
Last year's black plum soup, which was popular in the circle, is coming out of version 2.0! Come and see if it's right for you

author:Hangzhou Net

Last summer, the black plum soup tea of Zhejiang Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine went out of the circle. This traditional Chinese medicine tea drink, which only costs 1.34 yuan per post, has attracted many young people, and even once caused the server of the network hospital of Zhejiang Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine to be crowded, and engineers rushed to repair it overnight. Recently, the reporter learned from Zhejiang Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine that this year's Internet celebrity black plum soup has a 2.0 version and will be launched on May 21.

Last year's black plum soup, which was popular in the circle, is coming out of version 2.0! Come and see if it's right for you

What is the difference between Ume Soup 2.0 and last year's recipe?

Wumei soup comes from the famous Ming Dynasty physician Fang Xian's "Miraculous Prescription", which has the effect of quenching thirst and appetizing qi, and the composition is 10g of black plum, 5 hawthorn, 6g of tangerine peel and 5g of licorice. Wumei soup is different from the sour plum soup that we usually like to drink in summer, it is not a drink, but a traditional Chinese medicine substitute tea.

Xia Yongliang, chief TCM physician of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Zhejiang Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, is the maker of Wumei Tang version 2.0. He said that Wumei Soup 2.0 is also known as Wumei Lotus Leaf Drink. He retained the original recipe of black plum, licorice, and hawthorn, and added medicinal materials such as lotus leaf and salvia. The combination of black plum and licorice can play the role of sourness, sweetness and yin, which can replenish fluid, nourish yin and nourish blood, and is most suitable for drinking in summer. Hawthorn plays a role in strengthening the stomach and eliminating appetite, which can improve the condition of poor appetite in hot weather. Lotus leaf fat removal and salvia miltiorrhiza can improve phlegm, dampness and phlegm stasis caused by dampness and heat in summer, and have the effect of reducing phlegm and turbidity, invigorating blood and removing blood stasis.

Therefore, the 2.0 version of Wumei Lotus Leaf Drink not only has the effect of relieving heat and dampness, but also has the effect of lowering lipids and losing weight, especially suitable for people with hyperlipidemia and obesity.

Last year's black plum soup, which was popular in the circle, is coming out of version 2.0! Come and see if it's right for you

What kind of people are not suitable for black plum lotus leaf drink?

Lin Shengyou, vice president of Zhejiang Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine and a famous Chinese medicine doctor in Zhejiang Province, said that although black plum soup caused crazy robbery, it is not suitable for anyone to drink, if it is damp, the tongue coating is very thick, the bowel movement is not smooth, or there is too much stomach acid, it is not suitable to drink frequently. Director Xia also specifically mentioned that it is not recommended for people with spleen and stomach deficiency to drink, as this recipe has a laxative effect and may cause diarrhea. Diabetic patients and those with severe chronic diseases such as hypertension, heart disease, liver disease, and kidney disease should take medication under the guidance of a physician. Children, women, lactating women, and the elderly and infirm should take the drug under the guidance of a physician.

Last year's black plum soup, which was popular in the circle, is coming out of version 2.0! Come and see if it's right for you

How can I tell if I'm fit to drink?

There will also be a corresponding prompt when placing an order to buy black plum lotus leaf drink at the Internet hospital. You need to fill out a questionnaire before you can buy medicine, and there are some questions on the questionnaire, such as: Is it easy to sweat and thirst in summer, and have a poor appetite? Do you have stomach ulcers or chronic diseases? If the results of the questionnaire indicate that your body is not suitable for taking black plum soup, you will be advised not to buy this tea.


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