
The 2-meter giant snake drilled into the car, the owner was frightened and called the police, and the fire department took decisive action

author:Shinoxiao is leisurely entertaining

A giant snake appeared in a roadside car, and the firefighters dealt with it in a timely manner, and the citizens applauded

### 01 A giant snake appeared in a roadside car, and the owner was so frightened that he called the police for help

"Come on, there's a giant snake in my car, who can withstand this!" A citizen called 119 and asked for help from firefighters with a trembling voice. The giant snake appeared inside the hood of a sedan in Wuhan, Hubei Province, which frightened the owner of the car and the surrounding citizens.

Firefighters quickly arrived at the scene and saw a giant snake more than 2 meters long entrenched on the hood, spitting letters from time to time and making a "hissing" sound, the scene was very thrilling. Faced with this emergency, firefighters took immediate action.

### 02 Fire personnel responded urgently, and the owners and citizens applauded

Firefighters first alerted the scene to prevent the danger of curious citizens approaching. Subsequently, they used tools such as snake traps to try to catch the snake, but the snake was so strong that it escaped the snake trap several times.


After many attempts, the firefighters finally succeeded in bringing the giant snake under control. However, because the serpent's body was too strong for the snake trap to hold it in place completely, it still struggled violently on the hood. The car owners and citizens at the scene sweated for the firefighters.

### 03 The firefighters dealt with it decisively and cut the snake in half

To ensure safety, the firefighters made a decisive decision: cut the giant snake in half! This decision surprised both the car owners and the citizens at the scene. Firefighters used a snake catcher to hold the snake's head in place, and one firefighter picked up a prepared knife, aimed it at the snake's body, and slashed it down.

With a "click", the body of the giant snake was cut in half, and the owner of the car and the citizens breathed a sigh of relief. The firefighters then carefully took out the giant snake cut in two from under the hood and put it into the bag prepared in advance, and everyone's hanging hearts were finally put down.

The 2-meter giant snake drilled into the car, the owner was frightened and called the police, and the fire department took decisive action

### 04 The owner recalled the thrilling moment and thanked the firefighters for the timely handling

The owner of the car was still apprehensive in an interview, he said: "When I saw the giant snake appear on the hood, I was stunned, who can withstand this! My first instinct was to call the police for help." He was very grateful to the firefighters for their timely handling, otherwise the consequences would have been unimaginable.

The citizens at the scene also applauded the decisive handling of the firefighters. They said that the giant snake is very scary, and if there is no timely disposal by firefighters, not only the owner's vehicle may be damaged, but the surrounding citizens may also be threatened.

The 2-meter giant snake drilled into the car, the owner was frightened and called the police, and the fire department took decisive action

### 05 Firefighters remind the public to take precautions against snakes in summer

After disposing of the giant snake, the firefighters also reminded the surrounding citizens that the recent hot weather is the season when snakes are active, and everyone must be vigilant and take precautions when outdoors.

The 2-meter giant snake drilled into the car, the owner was frightened and called the police, and the fire department took decisive action

They advised the public to avoid going to areas frequented by snakes as much as possible during outdoor activities, and to wear protective clothing such as long trousers and hiking boots. If you encounter a snake, stay calm, do not disturb it, leave the danger zone as soon as possible, and call 119 for help.

### 06 Citizens are curious about where the snake came from, and firefighters analyze the reason

Citizens at the scene were also curious about how the giant snake, which was more than 2 meters long, appeared inside the hood of this car. Firefighters analyzed that the snake may have been infested near the area where the vehicle was parked, and due to the hot weather, it burrowed into the hood to find a cool place, but unexpectedly brought fright to the owner.

The 2-meter giant snake drilled into the car, the owner was frightened and called the police, and the fire department took decisive action

They reminded car owners that when the vehicle is parked outdoors during the hot summer months, try to choose a cool and ventilated place, and regularly check the hood and chassis of the vehicle to avoid snakes or other animals from getting in.

### 07 Members of the public share their anti-snake tips and effective ways to repel snakes

Regarding how to prevent snakes, the citizens at the scene also shared some tips. Some members of the public have said that sprinkling realgar powder or lime powder at home or in the yard can effectively repel snakes. There are also suggestions from the public that a few chickens or ducks should be kept in the yard, and they will take the initiative to catch snakes and have a certain snake repellent effect.

The 2-meter giant snake drilled into the car, the owner was frightened and called the police, and the fire department took decisive action

In addition, citizens also suggest that when outdoors, you can carry ultrasonic snake repellent and other tools, when encountering snakes, these tools can emit snake-disgusting sounds or frequencies, which has a certain snake repellent effect.

### 08 Firefighters share tips on emergency snake disposal to avoid danger

Firefighters also shared some tips on how to deal with snakes in an emergency. If you encounter a snake outdoors, don't disturb it, stay calm and get out of the danger zone as soon as possible, they said.

If snakes are present in your home or car, you can try to catch them with tools such as snake traps. If you don't have a professional tool, you can find a long stick or iron hook and carefully pick up the snake and place it in a pre-prepared bag or bucket. Remember not to touch snakes directly with your hands to avoid danger.

The 2-meter giant snake drilled into the car, the owner was frightened and called the police, and the fire department took decisive action

### 09 Citizens took a video of the scene, which sparked heated discussions on the Internet

Citizens at the scene took a video of firefighters disposing of the giant snake, which sparked heated discussions on the Internet. Netizens praised the decisive handling of the firefighters and expressed sympathy for the owner's experience.

Some netizens said that summer is indeed the peak period for snake infestation, and everyone must be vigilant and take precautions. Some netizens shared their own snake encounters, reminding everyone to pay attention to safety when outdoors.

A 2-meter-long giant snake appeared in a roadside car, and the firefighters dealt with it decisively, and the owner and the public applauded!