
The PPT (45 pages) of the digital village platform construction plan can be downloaded

author:Find a solution

Integrated command center: resource sharing, data analysis and application, command and scheduling

On the basis of the construction of the information platform, with the construction of a unified command and networking linkage working mechanism as the core, the interconnection, coordination, sharing, and intelligent application will be realized, and a comprehensive command system with unified command, centralized control, hierarchical responsibility, and three-level linkage will be formed.

GIS commands a map: quickly, comprehensively and accurately obtain the whole picture of the countryside

It provides information layers such as grids, party organizations, events, comprehensive management, population, buildings, components, and staff, provides spatial query and analysis tools, supports the two-way association operation of the map system and the work management system, and intelligently realizes the integration of information business.

IOT intelligent analysis and early warning: timely warning, timely processing, timely tracking

Real-time pop-up warning of abnormal situations and key events, the command center can be verified online, command and dispatch, process feedback, track and solve, and realize online trace management of events and closed-loop management of the whole process.

Big data panorama analysis: one-click global decision-making analysis

Gather all the data in the jurisdiction, break the information "data island" of all levels and units, realize data integration, and give full play to the maximum value of data resources.

- Key query big data, comprehensive analysis of community information, relying on data, to achieve scientific decision-making.

Grid evaluation: daily points + key work + leadership evaluation

A set of reasonable scientific management mechanism, not only to examine the daily performance of grid members and party members, but also to consider the completion of key work and the evaluation of leaders, we can automatically establish a result assessment and summary system according to the existing performance appraisal system, and adopt the method of integral system management and key work evaluation to realize the digital evaluation of grid and party members, so that the annual goals can be seen at a glance and the scoring criteria are clear, so as to effectively achieve the "sunshine" assessment.

Improvement of human settlements: building beautiful villages

Grid personnel patrol, patrol track visualization, found indiscriminate stacking incidents reported to the command center; The command center receives the incident and dispatches it to the cadres and village cadres of Bao Village, organizes on-site cleanup, and remotely commands and dispatches; The results of the clean-up are fed back to the village leaders; The whole process of human settlements remediation work is systematically recorded, and the work ledger is generated in real time.

Smart Public Toilets: Solidly promote the revolution of rural toilets

Through visual comprehensive supervision and other means, a smart public toilet platform is built to coordinate the management of toilets in the jurisdiction. Real-time display of public toilet layout and toilet stalls

Information on occupancy, toilet temperature, humidity, air quality, etc., to promote the rural toilet revolution.

Smart Village: Create a smart, safe, and well-lived village where people live and work in peace and contentment

The centralized AI management platform supports unified access to more than 20 types of hardware in 10 categories, and fully supports intelligent management.

The PPT (45 pages) of the digital village platform construction plan can be downloaded
The PPT (45 pages) of the digital village platform construction plan can be downloaded
The PPT (45 pages) of the digital village platform construction plan can be downloaded
The PPT (45 pages) of the digital village platform construction plan can be downloaded
The PPT (45 pages) of the digital village platform construction plan can be downloaded
The PPT (45 pages) of the digital village platform construction plan can be downloaded
The PPT (45 pages) of the digital village platform construction plan can be downloaded
The PPT (45 pages) of the digital village platform construction plan can be downloaded
The PPT (45 pages) of the digital village platform construction plan can be downloaded
The PPT (45 pages) of the digital village platform construction plan can be downloaded
The PPT (45 pages) of the digital village platform construction plan can be downloaded
The PPT (45 pages) of the digital village platform construction plan can be downloaded
The PPT (45 pages) of the digital village platform construction plan can be downloaded
The PPT (45 pages) of the digital village platform construction plan can be downloaded
The PPT (45 pages) of the digital village platform construction plan can be downloaded
The PPT (45 pages) of the digital village platform construction plan can be downloaded
The PPT (45 pages) of the digital village platform construction plan can be downloaded
The PPT (45 pages) of the digital village platform construction plan can be downloaded
The PPT (45 pages) of the digital village platform construction plan can be downloaded
The PPT (45 pages) of the digital village platform construction plan can be downloaded
The PPT (45 pages) of the digital village platform construction plan can be downloaded
The PPT (45 pages) of the digital village platform construction plan can be downloaded
The PPT (45 pages) of the digital village platform construction plan can be downloaded
The PPT (45 pages) of the digital village platform construction plan can be downloaded
The PPT (45 pages) of the digital village platform construction plan can be downloaded
The PPT (45 pages) of the digital village platform construction plan can be downloaded
The PPT (45 pages) of the digital village platform construction plan can be downloaded

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