
Stir-fry the loofah, you can't go directly into the oil pot, do 1 more step in advance, the fresh fragrance does not come out of the water, and the color does not change black

author:Sister Tong's food diary

Stir-fry the loofah, you can't go directly into the oil pot, do 1 more step in advance, the fresh fragrance does not come out of the water, and the color does not change black

The melon here does not only refer to watermelon and melon, but also bitter gourd, loofah, and winter melon, which are also very worthy of our eating. It has a good effect of dispelling dampness, clearing heat and relieving heat, among which I like loofah the most, which is sweet and fragrant.

Stir-fry the loofah, you can't go directly into the oil pot, do 1 more step in advance, the fresh fragrance does not come out of the water, and the color does not change black

The loofah contains a lot of water, sweating a lot in summer, and eating more is very beneficial, and it is also known as "beauty water". In addition, it also has the effects of strengthening the heart, strengthening the brain, moisturizing and whitening, moisturizing the intestines and laxative, etc., whether it is made in soup or fried and eaten, or fried and eaten, the taste is good.

Stir-fry the loofah, you can't go directly into the oil pot, do 1 more step in advance, the fresh fragrance does not come out of the water, and the color does not change black

But many people have doubts when frying loofahs, why is the color black when fried, and there is a lot of water? The reason is that when frying loofahs, you can't go directly to the oil pan, and most people get this wrong.

If you want the loofah to be fragrant and not watery, and it will not be black, you have to do 1 more step before putting it in the oil pan.

Stir-fry the loofah, you can't go directly into the oil pot, do 1 more step in advance, the fresh fragrance does not come out of the water, and the color does not change black

【Stir-fried loofah】

Used: fresh loofah, garlic, dried chili, salt, monosodium glutamate, light soy sauce, cooking oil

1. Prepare a few fresh loofahs, don't eat them if you get old, you can't chew them at all, and the taste is very bad, rinse the loofah, and then start peeling.

Stir-fry the loofah, you can't go directly into the oil pot, do 1 more step in advance, the fresh fragrance does not come out of the water, and the color does not change black

2. After peeling off the skin, rinse it again, then cut it into hob pieces, and by the way, cut the garlic into minced garlic and dried chili peppers into small pieces, and then you can prepare for cooking. First of all, heat the pot, and most people at this time pour oil directly into it.

Stir-fry the loofah, you can't go directly into the oil pot, do 1 more step in advance, the fresh fragrance does not come out of the water, and the color does not change black

3. In fact, it is a wrong practice, the correct way is to heat the pot, pour the loofah directly into it, and start to fry it dry. Stir-fry in this way for a period of time, you can fry the excess water in the loofah, and then go to the oil pan, there will be no water, and it will not be blackened, which is "do 1 more step".

Stir-fry the loofah, you can't go directly into the oil pot, do 1 more step in advance, the fresh fragrance does not come out of the water, and the color does not change black

4. After frying dry, you can put it out first, then pour oil into the pot, pour the oil and heat it to about 6 into the heat, we pour the minced garlic and dried chili peppers into it, and keep stir-frying with a spatula until the fragrance is fried, and then pour the loofah just served into the pot.

Stir-fry the loofah, you can't go directly into the oil pot, do 1 more step in advance, the fresh fragrance does not come out of the water, and the color does not change black

5. Continue to stir-fry for a while until the loofah is fried until it is broken, at this time to season with some salt and monosodium glutamate, and then put a little light soy sauce, not too much, otherwise the color is ugly and easy to affect appetite. After the seasoning is added, continue to stir-fry for a while, and after stir-frying, you can get out of the pot, put it on the plate, and start eating, the fresh fragrance is not greasy, the color is bright and the taste is refreshing.

Stir-fry the loofah, you can't go directly into the oil pot, do 1 more step in advance, the fresh fragrance does not come out of the water, and the color does not change black