
Different customs of Christmas in various countries


A new week has begun, is the charge full? Live seriously and work happily. Christmas is getting closer and closer, Xiaobian is introducing the Christmas customs of different countries for everyone, if someone asks you such a question, and you happen to have read this article of Xiaobian, you are full of light.

In Chile, the country celebrates Christmas with a cold drink of "monkey tail". This drink is made with coffee, milk, eggs, wine and fermented grapes. No one knows why this drink is called "Monkey Tail".

Different customs of Christmas in various countries

In Norway, on Christmas Eve, every household member is lined up in a row from largest to smallest before going to bed. Norwegians believe that by doing so, the family can achieve harmony and tranquility in the coming year. The next morning, the family sang their favorite Christmas songs to each other.

In Scotland, everything borrowed from the home is returned to the Owner before Christmas. Gifts are given to children and servants during the first week of the New Year.

In Australia, a woman of marriageable age pours molten tin into cold water at Christmas and looks at its shape to predict the appearance of her future husband, tall, fat and thin.

Different customs of Christmas in various countries

In China, we will put up Christmas trees with colorful balls and lights, and friends will send each other peace fruits on Christmas Eve, that is, Christmas Eve, representing the blessings of peace and security. At Christmas, the playgrounds will be filled with elk headdresses, marshmallows, and Christmas songs, and the atmosphere is the most important.

Japan, although Japan is not a Christian country, but the custom of Christmas in post-war Japan is very popular. One of the reasons is related to the promotions of major merchants. Some department stores decorate with Christmas trees and arrange snow scenes in the store to increase the atmosphere of silver Christmas.

On Christmas Day, in Morocco, Africa, a royal family that does not usually meet with commoners, the princess will hand out gifts to poor children at a carnival of thousands of children.

Different customs of Christmas in various countries

Christmas, a warm holiday, is full of red and white colors, making people feel warm and festive, infected with the unique joy of the festival

In Colombia, they celebrate Christmas with masquerade balls. Each person wears a mask and tries not to be recognized, and the person who can recognize the most will receive the prize.

Czech Republic: An unmarried Czech girl at Christmas, throwing the peel of a peeled apple behind her back. They thought that by doing so, they could see the first letter of the future husband's surname.

Christmas, all countries celebrate in their own way, with their own various wishes.

Do you have any Christmas wishes?