
The bankruptcy trio of middle-aged people is dangerous if they account for two

author:Art Scene
The bankruptcy trio of middle-aged people is dangerous if they account for two

Author: Insight Eleven

An investor once said:

"Middle-aged people are always the closest group to bankruptcy."

Middle-aged, old and young, this is a stage that maintains a weak balance.

An accident, a serious illness, a job change...... are enough to make a middle-aged person fall back into poverty overnight.

Therefore, the road to middle age must be cautious.

The following three types of bankruptcy behaviors must be vigilant, accounting for two of them is dangerous.


Wealthy spending

There is a sentence in "Times Post": "If a person over-decorates his face, he will drag down his life." ”

Desires can be infinitely inflated, but human wealth is limited.

When your materialistic desires exceed your ability, your hard-earned money will be squeezed out little by little by vanity.

The writer Gan Yi has a cousin, in his forties, who has been working in a factory.

Although the salary is not high, it is more than enough to support the family.

But in the past few years, the cousin's family has not only not improved their lives, but even owed more than 100,000 foreign debts.

It turned out that the cousin was very "generous".

Every time I pay my salary, I call my friends to spend, go to the restaurant for a good meal first, and then go to KTV for a night.

In the compliments, most of the money earned in a month was spent.

Not only that, but the cousin is also very "exquisite".

The ones worn up and down all over the body are all famous brands, and the mobile phones are not the latest ones......

In order to save face, the cousin spent money uncontrollably, and finally became a middle-aged bankrupt.

If you don't have enough financial resources, you dare to align with high-end consumption.

Such a "refined and poor" consumption concept is like an abyss.

In fact, there are too many such people around us:

Commuting to work only by online car-hailing, takeout at noon, Starbucks in the afternoon, fixed consumption of one or two hundred a day, until the child wants to enroll in interest classes but can only swipe credit cards;

Usually bored to shop online, impulsively place an order, to the New Year's holiday want to buy something for the elderly on both sides of the year but have to repeatedly compare prices;

I fell in love with the trip that I said, a plane ticket, go on Saturday, go back on Sunday, check in many cities, but when my relatives had an accident, I couldn't even get the hospitalization fee......

I've heard a saying:

"With an annual salary of hundreds of thousands, millions, you won't save money, and you will still lose to life."

When you reach middle age, you already have a heavy burden, and if you spend money without moderation, once accidents and risks come, it may crush your entire life.

The bankruptcy trio of middle-aged people is dangerous if they account for two


Socialize at a dinner level

I saw a question on Zhihu: "What are the cruel truths in life?" ”

One of the high praises is: "In social interaction between adults, 99% of the effort and investment are useless." ”

Many people will always spend a lot of time maintaining the so-called "circle" and arranging various meals and drinks for their lives.

But in fact, after pushing the cup and changing the lamp, these so-called friends are just lying silently in the WeChat list, and they cannot become your real friends.

And in order to get this relationship, I used the dinner as a social one, emptied my wallet, and dragged down my body, which really outweighed the loss.

The writer Ah He once wrote the story of the old horse.

A few years ago, Lao Ma joined a new company, in order to integrate as soon as possible, he must participate in any dinner.

Some new customers who have just met, he will also have something to do to make an appointment.

In those years, Lao Ma had more than 3 meals almost a week, and each time he had to socialize until late at night, and occasionally he had to drink until the early hours of the morning.

Because of drinking and socializing all year round, Lao Ma once couldn't make ends meet, and the family relationship was also very tense, and he was finally found to have "three highs" and suffered from severe gout.

The old horse, who still has no savings in middle age and is still sick, understands that the previous games are just fake excitement.

When people reach middle age, the biggest sense of security is not the "connection" between pushing cups and changing lamps, but the considerable number in the bank card.

Fail financially and your whole life will collapse.

A female reader once complained to writer Lian Yue that her husband was particularly keen on socializing.

The salary paid every month is basically used for social interaction.

If the wife blocks it, the two will have a violent argument, because in the husband's opinion, the party is to broaden the network.

But a few years have passed, and my husband's ability has not grown, and he has not been able to save money, and he is still eating his old book.

Lian Yue said a particularly good sentence at the end:

"Connections are determined by your ability, and people who mix up every day are just making excuses for their lack of ability."

People who really live transparently have quit eating and spent their energy and time on the "blade".

Especially the middle-aged people who bear the trivial family have a clear account in their hearts.

The money spent on education, the insurance invested in medical care, which is not more cost-effective than the empty bustle.

Dinner will not expand your network, boldness cannot be exchanged for righteousness, and face cannot be exchanged for reality.

Spending limited energy and financial resources on more worthwhile things is the real maturity of middle-aged people.

The bankruptcy trio of middle-aged people is dangerous if they account for two


Swing entrepreneurship

Senior Human Resources Manager @Qiaowei told the story of a job seeker.

The applicant, 45 years old, was a senior executive of a small and medium-sized enterprise in Beijing, with an annual salary of about 300,000 yuan.

Because he didn't agree with the leadership concept, he chose to leave in a fit of anger.

After that, he had two entrepreneurial experiences, but both ended in failure.

The first time was to open a convenience store and lose 400,000 yuan.

then opened a hot pot restaurant and lost another 800,000 yuan, losing all the down payment for the house he was going to buy.

started two businesses, and lost almost all the savings of the couple and their parents.

In desperation, he could only devote himself to the workplace again and look for opportunities in small companies.

At present, the position I have invested in has a basic salary of more than 4,000 a month, but I am still PASSED.

Middle-aged unemployment and bankruptcy are definitely a nightmare in every middle-aged person's mind.

Every day when I open my eyes, it is the age when a string of numbers pour into my mind, but the reality is embattled.

It is not easy for ordinary people to make some money, and if they use entrepreneurship as an excuse for not being willing to be mediocre, life can only continue to slide into the abyss.

Coincidentally, an anonymous Zhihu netizen also had a similar experience:

He is in his early forties this year, and when he was young, he entered a major Internet company with the halo of a famous school.

Because I couldn't stand the culture of working overtime day and night, I resigned.

At that time, it coincided with the boom of the "stall economy", and he felt that the time of setting up a stall was free and the income was good.

So with the family's remaining savings, he set up a noodle paste stall near the vegetable market.

Unexpectedly, in less than three months, the small stall was hung on Xianyu, and tens of thousands of debts were paid.

It turned out that he started with an impulse, and he had never inspected the market at all.

After a period of hard work, most of the time and money were spent, and in the end, I had to return home.

The world is very cruel, and it is even more unceremonious to middle-aged people.

Quitting your job to start a business means being slapped to zero.

The status and resources that were once in the work will gradually collapse and fracture;

The unpaid car loans and housing loans are deep pits to be filled;

There are old and young, and in addition to the joy of family, there is also a lot of burden in life......

In this moment, everything will become more real.

Those who are happy and happy will suddenly collapse due to lack of money.

We are all ordinary people, and no one dares to cut off our income easily.

If you don't agree with each other, you will quit and start a business, in fact, it is no different from putting it on the.

On the contrary, being stable at work and not starting a business easily is the most conscious of middle-aged people.

Middle-aged is the age when you can't afford to lose, and every step is like walking on thin ice.

I am afraid of slipping under my feet, and I am afraid of stepping on the thunder buried by fate.

Only by repairing one's own body, controlling consumption, streamlining social interactions, and operating with heart can we find a breakthrough in life.

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