdown on the abuse of narcotic drugs and the zero-tolerance approach to sexual assault.

Read 10 of today's news in three minutes, June 27 news summary

3. Du Guoying, the founder of Xiaocan Tea, apologized for the controversy over the "masterpiece" publicity, promised not to use the propaganda point again, and announced that 135 tea-making patents would be open to the public free of charge, so as to improve product quality and service and promote industry innovation. This move has sparked public attention and discussion about the chaos in the high-end tea industry.

Read 10 of today's news in three minutes, June 27 news summary

4. The Siguniang Mountain Scenic Area Administration announced that because Kong Moumou and Fang Moumou illegally boarded and broadcast live to mislead the public, violating the regulations of the scenic spot, since June 26, the two have been banned from entering all scenic spots of Siguniang Mountain for life for any form of tourism and outdoor activities.

Read 10 of today's news in three minutes, June 27 news summary

5. Heytea's new product "Little Milk Gardenia" caused controversy due to pronunciation problems and was accused of being indecent, especially in areas where Mandarin is not clearly distinguished. Public opinion is mixed, with some believing that creativity doesn't need to be over-interpreted, while others are calling on brands to be aware of cultural sensitivities. Heytea has not yet responded, and the incident reminds brands to be cautious in naming and take into account cultural differences.

Read 10 of today's news in three minutes, June 27 news summary

6. The 6-meter-deep waterway improvement project of the Wuhan-Anqing section of the Yangtze River trunk line will be completed, accepted and put into use on April 29, 2024, realizing the perennial direct arrival of 10,000-ton ships to Wuhan. The project is the focus of the development strategy of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, which will enhance the radiation capacity of the shipping center and ports in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, and promote the high-quality development of the regional economy.

Read 10 of today's news in three minutes, June 27 news summary

7. The Wujiashan Anti-drug Theme Park in Wuhan's Dongxihu District was unveiled on June 25, aiming to enhance public awareness of anti-drugs. The park popularizes drug knowledge through models, brochures, etc. The police and residents took an anti-drug oath together, and interacted with questions and answers with prizes to enhance their awareness of drug prevention. The event aims to create a new landmark of anti-drug culture and build a green and drug-free community.

Read 10 of today's news in three minutes, June 27 news summary

8. Yang Mi's article published in the "China Radio and Television Journal" caused heated discussions because the duplicate check rate was only 0.9%, and some netizens questioned the academicity. The Academic Department of the China Canton Federation is discussing the response. The comments believe that the repetition rate is not the only academic criterion, and innovation should be reflected in novel ideas. Yang Mi himself has not yet responded, and the journal unit will evaluate the matter.

Read 10 of today's news in three minutes, June 27 news summary

9. Xiaoni (pseudonym), a 27-year-old woman with good looks and just admitted to a foreign graduate school, was sentenced to two years in prison with a three-year probation for selling harmful diet pills containing the banned ingredient sibutramine. Xiaoni was originally a consumer and then turned into an agent, and promoted it through social platforms, and the amount involved amounted to more than 200 yuan. The police have cut off the relevant sales network.

Read 10 of today's news in three minutes, June 27 news summary

10. Beijing CBD has successfully introduced Max Science and other enterprises, sitting on 145 "100 million yuan buildings". Through the "one-to-one" service and the "headquarters growth plan", the CBD has received nearly 130 billion yuan in tax revenue and more than 12,000 newly registered enterprises. CBD has become the seventh largest central business district in the world and the first in China, demonstrating international development and a high-quality business environment.

Read 10 of today's news in three minutes, June 27 news summary

What are your thoughts on today's news? Feel free to comment and share. I wish you all the best! #头条创作挑战赛#

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