
Braised beef is the most taboo to blanch, don't go directly to the pot, do a good job of "1 pickle and 2 bubbles", especially the flavor does not stuff your teeth

author:Wenqi kitchenette

Braised beef is the most taboo to blanch, don't go directly to the pot, do a good job of "1 pickle and 2 bubbles", especially the flavor does not stuff your teeth

Recently, there have been a lot of beef sellers in the vegetable market, and they are all freshly killed, it looks really fresh, and you can smell the smell of beef from the roadside, and I see many people buying. I asked, the price was even cheaper than the normal price, 35 yuan a catty.

Braised beef is the most taboo to blanch, don't go directly to the pot, do a good job of "1 pickle and 2 bubbles", especially the flavor does not stuff your teeth

This really made me unbearable, and regardless of whether I was greasy or not, I bought 3 catties of beef tendon and came back, ready to make a pot of braised beef to eat. Braised beef, our family loves to eat, we used to go out to buy, 60 yuan a pound is really expensive, often eat must be reluctant.

Braised beef is the most taboo to blanch, don't go directly to the pot, do a good job of "1 pickle and 2 bubbles", especially the flavor does not stuff your teeth

Since I bought the marinade bun and learned to make it at home, I have to eat it several times a month, the sauce is fragrant, and it tastes soft and delicious, which is better than stewed and fried!

However, do you know that braised beef is the most taboo to blanch, and it can't be marinated directly in the pot.

Braised beef is the most taboo to blanch, don't go directly to the pot, do a good job of "1 pickle and 2 bubbles", especially the flavor does not stuff your teeth

【Braised beef】

Used: beef shank, green onions, ginger, Sichuan pepper, bay leaves, cinnamon, star anise, dried chili, cumin, grass fruit, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, rock sugar, cooking wine, soybean paste

1. Prepare a piece of beef tendon meat, if you make braised beef, you must use beef tendon, do not use other parts, remove the fascia after buying, and then wash it with water.

Braised beef is the most taboo to blanch, don't go directly to the pot, do a good job of "1 pickle and 2 bubbles", especially the flavor does not stuff your teeth

2. But don't operate directly, soak the beef tendon meat in water for 1 hour, change the water in the middle, so that the blood, dirt, and fishy smell are all soaked out, and the meat of the beef becomes more tender, which is the first bubble in "1 pickled and 2 bubbles".

Braised beef is the most taboo to blanch, don't go directly to the pot, do a good job of "1 pickle and 2 bubbles", especially the flavor does not stuff your teeth

3. After soaking, rinse several times, then drain the water, then prepare a clean small basin, put the beef tendon in it, and then put 2 tablespoons of soybean paste, 1 tablespoon of light soy sauce, half a spoon of dark soy sauce, fully grasp and mix evenly, cover with plastic wrap, and marinate for more than 6 hours.

Braised beef is the most taboo to blanch, don't go directly to the pot, do a good job of "1 pickle and 2 bubbles", especially the flavor does not stuff your teeth

4. Every 2 hours halfway, you can turn the noodles over to make it pickled more thoroughly and more flavorful, and marinate the beef tendon with seasonings in advance to make it more flavorful, which is 1 pickle in "1 pickle and 2 bubbles". Of course, if you have time, it is better to marinate for 1 night and pour it in the pot the next day.

Braised beef is the most taboo to blanch, don't go directly to the pot, do a good job of "1 pickle and 2 bubbles", especially the flavor does not stuff your teeth

5. Next, pour the green onions, ginger slices, and dried chili peppers into it, and then prepare a marinade packet, put the peppercorns, bay leaves, cinnamon, star anise, cumin, and grass fruits into it, seal the mouth, and pour it into the pot, and then put some cooking wine into the pot and put a few pieces of rock sugar.

Braised beef is the most taboo to blanch, don't go directly to the pot, do a good job of "1 pickle and 2 bubbles", especially the flavor does not stuff your teeth

6. Pour water into the pot below, pour in enough water and start brine, change to low heat after boiling, use low heat for about 1 or 2 hours, then turn off the fire, turn off the fire and let the beef tendon soak in the marinade for a few hours until it cools down. The beef shank is soaked in the marinade, and it can also be added more flavor, which is the second bubble of "1 marinade and 2 bubbles".

Braised beef is the most taboo to blanch, don't go directly to the pot, do a good job of "1 pickle and 2 bubbles", especially the flavor does not stuff your teeth