
The 53-year-old uncle's hands were numb, thinking it was anemia, and he died 4 months later

author:Lao Wang's Health Talk
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"Uncle Zhang, your hand numbness may not be caused by anemia." The doctor looked at the test results and said with a frown.

Zhang Fu, 53 years old, is an electrician. During this time, he always felt that his fingers were swollen and painful, and he thought it was a strain injury caused by long-term work. Recently, his hand numbness symptoms have become more and more severe, and he decided to go to the hospital for a check-up. Zhang Fu originally thought it was anemia because he often felt dizzy, fatigued, and slightly short of breath. However, the doctor's words surprised him.

The 53-year-old uncle's hands were numb, thinking it was anemia, and he died 4 months later

"Doctor, isn't it anemia? I always thought it was malnutrition. Zhang Fu asked suspiciously.

The doctor shook his head and explained, "We did a detailed blood test and found that your hemoglobin and iron levels were both within the normal range. In fact, there are many causes of hand numbness, such as nerve compression, diabetes, cervical spondylosis, etc. ”

After Zhang Fu heard this, he was skeptical. The doctor recommended that he do a further neurological examination and imaging tests to see if there were other problems. However, Zhang Fuxin thought that he was usually busy with work and had no major problems with his body, so he did not pay attention to the doctor's advice.

After returning home, Zhang Fu told his wife, Ms. Li, that he was only anemic and that it would be good to eat more blood-replenishing food. So, Ms. Li changed her tricks every day to stew red dates and cook wolfberry porridge for him, hoping to replenish his blood.

However, as a few months passed, Zhang Fu's hand numbness symptoms not only did not improve, but worsened. He began to have weak fingers, could not hold things tightly, and sometimes could not even hold chopsticks steadily. Ms. Li was in a hurry and urged him to go to the hospital for another examination.

The 53-year-old uncle's hands were numb, thinking it was anemia, and he died 4 months later

This time, the doctor said to Zhang Fu with a serious face: "Uncle Zhang, your condition is very serious, and we found that your spinal cord has been compressed, resulting in nerve damage. With imaging tests, we suspect that you may have a cervical spine tumor. ”

Only then did Zhang Fu realize the seriousness of the problem and hurriedly did a detailed examination. Eventually, he was diagnosed with a cervical spine tumor, and the tumor had compressed the nerves, and the situation was very dangerous. Doctors recommend immediate surgery, but surgery is risky because of the location of the tumor.

After hearing this, Zhang Fu felt heavy and regretted: "If I had known this, I should have listened to the doctor's words earlier and had a detailed examination." ”

The operation was difficult, but unfortunately, the tumor had spread, and Zhang Fu did not recover after the operation, and died four months later due to his condition deteriorating. The doctor lamented to Zhang Fu's family: "If it had been detected earlier, the situation might have been different. ”

The 53-year-old uncle's hands were numb, thinking it was anemia, and he died 4 months later

Zhang Fu's family and friends were deeply touched by the tragedy. Everyone is beginning to realize that this seemingly small problem of hand numbness may hide a big problem.

The doctor further explained: "Hand numbness is an early symptom of many diseases, in addition to anemia, it may also be diabetes, cervical spondylosis, stroke, etc. Ignoring these early signals can lead to serious consequences. ”

Through Zhang Fu's story, the doctor hopes that everyone can pay attention to the symptom of hand numbness, seek medical attention in time, and find out the real cause.

First of all, diabetes is one of the common causes of hand numbness.

Long-term high blood sugar can damage nerves, leading to numbness in the hands, feet, and even paresthesia. If blood sugar is not controlled in time, it will further develop into diabetic peripheral nerve lesions.

Secondly, cervical spondylosis is also a common cause of hand numbness.

Problems such as cervical disc herniation and bone hyperplasia can compress nerve roots, resulting in symptoms such as numbness in the hands, weakness in the fingers, and neck and shoulder pain. Conservative treatment such as physiotherapy and traction can alleviate symptoms and avoid aggravation of the disease in the early stage.

The 53-year-old uncle's hands were numb, thinking it was anemia, and he died 4 months later

Thirdly, stroke may also manifest as numbness in the hands.

In particular, if you have sudden numbness and weakness in your hands, dizziness, speech impairment and other symptoms, you should be alert to the possibility of stroke, seek medical attention in time, and have brain imaging examinations.

Fourth, nerve compression syndromes such as carpal tunnel syndrome.

Repetitive use of the wrist for a long time, such as typing and writing, will cause increased pressure in the carpal tunnel, compressing the median nerve, causing numbness and weakness in the fingers. Symptoms can be reduced by changing work habits and wearing a wrist brace.

After listening to the doctor's explanation, Zhang Fu's family and friends said that they should pay attention to the symptom of hand numbness and check it in time to avoid the tragedy from happening again.

However, Zhang Fu's wife, Ms. Li, has another question in her mind: "In addition to hand numbness, what other physical signals need to be paid special attention to, which may indicate serious health problems?" ”

With this question in mind, Ms. Li consulted the doctor again. The doctor answered in detail:

"Ms. Li, in addition to numbness in your hands, the following physical signals also need to be paid special attention."

The 53-year-old uncle's hands were numb, thinking it was anemia, and he died 4 months later

"First of all, chest pain or tightness in the chest. This can be an early sign of heart disease, especially if you have persistent chest pain, cold sweats, or shortness of breath, and you should see a doctor right away to check for heart problems. ”

"Secondly, a sudden, severe headache. This may be a manifestation of a cerebral hemorrhage or a cerebral aneurysm, especially if the headache is severe and should be seen as soon as possible for a brain examination. ”

"Third, unexplained weight loss. If you don't deliberately lose weight, but lose weight quickly, it may be a sign of thyroid disease, diabetes, or even a tumor, and needs to be examined in detail. ”

"Fourth, persistent abdominal pain or blood in the stool. This may be an early sign of digestive diseases such as gastric ulcers, enteritis, and even gastric and colon cancer, and gastrointestinal endoscopy should be performed in time. ”

"Fifth, unexplained fatigue. This may be a manifestation of anemia, thyroid disease, or even chronic diseases such as hepatitis and kidney disease, which require detailed examination to find out the cause. ”

Through these explanations, Ms. Li became more aware of the importance of timely medical treatment and detailed examinations. She decided that from now on, when she was unwell, she must go to the hospital for a check-up in time and no longer take it lightly.

The 53-year-old uncle's hands were numb, thinking it was anemia, and he died 4 months later

Zhang Fu's story spread in the community, and everyone said that they should learn from Zhang Fu's family, pay attention to the early signals of the body, arrange their lives scientifically and reasonably, and protect their physical health.

However, we also need to consider the question: in addition to the above-mentioned preventive measures, what other ways can we better protect our health and prevent diseases?

In order to answer this question, we need to understand some other methods.

First, maintain a healthy lifestyle. This includes eating a balanced diet, exercising moderately, maintaining a good routine, and avoiding overwork and chronic stress.

Second, have regular medical check-ups. Especially for middle-aged and elderly people, it is recommended to have a comprehensive physical examination once a year to detect and deal with potential health problems in a timely manner.

Third, quit smoking and limit alcohol. Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption are extremely harmful to the body, so it is recommended to quit smoking and limit alcohol consumption and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Fourth, pay attention to mental health. Long-term stress and negative emotions can affect the body's immune function and increase the risk of disease. It is recommended to learn to reduce stress and maintain an optimistic and positive attitude.

Through these methods, we can protect our health more comprehensively and keep our bodies in good shape. I hope Zhang Fu's story can give you some inspiration, let us pay attention to health management, arrange life scientifically and reasonably, and protect our bodies.

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