
The second half of life: half see clearly, half look down

author:Art Scene
The second half of life: half see clearly, half look down

Author: Insight Moon

When I was young, I always thought that it was only when I could see everyone clearly and explain all the reasoning clearly.

Only now do I realize that things in the world are like mud and sand in the river, which cannot be seen clearly and the way is unknown.

People's hearts are unpredictable, the world is unpredictable, only by enlarging your mind can you live your own small life.

When you reach a certain age, you will eventually understand: being able to see clearly is ability; But choosing to look down on it is a kind of realm.


  • See people's hearts clearly, and despise human feelings.

In the first half of my life, I always like to take everyone who appears in my life very seriously.

When Pingshui meets, he puts his heart in his heart; In a few words, we will help each other.

But often once down, you can see clearly what is warm and cold, and the world is hot and cold.

When people reach middle age, the real wisdom is to know that they don't have to invite too many people into their lives.

Without too much heart-to-heart and lungs, there won't be too much discouragement.

Entrepreneur Shi Yuzhu was keen to make friends in his early years, and even guaranteed more than a billion debts for his friends.

In 1994, Shi Yuzhu's investment in Giant Building led to the rupture of the capital chain and a debt of 250 million yuan.

He thought that with his connections in the circle, he should be able to raise this money in a short time.

Unexpectedly, those friends he had helped in the past either avoided him or took care of him.

After running for half a year, I ate countless closed doors, but I didn't borrow a penny.

Later, Shi Yuzhu could only lose his pawn and protect the car, and transferred all the funds from other businesses to the Giant Building.

It was also this lesson that made him see the true face of this group of friends.

But when recalling these past events, Shi Yuzhu's expression was full of relief, like an outsider telling someone else's story.

For him, these things are just an experience of seeing human nature clearly, and now that time has passed, he has already turned the page.

There is a sentence in "Caigen Tan" that says it thoroughly:

"If you are hungry, you will be satisfied, if you are hot, if you are cold, you will be abandoned, and if you are happy, you will be in trouble."

You think that sincerity can be exchanged for sincerity.

Only by planting a heel can we see clearly: not all sincere people can get the same response; Not all efforts can be understood and appreciated.

When nothing happens, your relationship is stronger than gold.

When something happens, your past is like a mess.

It's normal to feel surprised, but it's sad, and it's not necessary.

Because many times, it is not others who hurt us, but we ourselves value this friendship too much.

As the saying goes, "Tigers and leopards are unbearable to ride, and people's hearts are separated from their stomachs." ”

It is necessary to understand that it is human instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and human warmth and coldness are the normal state of life.

Putting hope in others is tantamount to keeping the disappointment to yourself.

Don't wait until you have suffered losses, suffered and been fooled before you can see the truth of human nature.

Being cooler, being indifferent, keeping boundaries and taking people lightly is the best way to protect yourself.

The second half of life: half see clearly, half look down


  • Look at the gains and losses clearly, and take the past lightly.

"The Four Teachings of Liaofan" says:

"All the things of the past, such as yesterday's death; From the latter, such as today, to be born. ”

In the vast universe, who is not a passer-by, all fame and fortune are in the past.

Don't let your mind dwell on what has already passed, and don't let yesterday's shortcomings replace the happiness of the present.

If you habitually look back at the past, you will inevitably hesitate.

A while ago, I saw a news that Ge Wei, a wealthy man in Chongqing's real estate industry, went bankrupt and had hundreds of millions of debts.

He has been smooth sailing in the first half of his life, but when he reached the age when he should have enjoyed Qingfu, he fell to the bottom of his life.

Not to mention that the car and house were gone, his wife also left him with his son.

In the most difficult days, he didn't even dare to stand on the balcony of a high-rise building, for fear that if he was impulsive, he would lose his life.

After thinking about it, at the age of 57, he mustered up his determination and chose to start all over again.

In order to repay the huge debt, he started a new business, wrote articles about his experience, made videos, and began live broadcasting......

Regarding this experience, he only said 12 words in the video: "Look down on the past, face it bravely, and work hard to get back again." ”

In fact, the hard and difficult things in life are like the glass ballast, which is held too tightly, and it is you who will hurt in the end.

Let go of your hands, no matter how much you linger on your heart, it will become lightweight;

Open your heart, no matter how hard you are, it will become light.

The good or bad of life is always in your thoughts.

In this world, there is never a 100% perfect life.

Only by looking down on the past and not letting those bad things fill the heart can we make room for the good things to collect.

Good things and bad things have become stories of wine.

Not to be happy with things, not to be sad about yourself, and to look down on the past is the best gift for yourself.

The second half of life: half see clearly, half look down


  • See life clearly and despise regrets.

Hangzhou Lingyin Temple often hangs a couplet, the upper link is "how can life be more wishful", the lower link is "everything but seek half satisfaction".

In the first half of life, who is not higher than the sky and unwilling to be ordinary.

So he got into the crowd, opened the mountain and split the rocks, and cut through the thorns.

However, the truth is that nine times out of ten, life is unsatisfactory, and ordinariness is the fate of most people.

The fool can only see the bitter half of life, and he is unwilling to be sad all day long.

Wise people are good at discovering the beautiful half of life, and understand that in the script given by God, every chapter has meaning.

Actor Yongmei has acted in more than 20 dramas and more than 50 plays. Most of the time, she plays a supporting role and is not very famous.

When encountering a good script, Yongmei worked hard, no matter what the result was, she focused on playing every role well.

Not long after being named in Berlin, when asked how she was going to show her talents, Yongmei said:

"I'm not an actor with special ambitions, if you are too ambitious, you will become very tired and impetuous, I don't like that, let's just be at ease."

In this life, half of it depends on struggle, and half of it depends on fate.

As Romain Rolland said:

"There is only one kind of heroism in the world, that is, to love life after recognizing the truth of life."

Only by accepting the appearance of regrets and reconciling with oneself can we embrace the happiness of the moment.

Walking in the world, if you want to be fast, you can't reach it, and the pace is not hurried.

Being as comfortable as a cloud, as free and easy as flowing water, is the attitude that life should have.

Don't arrange life too much, don't design life too crowded.

When the tension is too tight, take the initiative to loosen it.

Leave half of the leeway in life, so that you can turn around calmly when you hit a dead end.

Many years ago, when Su Dongpo was betrayed by his friends and fell into a desperate situation in his life several times, he wrote abruptly:

"The world is a big dream, and life is a few cool autumns."

Life is actually like a game, you lose if you see it too clearly.

The state of the world and human feelings, just see it clearly, no need to debunk it; Origin and extinction, just look down, don't force it.

Only by cultivating one's nature when encountering things, cultivating one's mind when encountering others, and living one's life comfortably and calmly, can one live this life in vain.