
Is milk a "pressurizer" for blood pressure? Can you drink milk for high blood pressure ? Doctor: There are two things to do

author:Lao Ge Health Talk

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"Milk is a 'booster' for blood pressure?" This statement has recently gone viral in the circle of friends, some people say that milk causes high blood pressure, and some people say that drinking milk is to "refuel" blood pressure. But is that really the case?

To answer this question, we have to start with the story of a weekend.

"If your blood pressure is unstable, is it okay to drink milk?" The doctor asked with a frown, looking at the report in his hand.

Is milk a "pressurizer" for blood pressure? Can you drink milk for high blood pressure ? Doctor: There are two things to do

On Saturday morning, Li Ming and a few old friends went fishing, which was his biggest way to relax after a week of work pressure. Li Ming is a creative director of an advertising agency, and he is usually busy with work, and his mind is full of all kinds of wild ideas. However, the weekend didn't seem to be as easy as he had imagined. When he came back from fishing, he felt itchy all over his body, and at first thought he had been bitten by a mosquito, but when he woke up the next morning, the itching not only did not lessen, but intensified.

For the sake of safety, Li Ming hurried to the hospital. After some examination, the doctor found that Li Ming's blood pressure was a little frighteningly high, and blood tests also showed that his sodium and cholesterol levels were abnormally high.

The doctor shook his head while reading the report: "Mr. Li, your blood pressure is not low, do you usually have any bad habits?" ”

Li Ming was stunned for a moment, touched his head and said, "I usually like to drink milk, so I must have a cup in the morning." ”

Is milk a "pressurizer" for blood pressure? Can you drink milk for high blood pressure ? Doctor: There are two things to do

When the doctor heard this, his brow furrowed, and he fell into deep thought. Immediately, he smiled and said, "Milk does have many benefits, but you may be careful in this situation." ”

The doctor went on to explain that milk itself does not directly cause high blood pressure, but that some people may react to certain components of milk, such as lactose intolerance or milk protein allergy. Moreover, the sodium content of milk cannot be ignored, and excessive consumption may indeed have an impact on blood pressure.

"So what should I do?" Li Ming asked anxiously.

The doctor smiled slightly and waved his hand: "Don't worry, you only need to do two things well, and you can continue to enjoy your milk." ”

Is milk a "pressurizer" for blood pressure? Can you drink milk for high blood pressure ? Doctor: There are two things to do

The first thing is to control your milk intake. The doctor explained that drinking milk in moderation is good for the body, but excessive consumption can have negative effects. It is recommended not to consume more than 250 ml per day, and at the same time choose low-fat or skim milk to reduce the intake of saturated fat.

The second thing is to increase your calcium intake. Doctors point out that many people mistakenly think that milk is the only source of calcium, but in fact, foods such as green leafy vegetables, soy products and nuts are also rich in calcium and do not cause the problem of high sodium in milk. In addition, calcium supplementation can also help regulate blood pressure, and studies have shown that insufficient calcium intake can cause blood vessels to constrict, which can raise blood pressure.

Li Ming listened attentively and nodded: "I see, then I have to pay attention to drinking milk in the future." ”

The doctor smiled with satisfaction and continued, "Not only that, but also pay attention to eating a balanced diet and eat more potassium-rich foods, such as bananas, oranges and potatoes, which are good for blood pressure control. ”

Is milk a "pressurizer" for blood pressure? Can you drink milk for high blood pressure ? Doctor: There are two things to do

Subsequently, the doctor told Li Ming a real case. Ms. Zhang is a retired teacher who likes to drink a glass of milk in the morning and evening. Recently, however, she also noticed that her blood pressure was somewhat high, and upon examination, it was found that she was not only lactose intolerant, but also had a slight allergic reaction to cow's milk proteins. Doctors advised her to reduce her milk intake, drink soy milk or eat other calcium-rich foods instead, and increase potassium-rich foods in her diet. After a few months, Ms. Zhang's blood pressure gradually stabilized and her physical condition improved significantly.

After listening to the doctor's explanation, Li Ming felt suddenly enlightened, and he decided to pay more attention to his diet in the future, take nutrition reasonably, and maintain good health.

However, Li Ming still has a question in his mind: why does some people drink milk cause blood pressure to rise, while others don't?

Is milk a "pressurizer" for blood pressure? Can you drink milk for high blood pressure ? Doctor: There are two things to do

The doctor explained that it was related to the individual's constitution and genes. Some people are born with poor metabolism of sodium, and consuming too much sodium can easily lead to an increase in blood pressure. Although there is not much sodium in milk, if the sodium content is high in the daily diet, coupled with drinking milk, it may have an impact on blood pressure. In addition, lactose intolerance and cow's milk protein allergy are also contributing factors to blood pressure fluctuations.

The doctor suggested that Li Ming could do a genetic test to understand his ability to metabolize sodium and how sensitive he is to milk, so as to make a better diet plan.

After returning home, Li Ming began to adjust his diet according to his doctor's advice, consuming a moderate amount of milk every day, increasing his intake of green leafy vegetables and soy products, and began to pay attention to his daily sodium intake. After a few months, his blood pressure gradually returned to normal and his physical condition improved significantly.

Is milk a "pressurizer" for blood pressure? Can you drink milk for high blood pressure ? Doctor: There are two things to do

On this day, Li Ming and his friends went fishing again, and he sighed: "It turns out that healthy eating can really change so much, thanks to the doctor's guidance, I can regain my health." ”

At the end of the story, Li Ming finally understands that health is not only a simple eating habit, but also a scientific and reasonable diet and lifestyle. Through the guidance of the doctor, he found a way to be healthy for himself, enjoying the food and staying healthy.

The question arises: What will be the effect on blood pressure if you eat other high-sodium foods while drinking milk every day?

The doctor answers: If high-sodium foods are consumed at the same time, blood pressure may increase. A diet high in sodium increases the amount of sodium in the body, leading to water retention in the body, increasing blood volume, which in turn raises blood pressure. Research data show a direct association between a diet high in sodium and high blood pressure. Therefore, in addition to controlling milk intake, it is also important to pay attention to the intake of other high-sodium foods in the diet, such as pickles, pickled foods and fast foods, to ensure that the total sodium intake is within a healthy range.

Is milk a "pressurizer" for blood pressure? Can you drink milk for high blood pressure ? Doctor: There are two things to do

By controlling your diet reasonably and combining it with foods that are low in sodium and high in calcium, you can effectively manage your blood pressure and maintain your health. Doctors recommend that everyone should understand their physical condition and adjust their diet according to their own situation in order to achieve the best health results.

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Is milk a "pressurizer" for blood pressure? Can you drink milk for high blood pressure ? Doctor: There are two things to do

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