
There are 5 trees in the living room, and the children and grandchildren can be rich, which five kinds do you refer to? If you don't know, take a look!

author:Sister Rong Flower House

Many people like to grow flowers and trees in the living room, because the location of the living room is very important at home, not only a place to receive guests, but also a place for family gatherings. Raising some flowers and trees can not only beautify the home, but also make the indoor air fresh, so that the family can feel the idyllic life in the natural oxygen bar.

There are 5 trees in the living room, and the children and grandchildren can be rich, which five kinds do you refer to? If you don't know, take a look!

And because there is a saying "there is a tree in the living room, ten families are nine rich", "there is a tree in the living room, the family business is eternal", so many people like to plant trees in the living room. In fact, there is a saying that "if there is a tree in the living room, children and grandchildren can be rich", which five kinds are referred to? If you don't know, you have to take a look!

1. Dracaena tree

Dracaena is also called dragon tree, which belongs to the genus Dracaena in the family Asparaceae. Its branches are straight, the leaves are green and shiny, and the whole gives people a simple and majestic feeling. Its leaves grow quickly and hang down long, like a person's long hair, giving it a graceful posture.

The dragon's blood tree is one of the longest-lived tree species, and the flower language means to prolong life and protect future generations. It is very suitable for planting in living rooms, courtyards and other places, which can give people a noble atmosphere, elegant and calm feeling. Keeping one at home can be used as a family heirloom.

There are 5 trees in the living room, and the children and grandchildren can be rich, which five kinds do you refer to? If you don't know, take a look!

Dracaena maintenance tips

Placement: Raise dragon's blood tree in the living room, it is recommended to keep it in a bright place indoors, do not have too strong sunlight, and do not shade to prevent yellow leaves or growth.

Fertilization: For seedlings of dracaena, during the growth period, use a thin organic fertilizer once every 15 days or so, such as fermented sesame cake fertilizer water, or fermented rice washing water, which can not only make the soil loose and breathable, but also increase fertility. By September, fertilization needs to be stopped, as the temperature drops and is not conducive to absorption.

There are 5 trees in the living room, and the children and grandchildren can be rich, which five kinds do you refer to? If you don't know, take a look!

II. Monstera

Monstera is a large green leafy plant, its branches are like bamboo, there are many aerial roots on it, intertwined roots, very majestic and magnificent. In addition, the leaves are like the back of a turtle, so the meaning is longevity, auspiciousness, peace and health.

Monstera is very suitable for raising in the living room, especially in a bright place in the living room, do not expose to the sun, because even the winter sun will make the leaves sunburn and yellow. It looks very ugly, not beautiful at all.

There are 5 trees in the living room, and the children and grandchildren can be rich, which five kinds do you refer to? If you don't know, take a look!

Monstera maintenance tips

Watering: Monstera is a tropical rainforest plant that likes to be moist, so when raising Monstera, you must keep the soil moist during the growing season. In addition, it is also necessary to spray water frequently to make the leaves clean, so as to better absorb harmful gases in the room.

Change soil: Monstera likes soil with good air permeability, in such soil, the roots of Monstera will grow very fat, and it will also make the branches and leaves of Monstera grow more luxuriant.

Therefore, it is recommended to use a mixture of peat soil, garden soil, and humus soil for the soil used for Monstera. Fermented organic fertilizers, such as fermented sheep manure, can also be added to the soil. It can not only meet the soil looseness, but also increase fertility.

There are 5 trees in the living room, and the children and grandchildren can be rich, which five kinds do you refer to? If you don't know, take a look!

3. Fortune Tree

The Fortune Tree is also called the Jade Tree Roll, and its leaves are like tubes with open mouths. In spring and autumn, the color of the leaves will be red, and it looks festive and lucky. Because of the name of the Fortune Tree, the Fortune Tree means to attract wealth and enter the treasure, wealth and prosperity.

The Fortune Tree is a very good succulent, and it is also a beautiful bonsai, which is rich and noble to keep in the living room. In addition, its thick leaves can also absorb harmful gases in the room, so as to make the indoor air clean and fresh.

There are 5 trees in the living room, and the children and grandchildren can be rich, which five kinds do you refer to? If you don't know, take a look!

Fortune Tree Maintenance Tips

Pruning: Some flower friends raise a fortune tree, never prune, only let it grow arbitrarily, the result is a messy feeling, no beauty at all. In fact, it still needs to be pruned to raise a wealth tree, such as pruning it to make a high-quality old pile.

Pruning of the fortune tree can be pruned according to the state of growth, first remove the leaves at the bottom, first create the shape of the old pile, and then prune homeopathically, so that the wealth tree can grow more beautiful.

More sun: The fortune tree raised in the living room is recommended to be in a sunny place in the living room, because the wealth tree likes sunlight very much, and only when the sun is sufficient, can it make its branches stand tall and powerful, and the shape is more beautiful.

There are 5 trees in the living room, and the children and grandchildren can be rich, which five kinds do you refer to? If you don't know, take a look!

Fourth, golden branches and jade leaves

Many people like to raise golden branches and jade leaves in the living room, especially after pruning, it will become a noble and elegant old pile, especially with a simple and elegant flower pot, so that the living room has more elegant charm.

In addition, the meaning of golden branches and jade leaves is very good, it is noble, one heart and one mind, husband and wife depend on each other, etc. Only when the family is of one heart and one mind can the family live a better life, because there is an old saying that "home and everything is prosperous".

There are 5 trees in the living room, and the children and grandchildren can be rich, which five kinds do you refer to? If you don't know, take a look!

Tips for the maintenance of golden branches and jade leaves

Styling: The main maintenance skill of golden branches and jade leaves lies in the modeling, because it is a lazy flower, as long as you control your hands, less watering, less fertilization, you can still feed it. It's just that if you want to develop a high-quality old pile, you still need to learn to trim the shape.

The shape of the golden branches and jade leaves can be pruned according to the shape of the golden branches and jade leaves, such as cutting into cliff piles, big tree styles, straight dry and other shapes. The resulting look also needs to be trimmed frequently to be always sophisticated.

There are 5 trees in the living room, and the children and grandchildren can be rich, which five kinds do you refer to? If you don't know, take a look!

Wu, Iron Tree

The iron tree is also a beautiful bonsai plant, and after using a simple flower pot, it gives people an antique charm. And its leaves are like swords, and it looks tough and straight. Together, it is like a long phoenix tail, giving people a graceful and luxurious temperament.

The iron tree is also a very long-lived tree, and its meaning is health and longevity, auspiciousness.

There are 5 trees in the living room, and the children and grandchildren can be rich, which five kinds do you refer to? If you don't know, take a look!

Iron tree maintenance tips

Sunlight: It is said that iron trees like sunlight, but in an environment where the sun is too strong, it is easy to have yellow and dry leaves, which does not look beautiful at all. Therefore, it is recommended to keep an iron tree in the living room in a bright place indoors, or a place where scattered light is scattered.

Put iron nails in the soil: The iron tree is prone to yellow leaves, not only related to sunlight, but also to soil and water, because he prefers slightly acidic soil and water. Therefore, it is recommended to use slightly acidic soil for the soil used for iron trees. Iron nails can also be placed in the soil, which can also play the same role.

There are 5 trees in the living room, and the children and grandchildren can be rich, which five kinds do you refer to? If you don't know, take a look!
